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Posts posted by DeeRay

  1. Dudes... just remember... their DC is a Belichick/Crennell disciple and he has a year under his belt with them. They've gone to a 3-4 defense. We know Foremen is a solid LB in a 3-4 alignment haven proven it in Buffalo and Houston. We don't know if Grant Irons can play at OLB, but if he's listed at that position, it has to be bonafide. His father, Gerald, was a very good LB for the Raiders in the late 60's... so the dude has a pedigree of some sort. Plus Greggo liked him because he was one of them there "high motor, up the field" smallish defensive end guys. I find it hard to believe that they list Irons at 6'6' 285 . If my memory serves me correct, when he was with the Bills, he was listed closer to 6'3 260.

  2. You don't think Nate's a lock down CB?  I'd disagree with that.


    I'm not sure we should spend that much money either, but he IS either one of the best or possibly THE best at his position...  Can't refute that.


    Quick correction to your post -- if Buffalo puts the transition tag on him, all that gives us is the right to match another team's offer.  If we don't match, we don't get anything.  TKO was given a transition tag, for example.  We'd have to franchise him (average of the top 5 CBs in the league) and hope someone wanted to trade for him or sign him outright (signing outright would give the Bills two first rounders, and that rarely happens).




    Quick correction to your post -- if Buffalo puts the transition tag on him, all that gives us is the right to match another team's offer. If we don't match, we don't get anything.


    In that case, I'd say use the FT instead and still wind up with a number one. And no way is Clements in the class of Bailey and Law. I wouldn't dare leave Clements out there one on one with a top 10 receiver for a whole game.

  3. If it were my call to make, I'd say Leonhard makes the team. I'd give a handshake and a goodbye to Coy Wire... that experiment is complete and the results confirmed one thing... he can't play safety in the NFL... he just has no ability in pass coverage. I think Baker and Leonhard make it as the backup safeties.

  4. He's a very good cb... no doubt about it... but why would you want to pay the guy top cb money when he's not a lock down cb? With McGahee, Evan, Losman... and still the need for a top flight tackle... and maybe a RT in a couple of years, I think Greer/King or drafting one next year should suffice. With McGee and Parrish and Fast Freddie... the Bills really don't need Clements return skills.


    Sorry... I just don't see Clements as the most valuable player on the team... and if they re-sign him, he will be the highest paid player on the team... probably around $8 mil. I'd rather see Teflon slap the transition tag on him and get a #1 for him. The Bills would have considerable flexiblity in next year's draft with an extra #1 and an extra #3. With that extra #1 pick they couls also set themselves up for the following draft.

  5. Ritzman & Gause have both looked good this preseason. 

    Josh Reed has looked bad.


    For different reasons I can see the Bills cutting both Denney & Reed.


    Denney: Kelsey has taken over as the starter at the previously shared DE spot.  This makes Denney a reserve.  I don't know his contract status, but he's either a year or 2 away from free agency.  With 2 cheaper DEs with possibly more upside and probably more long term future due to free agency rules, why would the team keep Denney around?  A surprise cut to some, but a very logical cut if Ritzman & Gause continue to play well. 


    Reed: Unless he really pick it up in camp, I think it's a slam dunk he gets cut.  He's definitely gone after this year, the last year on his contract, so why keep him around?  Wilson, Haddad, and especially with clone Parrish's injury, F.Smith all give the team a better option for this year & the future than Reed. 

    We keep 5 healthy receivers + Parrish:  Moulds, Evans, Aiken, are locks, Smith stays at least until Parrish returns and Wilson probably beats out Haddad.  Unless Woodbury can play receiver & takes Smith's job the receivers are Moulds, Evans, Aiken, Smith, Wilson & Parrish.  There's no need for Reed.




    won't happen... and you can take it to the bank.


    Reed may not be the best receiver, but he certainly is a valuable participant at the #3, and is perhaps the best blocking receiver on the team. If you want to pick on WRs... look at Aiken and Smith... they're talked about a lot, but they've done absolutely nothing... especially Aiken.


    Denney... solid against the run and, although not a sackman, he consistenly puts heat on the QB when asked to and also gets his hands up and alters the QBs throw. He is definitely a good guy to have either as a starter or a backup. He's also good on special teams.


    So, when it comes time to cut, don't look for Reed and Denney to get the axe.

  6. Dude... the septic and well are the least of your problems. Trust me.... if you move back to this state, bring a 55 gallon drum of KY... cuz you're gonna take it in the posterior big time. Do you not realize NYS is the highest taxed state in the USA? I promise.... if your home is only assessed for $150 K (average home), plan on paying at least 6K/yr. in property taxes alone (and you get out of paying for water & sewer). Then don't forget the 7-9% sales tax (depending on the county to reside), plus 23¢/gallon of gas tax, state income tax, tolls for the pleasure of cruising on the thruway (one of the nations most unkempt highways), high auto insurance premiums, among the highest energy costs in the country, the world's laziest and most corrupt politicians, the home of $41 billion dollars a year in medicaid fraud, and lastly. the last place on earth that any company worth their salt would locate a business. And, oh yeah, that sucking sound you hear from all of ythat $$$$$ you just paid in taxes??? welll, look downward.... it's going down that huge sewer we fondly acronym "NYC".


    Damn.... I can't wait to retire and get the F**K out this state!!!

  7. My guess is that if your job performance was evaluated everyday, you'd probably complain about how unfair it was and quit... and rightfully so. We all have good days and we have bad ones... and the co-workers around us doing their jobs affect your own performace too.


    Well, it's not fair that many of you posters evaluate JP play in, play out, day in day out and then consider it a sign of things to come... good or bad.


