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Everything posted by DeeRay

  1. my bro. showed me his at tgiving. It's one unit about 6 inches high, 1 1/2 thick and about 3 inches wide. He takes it anywhere he wants. there's a antenna on the unit and in the car he snaps it on this suction cup and mounts it in the windshield and plugs the power into the cig lighter accs. He yunes his car radio to fm 87...it has blue tooth to do that. he says he paid about $125 and he paid service for 1 yr. up front... they didn't ofer the one shot lifetime deal. He says it's worth it to him cuz he spends 2-3 hours per day in his car.
  2. A lot of us harp on TD...especially his drafting (me for one). He gave up quite a bit to draft Ryan Denney. He also drafted Justin Bannan. Both of these guys have seen extendo playing time on the D-Line at the positions they were drafted for, but neither has distinguished themself at their respective positions. Now, both of these guys may be switched over to offense in the off season... and wouldn't it be strange if these guys ended up being the answer at TE and LG???
  3. and why would you want to do that? Wouldn't it be cheaper to fly??? You're going to spend $50 on gas (if the vehicle gets 25 mpg) and tolls alone. The car is probably going to cost you at least $65, plus you might get charged a mileage rate... and you're going to spend about 8 hours driving. Unless you're hauling a bunch af freight with you, it would seem to me you ought to be able to get a flight from boston to buffalo for 125-150... maybe I'm wrong.
  4. would this be the same peter king that took cleveland and the points last week?
  5. One suggestion... GROW UP!!!!!!!!!
  6. Although I liked both Wade Phillips and Ted Cotrell, I don't think they were the best... and I'm not sold on Jerry Gray just yet. My vote goes to Tom Catlin
  7. McKinnie is certainly accountable for his performance. Guys that make his kind of $$$ should perform up to that level... but now and then many of these guys need a kick in the arse to get them jump started and truly understand what it means to play in the NFL and be a professional. That said... I gotta believe this guy would perform totally different if the head coach were Tom Coughlin, BIll Cowher, Bill Parcells, or Bill Belichick. It is my perception, based I what I've observed, that Mike Tice runs a loosey goosey kind of ship. Eveyrbody is buddy buddy... but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of discipline or accountability. Randy Moss does what he wants, says what he wants... Culpepper seems to not be a leader... or at least Moss won't let him. Hovan, it appears, has been a problem and it finally took Ted Cotrell to call him out and bench his ass. So, if this is the environment that Mckinnie lives in, hey, it's easy to get caught up in that loosey goosey stuff and follow the lead. You gotta remember... he's only 25 or so. Also, we were all saying many of the same things about Mike Williams. Williams got his kick in the arse when Mularkey demoted him in the preseason. He also gets mentored by one of the best OL coaches in the game and is beginning to perform like the player he was drafted to be. If Mike Williams were with the Vikings, I think he'd probably perform a lot like McKinnie, simply because the enviroment allows it. As you can tell... I'm not a fan of Mike Tice.
  8. What I'm saying is Drew is not the savior oan be all that a lot of folks think he is... quite the opposite. Folks think he's in the same class as Manning, Favre, McNabb, Brady, and Culpepper. He's not, and he's somewhere in the bottom third of the NFL. He's not a consistent big play maker or a leader that can fire up the troops when things are down... I'd much prefer a QB like Jake Delhomme or Brady... QBs that can fire their guys up and find a way to win. Drew will nevver be that guy.
  9. Bills have a great D... I think we'll all agree on that. Do we have a playoff offense??? Hard to tell... and maybe the answer is "no". But, if you have a "big time" QB, that QB will rise to the occaision in a "big game". Bledsoe hasn't answered that call as a Bill... in fact, he's done just the opposite in every big game the Bills have had. So, I don't have any confidence or faith that the trend will change this week. My only hope is that he just doesn't hurt the team by making stupid decisions and just doing the typical stupid things that he does. The Bills are going to be cranked this week. Besides Takeo, Krumrie and Whyche are going back to a City they're intimate with. All we can ask is the Bills play their best and hope that it's enough.
  10. 1) I know considerably more about the game than you do. 2) Gezzus Khrist... did I not mention "weather"??? you can't even read and your trying to rip my knowledge of the game? Who the hell are you?, Beano Cook???
  11. Would this be the same defense that 3-10 Miami lit up for 400 yards last week??? Let's not get over exhuberant about this defense. Yesterday they played possibly the worst team in football at home. A team that is decemated on both sides of the ball with injuries, an interim head coach, and a rookie QB... the Bills should beat them by 3 or 4 touchdowns. I don't have a warm and fuzzy about this team going into Cincy. And in no way can they be compared to Seattle or St. Louis... Everyone had been beating up on those two teams in the last month... especially with the injuries they've had. So, if the only thing we can hang our hat on is that we beat two 6-7 teams, then we're really in sad shape. The only winning team we've managed to beat is the Jets. Bottom line... Big time QBs shine in Big time games... Are you gonna bet your farm that Bledsoe steps up? I aint.
