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Everything posted by DeeRay

  1. and the knicks suck too.
  2. geezuz god... someone needs a life.
  3. one of three things... you are either on acid, being facetious, or just outright insane to make a statment like that. which is it?
  4. What is top value for a RB that is noted for fumbling, missing blitz pickups, fondling 15 year old girls, and shooting his mouth off. Not to mention his request for a long term contract and a huge signing bonus? So tell me, are you an NFL GM? Which NFL GM are you? and what will give Tom Donahe for Travis' service? My thought... Travis will be traded before the trading deadline next october for a conditional 6th round draft choice.
  5. SO CAL.. WTF?? All I'm bringing is the truth... there's no conspiracy. Ralph has taken inventory and completed his introspection. His done as well as he can here and there is no point in playing games with the salary cap to field a SB team... No one sells or buys a SB team. A new owner wants to buy a team at a reasonable price and then take advantage of PSL revenue, Luxury Suite revenue, the potential to own or have a stadium funded, naming rights to a stadium, etc. all of the revenue streams that a new owner won't have to share with the other owners. Revenue streams that aren't and will never be in NYS... those are just the facts. Burt not to worry SoCal... the new owner could relocate to your neck of the woods (LA, Sacremento) and you could be a lucky season ticket holder. I can just visualize that stadium. Domed, adorned with 10,000 luxury suits, 20, 000 general seats for those who can only afford to pay $20K for a PSL and antoher $35K for a season ticket instead of $1.5M for a luxury suite. Concierges on every level, bikini clad ushers, valet parking, helicopter pads, a small airport with long runways, separete entrances for Vips, politicians, and movie stars, wine tasting kiosks, Dom perignone vendors throughout the place. Plasma monitors all over the place, wireless internet access in every seat.... Oh what a glorius stadium. The naming rights can probably be had for a measley $20M/year... How about Sony stadium... or WB stadium, or The IPOD DOME. I'm telling you now... this team is being prepared to be sold, not to win a SB.
  6. Dudes... you just don't get it. You point to the offensive line as the rebuilding project? What about QB? No rebuild there? What about the HC? After 3 years of rebuilding with a rookie HC, wouldn't it be reasonable to take the next step with an experienced coach? Nope... Donahoe hires a rookie HC. The deal is this... if I've said it once, I've said it a bizillion times. Donahoe's job is not to make this team into a superbowl contender. Donahoe's job is to prepare this team for market. He's done that. Ralph wants this team positioned for quick sale once he wants out or dies. He has a team that has a very manageble salary cap, doesn't own a stadium, has a very friendly lease and opt out clause. Very attractive for a Dan Dnyder wannabe. So, the next owner will likely buy this team... look at the horrendous taxation in NYS, the third world economic situation in NYS, and the most corrupt, gutless, lazy, worthless politicians this world knows, not to mention the welfare woodchucks all over the state, and he will do the right and smart thing and say adios to NYS and move the team where the money is. Hey... don't shoot the messenger folks... I'm only the voice of truth and reality... and it's a bitter pill to have to swallow. I understand that.
  7. Your Prices are so INSANE, you could be a descendant of Crazy Eddie.... I charge 10 times your prices and get no complaints about the prices. Hey, a guy has to feed himself, right? I think 2005 ought to be the year you re-think your pricing structure.... that way you can afford redhawk... amazing technology, eh?
  8. Dude... I'm very disappointed. A videophile such as yourself, that records every damn game, offers them on DVD to everyone and their brothers and you can't find one frame to use for wallpaper of Willis putting the hammer down on a Phin? I mean... you must know that every second of video has 30 still photos, right? OK, now you're gonna tell me yes, but the res is 720X480... not as good as you might like for nice clean wallpaper. And I'm gonna tell you, not true... you have 2 options... 1) import the image into photshop, deinterlace, then duplicate that as a layer, add a guassian blur to it and adjust the opacity to suit yourself. Option 2) Redhawk, my friend.... pricey but simply amazing if you want to unbelieveable photos from video frames. This tip is free of charge to a bills brother (Redhawk extra)
  9. With Dorenbos, anything is possible. Even if he's not rehabbing on schedule, he can make you belive that... in fact this whole injury thing with him could be an illusion... afterall, he is a master at that.
  10. president hillary clinton
  11. The Bills were reported to have spent a considerable amount of time at the recent scouting combine with Walter Reyes. Usually, spending a lot of time with a player is thought to be a smokescreen.... appearing to have an interest in one player, while covertly coveting another player, but not wanting to tip your hand. So, what did the discussion with Reyes entail? Back up RB? Who else might be showing interest in him to get a feel who might draft him, thus the Bills gauging who might be available to pick as a result? or maybe the Bills were collecting info on a couple of his team mates... namely LT Adam Terry and C Mike Tarullo... both size XXXL and considered pretty good athletes that are likely be a day one draft pick (Terry for sure). Anyone think that the Bills will pick up one or the other, or maybe both?
  12. Moss??? respects anything/anyone??? Let me see, Moss, a true paragon of virtue, having no respect for a coach, who is close to being a paragon of virtue? If you look for Moss's endorsement for anything, you're setting your standards considerably low. You might want to look at that.
