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Posts posted by DeeRay

  1. Yeah, next year will be the year to see what's available in the draft. There should be someone decent to take in the later portion of the first round.


    sure... if the bills will be trading down to the later half. based on their 2005 finish, looks more and more like they're gonna be drafting in the 1st half of the 1st round.

  2. Teague was the fallback plan all along.


    If that's Teflon Tom's mentality, it is then no wonder why the bills have been spinning their wheels for the past 4 seasons. Teague was never a good LT, thus there was no one out there knocking down his door to sign a contract.... and he's, at best, a marginal center. So, Teflon Tom doesn't value a LT anymore than he values a practice squad player. If he needs one, he'll just make a run down to Walmart and pick one up.

  3. Why would you think that Ramsey would be moved period? Gibbs told him he was the man. Is Gibbs a liar? Sure they drafted a QB, but it ain't like Gibbs to throw a rookie in there.


    Ramsey is their QB, for now. Gibbs is giving him every opportunity to prove himself. He's already told Brunell that he's the backup. Snyder is not a patient man, as you know, and if they were to throw Campbell in as starter from the get go, they are exxentilly writing the season off. So, Campbell is coming in as a #3 and will get his shot in a year or two. A lot will depend on what Ramsey does with his opportunity.


    If anyone could be the odd man out, it could be Brunell. For what they're paying him for the horrid season he had has got to having him looking over his shoulder. The skins re-signed Hasselbeck and he lmay supplant Brunell as the backup.

  4. Can't step out of that role, DeeRay! That role is what makes me a "die-hard, Bills FANATIC!!" flirt.gif


    Well, at least you're honest. I like that. But at the same time, aren't you admitting that you have a tough time being objective.?


    I've been a Bills since the mid 60's but it doesn't mean I can't be critical of the path the front office is taking nor some of the things that are becoming more and more obvious to me. Watching the the gap widen betwen the bills and the other teams in the division angers me. And the thought.... just the thought... of the Dolphins overtaking the Bills is sickening.

  5. Come on folks... all I did was sum things up. So you don't agree. Cool Doesn't make it any less true.


    Step outside your role of bills fan for just a moment... No bias.


    Seriously... Does anyone think that New England and the Jets will take a step backward this season? Does anyone think that the face of the Dolphins has not been substantially upgraded?


    Now, have the Bills substantially improved their team enough to compete with the Jets and Pats for a Div. title?


    As for my disparaging comments on Teflon Tom... well, they were well deserved....and not just soley derived from my opinion. What would you call 26-38? An accomplishment?

  6. McGahee, and Losman a couple of seasons to see what they can do. TD, for all the bull sh-- people give him, has built a core of young players that have the potential to take the Bills far.


    So, if I'm doing my math correctly, you're giving Teflon Tom 7 seasons to right this ship?


    In two years when Clements, Moulds, Fletcher, Mike Williams, Lawyer Milloy, Troy Vincent, and Terrence McGee are gone, what will you say then? Will Teflon Tom need another couple more seasons? How many mulligans do you hand out to Teflon Tom? Is it relative to the number of Donahoe Cocktails you drink?

  7. At the end of the season what it all comes down to is two teams fighting for one crown.


    I know that many of you Donahoe Koolaid drinkers think that the Bills are going to be there. Oh, really. Well, I got news for you…If you think this 9-7 team that got exposed vs. PITT at home are going to be better than last season…. You’re in denial or you’ve had one too many Donahoe cocktails.


    Lets talk the AFC East… after all, the road to the playoffs begins or ends right there… If you’re not in the sweepstakes for the division crown, you’re can’t even think beyond that.


    So what it comes down to is can the Bills win the division, and if not, how many “Ws” will it take to get a wild card invitation.


    Anyone think New England will slip a notch or two? OK, let’s say they do. Dropping down to from 14 wins to a 12 win team in the division ain’t too bad is it? I’d take that. And those of you that think because of the Charlie Weiss and Romeo Crennel exits the Pats are going in the tank, think again. Belicheck has absolutely no life outside of football. He eats, drinks, and sleeps football 24/7 and there ain’t anyone out there that will out work him. He’s figured out how to get 53 guys to play together regardless of their talents & skills. If any of you remember the bills SB teams… well, no matter how depleted they got in the mid 90’s, because they knew what it took to win, they were always in the thick of things until the team core just got too old and they addressed it too late.


    Now the Jets. Anyone think they took a step back? Well, if you do, then you must have been living on Mars over the past few months. At worst, they will match there last year’s

    Record. Herm Edwards has consistently has improved the Jets… and with Coles, Jolly, and Nugent, a team with a solid “O” line and solid “D”, just got better… last year’s 10 win team is a cinch to win 11 games.


