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Everything posted by DeeRay

  1. YES... do you really not see the difference??? Drew is a finished and "diminished" commodity. The other is a "work in progress". 9-7 is as good as it gets with Bledsoe. You can play Bledsoe again next year, but I guarantee you'll get what you got. You can do that, but at what point does the "coddling" of JP stop and you play him. Start JP next season and the best you can hope for is 9-7. But after a season under his belt, things begin to get progressively better... they won't with Drew... they'll get progressively worse. As for the rest of the team... TD invested the #1 pix on offense the last 3 years... he better pay attention to the defense this time around... Sam and Pat are aging even if they re-sign Pat... Bannon and Edwards have done nothing to prove they're ready to step up. Kelsay and Schobel are average. The LB cast is one LB short of a good starter... Posey is average... maybe below average. We need a real free safety... Vincent might be able to cover, but the Bills need a safety that will lay a receiver out and one that will come up and spank a runner... Vincent won't do either. Also, need another corner... cuz TD aint going to pay Clements top CB money after next season. This #2 defense is baloney... The Jets were the best team the Bills beat. This defense couldn't hold up against the Pats and got shredded by the Steelers 2nd and 3rd stringers. This defense didn't have to face the Colts or the Chiefs either. 9-7...yeah, OK... the Bills should be a better team next year... but I have a hard time seeing them having a better record.
  2. This is not a lights out running game. You must be able to throw the ball consistently down the field in the NFL or defenses will put 8-11 defensers up to stop the run (see Atlanta and their #1 run offense against a stacked Philly defense) JP can make plays with his legs... but he must be able to resist the temptation to do so many times and get the ball downfield... once he commands the respect from a defense, teams facing the Bills will have to choose their poison... McGahee or Evans...One is a slow death... the other a lot quicker.
  3. You're kidding, right??? If Bledose had the play book memorized so well, he would know all of the options, the progression, and when to throw. JP has to know it better than Bledsoe... and he sure as hell has to execute better than Bledsoe.
  4. dude... you're always going to get the pissers ands moaners. Live with it and ignore it. JP is going to have a learning curve. The best thing he can do to deflect some of that BS is to take the team on his shoulders...once he does that, the guys around him will defend him, play lights out for him, and tell the press and pissers and moaners to go to hell.
  5. Yeah... that worked real well with RJ. What he needs to do is start working with not only the coaches and the weight room... what he needs to do is show some brass balls, step up and be a leader... start calling his receivers and schedule workouts with them... and bond with them... get a synergy going... shoot hoops together (that's one way Flutie & Moulds were a good combo...because Flutie understood Eric's ability and athleticism.
  6. the basic question should be do we go with production over bull sh--? ps... kendrell bell is not even worthy enough to be mentioned in the same sentence as London Fletcher (oops... i did it anyway) London has had some stupid penalties at inopportune times, but this guy is a leader, a ST standout, a playmaker, covers backs, TEs, WRs..... why would you even consider replacing him with kendrell bell? In fact, in terms of the number of plays he's on the field and the number of plays he makes calculated with his salary, and there's only two names that can be mentioned along side his as a possible replacement... that would be Ray Lewis or Teddy Bruschi.... and please, name me a MLB that has played and started every game for his team over the past 3 seasons (not those two).... I can't think of any... at least not of Fletcher's quality. Fletcher = Value, PLUS!!!
  7. you can watch a DVD on an HDTV. However, it is in it's native and standard definition... not high definition... so, the only difference you'll notice on an HDTV is that movies that were done in 16X9 (widescreen format) will be viewed without the black bands on the top/bottom of the screen. The HD DVDs stilll have issues in regards to the copyrights. Hollywood wants extra protection to ensure that they can't be copied in HD... only standard definition. There are a lot of folks that don't want to see that happen, so the issue isn't over yet in that regard... and until it gets resolved, don't expexct to see HD dvds ou there.
  8. You are assuming that JH will be cut... I just don't see that happening. I think the rumors out there are just plain unfounded. Remember, JH was lighting things up when he had both Charlie Rogers and Roy Williams.... plus having to work with a rookie RB in Kevin Jones. So, no way do I see Detroit cutting him. However, I do see this season as a make or break year for him. Even if Harrington were to be cut... he would have a lot of suitors and would not come cheap. So IMO... "NO" I would not like to see JH as the Bills backup.
  9. Here's a crazy thought. I did a quick study on who's out there and who has 5 or so years of decent experience and some degree of success... also someone who'd come at a reasonable price... so, I spun the wheel and out comes this name... Todd Bouman. Anyone care to weigh in?