  12. FIrst... great win yesterday. Even though I'm the #1 dump Bledsoe poster, I'm not going to chastise him and his performance yesterday...I'll give Drew a free pass because of the weather (since it is the season for charity). TIme to put this "W" behind us and now... onto next week vs. Cincy. 1) Do the wheels come off this week??? 2) If Kitna QBs Cincy, wouldn't that make the Bengals more dangerous? 3) Bledsoe has demonstrated a knack for performing at his absolute worst in Big games. Well, this game against Cincy is huge (as Billy Fucillo would say). Will Drew reverse this trend, and if he doesn't, can the Bills win this game? My money says Drew folds like a cheap wallet again... so we'll see. Games are all big at this point, but the Bills haven't faced a team as good as the Bengals since they took a November 14th B word slapping from the Patriots in front of the whole world. This is the game that will separate the Bills from contender or pretender.
  13. And you have a financial planning business... wow, that business must ooze class. Sign me up. Actaully, your response is on par with a5th grader on steroids. I hope you don't have kids.
  14. me too... only my feeling is that your world is going to come crashing down, if not this week, then next week. Bills had a tough time with a piss poor Miami team. Cleveland is just as bad... but the bills haven't faced a team as good as Cincy since they got B word slapped by the Ravens and Patriots.
  15. time to move on... it was not ruled a td and the bills lost. If you're gonna bring this up, let's go back to New England about 6 or 7 years ago, the famous "just give it te em" game. wooda, cooda, shooda.... but didn't... end of story
  16. laptop dances also create heat in the scrotum... better push em off and hold onto those dollar bills
  17. Ah yes...but I grew up near Lake George. When I lived in Geneve in the 70's I grabbed the CE in the morning though... I liked it.
  18. yawn... this is old... and melo alreay splained he had nothin to do with it... he was in the neighborhood where he grew up and lived and there was a dude with camcorder and som bs goin on in the background. melo can get in trouble without much help... he gets a free pass on this... apparently the media doesn't have enough to do.
  19. Ah, the good ole days when we... * actually had to fill up both sides of the kitchen sink and actually had to put our hands in the water. * had to actually get up, walk over to the TV to change the chanel (couldn't decide which of the 3 chanels to watch, * actually had to walk to school * wore canvas sneakers, not cuz they were cool, but cuz that's all there wuz. * a monopoly game could last a week * you only had to dial 5 numbers on the phone to make a call and an operator dialed your long distance calls for you... now that's service. * you actually shoveled the snow. * a McDonald's Burger Fries and a coke cost 45 cents and there was no tax. * a gallon of gas was 25 cents and the attendant pumped your gas, washed your windshield, and checked your oil. * You could trust your car to the man who wears the star. * a ticket to a Bills game cost 5 bucks and you could bring a six pack of beer and picnic lunch in without being hasseled. (of course when you had to take a piss you'dhave to piss under your seat because the rock, i think only had two restrooms. * bottled milk and the morning paper would be delivered right to your front porch. * you ran an interest free tab at the corner store. anyone else miss those days?
  20. geezuz... when you mentioned weekend scenario i thought it was just another one of your dating dilemnas. it's crunch time in the NFL ... you can't be wasting that kind of time and money on women right now.
  21. Announce that J.P. Losman will start at QB. Hey... don't shoot the messenger. I'm just givin the crew at OBD a little marketing help here for this week's game. Those 4,500 tix are browns fans that don't want to waste their time and money on that pathetic team. So 4,500 bills fans need a reason to show up and watch the browns.
  22. Dude... His QB rating is like less than 77... if he had 7 or 8 good games, then the bills should have 7 or 8 wins. His 77 rating actually make him better than he really is... I mean... it doesn't take into account how piss poor decesions he made like tossing 3 yard completions when he's got wide open receivers 20 yards downfield, and holding the ball too long and taking sacks, and his like 0-20 success rate in the redzone over the first 4 or 5 games. I'm tellin ya... just when the bills begin to see the light and turn the corner... Drew is going to plunge that dagger in your heart... I can best describe him as an "airball at the buzzer". Close, but close don't win games.
  23. Coach.... 1) Tom Jackson is right about 30% of the time... he's only accountable to show and spew his BS... he's like a weather man... he's not paid to be right and he, like the weather man is never "called" on his predictions. I guess he entertains you though. 2) Parody is something else... I think you meant "parity" Anyways... I guess what you took from Tom's statement is the the Bills are going to get their asses kicked against the Browns this week and then turn around and kick the Steelers ass in a few weeks.
  24. WTF? WTF are you saying? I know you're Canadian, but I ain't cutting you any slack on this one.
  25. wins is "good" but sometimes folks have these fantasies... which is OK, but just don't dare to suggest "reality" to those folks. Yeah, I'm satisfied that the Bills have won three in a row, and I think they've turned the corner, but they still have a long road to hoe. The fantasy folks take these last 3 wins as their playoff ticket. These are the same people that forget the New England game and the same folks that are dilusional over Drew... he has 25 bad games, then when he has 3 better than average games and a real good one, nothing else matters to them but those 4 games. They still ignore the fact that the Bills offensive options are few with Bledsoe at the controls and every opponent has zeroed in on his game (or lack thereof). As a team, I think they're coming together, but I don't think they're going to make the playoffs. They still have to win this week, then they have a huge test in Cincy, in the road in SF against a tough defense, and then the Steelers at home. I don't see them winning out... best case scenario 3-1 over the last 4...and that shuts the door on the post season.
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