    How about the Fins… Well, remember this name, “Hudson Hauck”. Yeah, this is the dude that put the Chargers O line back together in two seasons… and he did it with scrubs… not real high draft picks, nor big name free agents… and he’s going to take the Fins youngsters and do the same. Fins have very good WRs and a pretty good TE. Now they have at least a RB that make them credible and legitimate. Their QB, Feely, ain’t that bad… and with the new regime and a better performing O line, their offense has to be considerably better than a year ago. Their defense is stellar, and with the additions, even minus Surtain, they still have a top 8 defense. Let’s not forget that Saban was Belichick’s defensive coordinator when Belechick was the Browns HC. Clearly, though… the improvements and additions which the Dolphins made this offseason are much more so than did the bills.


    Now the Bills. Let’s talk the 2nd rated defense in the league last season. Is the loss of Pat Williams a big deal? Well, no, if you replace him with some +/> than him. The Bills didn’t and in doing so, just negated Sam Adams effectiveness. Sam cannot play well unless he has an upper echelon DT next to him. Otherwise he can be easily controlled. Let’s not forget this #2 defense, when pitted against > than .500 teams, got killed. The Jets game at home was the only> that the bills managed to beat…. And let’s not forget, as mentioned above, how PITT exposed the truth. Their D is a top 10er, bur without the heavyweights in the middle, they can be had. The Bills “O” is better simply by the subtraction of Bledsoe. But, the offensive line is a still an issue. At best, the bills have only solidified LG, RG, and RT. Center and LT…. The two most important components of any offensive line are problem areas. LT is a huge problem and Teague is barely adequate at center. If he’s surrounded by upper echelon O linemen, he’s OK. Without that, he sucks. No problem with WR/RB. Tight end? Big problem… Bills top two TEs go down in December with torn ACLs… No way either one is where they were performance wise before this December… and Kevin Everett is not going to be a player for at least a year or two. QB… well the trio of Losman, Holcomb, and Matthews can best be described as “brittle”. None have been able to sty healthy a full season of playing. Losman… maybe he gets a mulligan for last season and being injured. But essentially, he’s a rookie. Well, aside from Rothlisberger, there ain’t a 1st year QB in recent memory that took his team to the playoffs, let alone the promised land. SO, anyone think lighning will strike twice two years in a row?


    So the way I see it, the jets and Pats are flying at 30K feet. The Bills and Fins are flying at somewhere around 8K feet and are probably going to duke it out for somewhere between a7-9 and 9-7 finish.


    Now, why Roscoe Parish? Of course, we all know there’s a shortage of 5-9, 170 lb. Receivers. Hell, who becomes expendable? Fast Freddie, Sam Aiken? And Don’t we already have Terrence McGee Fast Freddie and Nate Clements to return kicks and punts?

    Isn’t Parish the same as Santana Moss? How many games has Moss missed due to injuries? So, how does this pick make sense?… even if Moulds costs $$$ next season, cut him and bring in a FA!!! If Parish was the only one there, trade the pick for more picks. And I still don’t see why Adam Terry didn’t get snagged…. Must be his 6’8” 330 frame exceeded their ht./wt. Criteria or they’re worried about feeding the guy.


    Someone once said “be careful what you wish for”. Well, I hated to see Polian take the fall for two losing Super Bowls. But I couldn’t wait for Butler to make his exit. But having gone through the misery of the last 5 drafts with Donahoe, I’ve come to appreciate the Butler era and how good Butler really was. San Diego was in a similar situation to Buffalo 5 years ago. San Diego, under the foundation that Butler laid is a much better team than the Bills. JB didn’t out live Ralph, but somehow I think JB is smiling down on us and has gotten the last laugh. Somehow, someway Teflon Tom has been able to con a multitude of Bills fans. As merciless as Dickerson was with Butler, I wonder how Teflon Tom would fare with that kind of constant sniping that JB lived with dayin/dayout. Teflon Tom has somehow managed to get a free pass. Well, when does that run out? How many more seasons of no playoffs will it take before this ‘multitude’ finally spits out the Donahoe Koolaid?


    Hey... I'm just the messenger. I'm neither negative or positive. I'm just bringing reality to the multitudes.... and the Bills improvements, if any, this offseason are not as good as the improvements the other teams in their division made.

  8. .that so many people posting here know *SO* much more than TD does. Until you see this kid on the field, STFU.


    Are you fugginn Blind? WTF? Donahoe's 5th year of rebuilding and this team just fell to 4th place in the division.... Ole Whitey is getting as senile as Ralph.


    Seriously... Do you think NE is going to slip more than a notch to 2nd? Do you think the Jets didn't improve more than the Bills? And Miami will win 7-8 games. Bills will be lucky to win 7 or 8.... This is 2001 all over again.

  9. what a crock?