  10. this must be one of Josh's game jerseys that he gave to Travis... and now, with Travis moving to a different venue, he's selling his "stuff".... memorabelia included.
  11. You won't find too many fans that think Drew is not a good guy. He's fantastic human being and has done a hell of lot for the communities he's lived in. When he takes his last breath on earth, he can definitely say that what he's done as a human being has made the world a little better place than when he came into it, and I'm sure there are a few folks lives that he made a difference in. But... he's still a bad QB. I just love him to death if he's my next door neighbor. But I don't want him to QB my beloved Bills. He can QB in our neighborhood pickup games though.
  12. Yes!! Why? Because the Bills offense constantly faced defensive fronts of 8 and 9 men made it almost impossible for a back that hits the hole quickly like Henry to succeed. Bledsoe was/is incapable of getting defenses out of those fronts by burning them with the pass... not because he's slow footed or immobile, but because he has a slow thought process and slow reactions. He also seems to be low on the scale of other NFL QBs in terms of pocket presence. He just doesn't seem be be able to comprehend or sense pressure, where the pressure is coming from, and soemtimes what to do if he does know those two. McGahee was effective for several reasons... 1) he's more of a "wait for your blocks to develop and then pick your hole" type of runner than a "quick, hit the hole" back like Henry. 2) he's bigger more powerful than Henry so he could get an extra yard or so after initial contact. 3) he had better speed to the outside than Henry... so defenses had to respect that. 4) he was a better blocker on blitzes than Henry and a bigger target as apass receiver. So... How does JP figure into this? 1st off... JP has escapability, as we witnessed in the preseason, and even in some of the games he played during the season. So, defenses would have to contend with him getting outside the pocket. Also, personally, I've never seen a QB that sets up in the pocket as quickly as JP. So, if 8 and 9 defenders came up to stop the run, I believe JP would have burned the defense a lot more than Bledsoe, and enough so that they would have had to back out of those stacked fronts. No one can say for sure whether or not JP might have had more ints than Bledsoe or not... but I do beleive the Bills TD percentage in the RED ZONE with JP at QB would have been significantly improved over their TD percentage with Bledsoe at QB. I also think that with Clements, Wyche, and Mularkey in house that they would give JP a much different gameplan than they would Bledsoe. I think you'd see moving pocket right/left and rollouts to either side with JP... something you can't do with Bledsoe. All this diversity in the offense would have made Travis more effective than he was... He's definitely capable of having a 1600-1800 yard season if he plays against normal defenses.
  13. OK Brandon... please let me know which 20 teams Schobel would start for. He's a RDE. I can only come up with Cleveland, KC, SD, Denver, & Jax in the AFC. In the NFC, Niners, Seattle, Rams. That ain't even a third. So, who are the rest? and remember... there are a few teams that had a starting RDE or two on their IR. Schobel is an average DE at best.... I can't think of any LTs thatlose sleep knowing they're going to have to face him.
  14. NOT!! I defy anyone to find a better O line in football than the Chiefs have.
  15. certainly he's "earned" something... but, realistically what we have here with Jonas Jennings is a left tackle that ranks somwhere between 18-26 at his position based on performance. Then, factor in that he has never played a full NFL season due to injuries and in no-way, shape, or form is he deserving of a $5M/yr. salary and a $10M bonus. If I'm going to lay out that kind of $$$ for a LT, he's going to be deserving of top 10 ranking. Now, Orlando Pace, Walter Jones, Jon Ogden, Willy Roaf, Trezell Jenkins, etc. are worth it. Jonas isn't in that fraternity.
  16. absolutely... Whether or not the Bills want to admit it or not, the offense was "dumbed down because of Bledsoe's limitations... not because the o line couldn't protect him. I know of no O-line on the planet that can protect Bledsoe. Granted, the O line has some problems... OK, but let's be honest here, if Peyton Manning, Michael Vick, or Donavan McNabb were standing behind center, no one would be bitching about the poor job that the offensive line was doing... same group of O-linemen, different QB and different results. So, keeping the same dumbed down offense and inserting JP into the lineup will make a difference. The stupid sacks and holding penalties that Bledsoe causes by not getting rid of the ball on time causes the offense to constantly be in long yardage situations and will be reduced with JP in there because he can make plays with his legs. The interception issue between JP in Bledsoe will probably be about the same because of JP's inexperience. JP's not used to facing NFL defenses, but then again, NFL defenses haven't faced him, so they really don't have a "book" on him either.