  13. What exactly is the market for a "solid if somewhat clumsy backup RB"? Would it be perhaps a 6th or 7th rd. draft pick???
  14. Peerless is certainly not worth the $$$ he's being paid.... and he is a prima dona of sorts. However, he's a pretty darn good receiver. You must remember... his QB is Michael Vick. As exciting as Vick is, and as strong an arm he has, he's not a great passer. He makes plays with his feet and if he had to stay in the pocket and find a receiver, his life would be miserable. Vick's game is his feet... period..... and peerless ain't going to get too many receptions from a QB like Vick... and I don't know any receiver that would. So, for Peerless, getting cut from Atlanta might be a blessing. Trust me, he'll land on his feet.
  15. Would that be the same defense that got spanked by Pitts 2nd and 3rd Stringers? Let's get real here. Yes, the bills have a pretty good defense... but... the only >.500 team they manged to beat was the Jets. So, if you hang your hat on the bills #2 ranking on D, you're gonna lose that hat. Furthermore... with the bills losing Pat Williams, it's not only that DT position they've managed to mess up, because without a better than average DT next to him, Sam Adams is totally ineffective. One Adams starts to get double teamed, he's done... and none of the the Bills DEs consistently beat their man straight up. So, unless someone emerges at DT, get used to watching that #2 defense get consistenly busted up the middle.
  16. Dude.... 1) nothing is permanent.... period. 2) Yes, a first year starter will get benched for poor performance. Do you think if JP or any other Qb stinks out the house he wouldn't get yanked? Do you think a coach would risk losing the players around him if JP wasn't pulling his weight or playing up to expectations? Why the hell do you think they brought Kelly Holcomb in... as a prop? as a cheerleader? No. They want to have someone in th shadows should JP falter... or get injured Lastly... the move to annoint JP as the starter fits Donahoe's modus opperandi perfectly. Teflon Tom's job is not to turn this team into a super bowl winner. His job is to prepare this team to be sold when Ralph either says "sell" or meets his maker. Thus the strategy to hire Gregg Williams, then after 3 years of rebuilding, begin that process over completely again by hiring Mularkey instead of a proven HC, and then, of course being wrong on Bledsoe, instead of going with a proven vet, JP starts.... sustaining the never ending cycle that Donahoe has this team in ... constantly rebuilding. The majority of the posters bich & whine about the Oline performance.... well, after 4 seaons as a GM, what the hell has Donahoe done to improve it.... not a hell of a lot. If you, or anyone else thinks this team will even make the playoffs next season.... well, then you are dilussional.
  17. the progress of "Spanky" McFarland and Ben Sobieski.
  18. most of you know i'm not a big donahoe fan. i don't think it matters what the dude does, it aint gonna add up to winning a sb. he's up ralph's ass and is positioning the franchise for market, just like ralph wants... which i believe he's done an outstanding job of doing. his not signing a free agent yet doesn't surprise me. he does what he does and doesn't care who likes it (except for ralph of course). neither would it suprise me to see him bide his time, go through the draft, and then pounce on the post june 1st free agents... there might be better bargains then. that just may be what he's gonna do.
  19. I know what I'd do, if I was stupid enough to have purchased or worn one. You know when your driving in your car and kinda in a hurry and you have to stop at the drive thru, like at burger king, kfc, McDonalds, wendys for some sort of nourishment? Then your flying down the road zipping in and out of traffic eating an eggwich or a burger and all the sh-- in the sandwich is just oozing out all over your shirt and pants and the seats in your car? Well, what I use right now is this old bath towel as sort of "drop cloth" so I don't get that sh-- all over my clothes when I'm eating and driving... you could use the bledsoe jersey for that... If you can't decide what to do with it, just mail it to me. I guarantee and pldege to put that badboy to good use.
  20. If the Bills make the move to get Shelton I would like them to go after Bubba Franks instead. If they frontload the deal they can land him. Franks is getting the "transition" tag slapped on him.
  21. what a great TE he would be, with a 6 6 frame he could easily add 10-15 pounds and play TE at 6 6 250-260. Dude... you need to "think outside the box". Now let me get this straight. He's 6'6' 242 and runs a 4.37 40. So why put 15 lbs. on him so he can play TE? How about you just stak him up at wr and with that size and speed and let him match up with a 5'10" 190 lb. corner??? I mean Drew Bennett of the titans is 6'5" and about 205 and about a 4.5 or 4.6 40 time and he seems to be doing well at wr. Terrell Owens is 6'3" 225... so, proportionally speaking, how is that a whole lot different from 6'6" and 242??? 3 inches and 17 lbs.???
  22. Oh really? What "numbers" would those be that you are thinking of? Interceptions, sacks, fumbles... plain old bone head plays... just what? Or are you speaking of the $$$ that stupid owners & GMs pi$$esd down the drain on this worthless piece of sh--?
  23. He may be a class act, but as an NFL QB sucks hind tit. He is, without a doubt, the most overrated QB of all time. Mega sizzle... but no steak... not even good hamburg.
  24. I just enjoy pissing people off... what can i say? I've just got a low IQ.
  25. Right! The chances of that happening are as likely as george bush running for a 3rd term. Huge mistake on Parcells part.
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