    Parish? There must be one helluva market for 5'9'' receivers that weigh less than 170 lbs..... Santana Moss Jr??? Oh, yeah.... anyone want to bet he doesn't play 50% of the games? I can see where this kid could lay some crushing blocks in the power running game.


    Everett.... ... right... another 6'4" 250 lb. tight end... another crushing blocker for the power running game. I guess Everett and Trafford will duke it out for the 4th TE position.


    Let me see... this is Donahoe' s 5th year of rebuilding. Well, the way I see it , the bills just dropped to 4th place in the division... perhaps we should give Donahoe another 5 years to reload this team.


    This is shaping up to be the worst Bills draft in recent memory.... Ralph just doesn't give a rats behind anyomore. If he did he'd have fired Donahoes arse along time ago. Hell, I'd take Stew BArber back in a heartbeat. I can't believe the BS that TD gets away with.

  10. first of all.... predictions are like hemmoroids. every !@#$ has them.


    I'm sitting back and predicting only that the bills will play their 16 scheduled games. All it takes is another freak thing like the Troy Vincent one in training camp or an EM groin pull, A WM ankle sprain (or worse) and a prediction quickly goes up in flames.


    The fact that Sam Adams is now rendered completely useless without an extremely competent DT next to him should be reason enough to keep everyone's clam shut about predictions. This #2 ranked defense did not shut down a single above .500 team... except for the Jets... who essentially played most of that game with Chad Pnnington minus his right arm... and I'd hardly say that Bills D shut the Jets down.


    Everyone predicts positive things... and then they never happen. How the hell can we get off this stupid treadmill?

  11. Then how come there is no competition from other teams to get him. Especially

    considering that he has a under-paying salary of 3m/year for a starting LT.

    Also the fact that you can cut him anytime and not have any salaray cap

    negative impact makes him a great pick for many teams that don't have a

    LT or a avg LT.


    The point is Shelton does come with a baggage and until he proves otherwise.

    The question is do the Bills feel it is worth the risk to get him and start him at LT.


    Give it up Ganesh... folks want fantasy, not the truth. You're right about Shelton... The Bills have absolutely no interest in him, let alone his $3M salary.... if there is a trade between the Cards-Bills for TH, it will be straight up for the Cards #2... period. But... you can't say thing like this to the fantasy folks... they want to hear that TH is going to AZ for Shelton, Anquan Boldin, their #1 and their #2... They just don't understand reality... unfortunately, you do.

  12. dude... the absolute best the bills can expect for Henry is a mid 2nd rounder.... if they get a high 2nd rounder (as you're suggesting), I guarantee no team will give up a ham sandwich or anything else for Henry, let alone a 3rd rounder. Henry's true market value is really only a 3rd or 4th rd. pick.... that's why no team is knocking the bills door down for Henry. For Christ sake... Dennis Green doesn't want to give up his 44th pick for Henry.


    THINK, DUDE... Henry has a year left on a very reasonable contract for any team to take on. If I'm the Bucs, why the fug would I give up a #2 and #3 for a player that, unless I pony up a boatload of cash, is only gonna play one season for me.


    You pipe dream guys kill me.... So mark this down... the best you can hope for is a mid 2nd rounder for Henry... nothing else.

  13. If this deal was gonna happen it would have happened already. Shelton is the hold up.... not Henry.


    Here's why...


    With the Bills signing of Gandy and Anderson, they've plugged a hole at starting LG and at backup tackle. Don't forget to factor in the other JP... Jason Peters... at the very least, with working out and all of the tutoring he's getting, combined with his atleticism, he's definitely going to be a much better player than he was a year ago. All of the experts out there are suggesting even if the bills were to get Shelton, the feeling is that if he's not the answer, Trey Teague is there to fall back on. Well, well, well.... those of you that think Tom Donahoe is going to aquire a tackle t $3.5M/yr and not be able to play up to expectations, please raise your hand... the rest of you can sit down and please hear me out.


    Yeah... the hold up is Shelton, so to speak. The Bills don't want him, and the cardinals don't want to give up a number 2 for Henry. I would have been ecstatic to get a 4th rounder for Travis a few months back. Now, it looks as though they may very well get the cardinals (44th) pick in round 2 even up for henry... that's what TD has been holding out for, not Shelton. So, the Bills are probably going to have two #2 picks.... and I'm thinking Dave Baas, Mike Nugent or Chris Spencer. Whichever one doesn't get picked may very well be there at 55 for the bills 2nd pick.... and then in Rd 3-4 they concentrate on a TE and, perhaps a tackle.


    Let's face it.... the cardianls are going to dump Shelton after June 1 if they can't move him. If the Bills want him, they can have him then... at a much more reasonable salary.... and with the 3.5M they're not paying him plus the $2M they won't be paying Travis, the Bills could have $8-$9M salary cap space to sign a post June 1 cap casualty or two.

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