  17. To me it's simple.... if you re-sign Jonas, you're going to automatically pay for an everage LT that hasn't played a full NFL season to date. If you re-sign Pat Williams, you're going to get what you got as well... and that is a borderline all-pro that is effective and plays damn near every down. Also, if you do not re-sign Pat Williams, you effectively reduce Sam Adams effectiveness, because for Sam to be effective, he must play next to a damn good DT, ie Williams (and when Sam was in Baltimore... Siragusa) and Edwards, although he had a good season, showed me no indication that he is close to the level and consistency that Pat Williams plays at. It's a big gamble to assume that you can plug Edwards into Pat's spot and not miss a beat or be somewhat better off. So, it's simple to me... re-sign Pat for less than we'd pay to keep Jonas and in the process have money leftover to be somewhat of a player in the free agency market.
  18. T Bone... normally you seem sane. But I've got to wonder if you just didn't have a moment of temporay insanity. There ain't a team or GM on the planet that I know of that would give up a number one for those two, let alone the salary albatross (at least in Bledsoe's case) that it would bring the team cutting that deal. Even Parcells ain't that stupid. The Best we can hope for is a 3rd rounder for Henry... and that's only if the Bills don't include Bledsoe in the deal.... If Bledsoe has to be part of that deal, then we're talking a 7th rounder just to take Bledsoe off of the Bills hands. Everyone knows that by the Bills simply dumping Bledsoe and doing nothing else, it ends up being addition by subtraction.
  19. Suffice to say that with Bledsoe under center, the Bills offense is essentially a "finished" product. Although the offense has a ton of room for improvement, well, you've seen the offense as good as it gets here with Bledsoe. It's too bad too, because you have a defense and punter that are outstanding. A special teams unit that is outstanding in coverage and in returns, but a placekicker that sucks hind tit and a QB that is likewise.
  20. This game will highlight the contrast in the two teams. The thing about the Colts is that they are a a well oiled "finesse" team that depend a hell of a lot on precision. Playing in a dome takes the weather factor out of the game and because of that they can always be precise. Sunday, in New England, the weather conditions are going to be a factor for the Colts and their well oiled and precise machine. Add to that the natural turf being a slower and unfamiliar field to them... plus the crowd component, the "Blechick and two weeks to prepare" factor....and I really don't think the Colts are going to win this one. New England always seems to keep themselves in a position to win games. I think that trend will continue this weekend.
  21. The thing about college kickers is they're always kicking from a tee. They don't usually have too tough of an adjustment to make kicking from an artificial surface. Where they have the problem is kicking on a grass surface. So, before you draft a kicker higher than Round 3, you better damn well do your homework and work him out real good... cuz once you draft him in round 1 or 2, you're gonna own that superstar or bust for a few years. There's no question in my mind that Lindell is a journeyman/fill in type kicker at best and has to get cut. How he gets a regular gig on any NFL team, let alone the fat contract he has, is a mystery. If the bills do cut him however, I don't think it will be before June 1... and he may even go to camp... but I seriously doubt he'll be with the team on opening day next season.
  22. They lost Winfield & Brown to free agency but replaced them with Vincent and Villarial. I don't recall if we lost any other free agents? Anybody care to clarify?
  23. it's way too early to make assumptions. With the crop of free agent RBs out there... James, Alexander, Bennett, Jordan, etc. plus the RB crop (at least 3 in the top 15) coming into the draft... plus Clarrett out there (and yes... watch the raiders or fins jump on him) and the only assumption, or the best anyone can hope for in Henry's case is that the Bills get a mid 3rd rounder for him. As far as who the Bills draft.... you can bank on an offensive lineman being drafted regardless of whether or not Jennings is resigned, but if Pat Williams does not get re-signed, unless the Bills re-stock that void adequately in free agency, they're are in big trouble in the middle, because Edwards, Anderson, and Bannan have not shown that they can step in and play up to Pat's level... and no-way Sam Adams will be even close to as effective as he was this season without a Pat Williams calibre compadre playing along side him. So... until mid to late March when most of the free agency dust settles, it's futile to speculate on who/what position the Bills might select in the early rounds.
  24. I take what Donablow says with a grain of talc. He is the master of spin. The one comment that really pissed me off though was... "We have just scratched the surface of what we're going to do here," Donahoe said. I mean, WTF??? You should have scrathed the surface two years ago after gutting the team. After 4 full seasons the Bills should be damn near the core, not just scratching the surface.
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