    #1... he's a kid, basically a rookie... the equivalent of a red shirt freshman

    #2... it's preseason.... rehearsal... blanks, not live bullets. No game planning.

    #3... there are 10 other teamates that must execute for JP to be successful... and they'll have to do that against the NFL's #2 defense.


    The success of the Bills this season does not rest soley on JP. The O line has to step up. Reed and Parrish must step up. The d-line without Pat W. is nowhere near as formidable as it is with him... and Ron Edwards has had 3 seasons to prove he is the answer and hasn't.


    My take on JP is that he's got all the tools to be a great QB. he has great pocket presence, a great arm, great leadership ability, and great mobility. The only thing he doesn't have is great experience facing NFL defenses... and it's going to take him at least a season to digest that.


    Basically, he's a kid learning on the job...so, you can't expect a lot from him this season. Physically, we just don't know how well he can hold up over a full season because he's never done it, and Teflon Tom isn't sold either or he wouldn't have brought in Holcomb nor brought back Matthews. Also, JP will face extremely difficult defenses in at least six games this year from just the AFC East teams... then he still has to go against TB, Carolina, Wade Phillips Charger D, The Falcons and Raiders D will be a lot better, and so will the Bengals. So, if the Bills are fortunate to win half of those battles, then they've got a shot at winning 9 games again and maybe squeaking into the playoffs. My own thinking is that they need 10 games to get to the post season party... and it is probably going to come down to the last game of the season to deteremine whether they finish with 9 wins or 10.


    So, relax... let JP be JP. Don't get caught up in this "He lookks great" and then the next guy says he looked average, or worse. Take the media reports with a grain of salt and keep in mind that their jobs are to provoke and in doing so they garner attention and sell their stories... the accuracy doesn't matter.

  8. Thanks for the update...


    #2 is Tory Woodbury, listed as a QB on our roster, and i'm and have been all in favor of keeping him as a #3 developmental instead of shane...



    Realistically, taking a look at Losman, Holcomb, and Matthews, none of those dudes have proven to be durable. If Losman goes down, Holcomb saves the day. But Holcomb has proven to be brittle and could not hold up for a long stretch. So, if it comes down to your third guy, given that the two in front of him are suspect in the durability category, who would you rather have in as a QB at a critical point in the season... Matthews or Woodbury. I think Matthews is the top vote getter here.

  9. dude... show me anywhere/anything where Teflon Tom or any coach had, or announced, a plan for Mike Williams to be moved to LT after a year or so.


    MW has enough to handle RT... and he hasn't mastered that, yet.


    Don't lose sleep over this LT thingy. I guarantee you, by opening day there will be a body there... and it will be the best body at LT that the bills have.

  10. good god... bledsoe's brain is what it is. Hasn't Parcells figured it out? Drew's performance has nothing to do with his physical skills. he's got the arm, and even his lack of mobility is not as big a deal as it is made out to be. His problem has always been his brain... it's like, real slow when it comes to making decisions on the field... and we all know that cliche'... "he who hesitates is lost". Bledsoe epitomizes that phrase.

  11. sounds like he is well on his way to one day becoming some bad man's boyfriend. It might just be what he needs... a couple yrs. in a state pen.


    kids usually don't come with a set of instructions. you raise em the best you know how, set a good example for them, kick their arses when they need it, and hope it's enough.


    Some just turn out rotten to the core, others turn out sweet as grandma's apple pie. If a light doesn't go on in his head soon, it probably ain't gonna happen.

  12. I moved to East Tennessee (Knoxville) after growing up in Buffalo followed by shorter stints in central Ohio and DC/Northern Virginia.  Once you adjust to life-style differences, it is by far the best place I have ever lived.  The cost of living is very reasonable and the quality of life is tremendous.  A lot of "Yankees", including many native Western NY'ers, have moved to the area over the years and that population change has been reflected in many positive ways, including food choices available at the grocery and types of resturants, etc.  You'll always hear that you're "not from around here", but I have always felt welcome even though I am still a "damned Yankee" to the hard-core natives (i.e. a Yankee that moves South and doesn't leave) after 25+ years.  The lakes, UT and the fantastic weather make for a really nice place to live.  Oh, and not too many snakes (the reptile kind), at least not in the city.  I haven't seen one in my yard in 15 or 20  years.  You might really like a small town about 15 miles from Knoxville called Maryville. It has been listed as one of the best little known places to live in the USA for several years.  Alabama is too Deep South for me in both hot weather and lifestyle.  It may be unfair, but I see Delaware as being a nice suburb of Baltimore and Philadelphia and I'd much rather live in Buffalo than either of those two cities.




    Thanks for the "heads up". I'm going to take a closer look at eastern Tenn. on your advice. You're pretty close on Delaware bing a suburb of Baltimore and Philly in General, but the center of the state like Dover and Smyrna ain't bad... and neither is Rehobeth Beach area. thanks again

  13. Retiring in 9 yrs. As a lifelong NYS resident I can not wait to exit this cesspool of corrupt politicians and the highest taxed state in the USA, bar none.


    So, where do I go? I will still work some... either self employed or other. Mrs. Deeray hates snakes (can't figure out why she married me), so moving to a place where there are lots of snakes around is not going to work.


    Right now, I'm thinking Delaware, Tenessee, and Alabama, in that order.


    I'm basically looking for low taxes, much lower C.O.L than in NY, low crime rate, not too hot, and much less snow than in CNY.


    So, is there a "sweet spot"??? If so, where?

  14. But you see it as a way to judge TD based on W/L when it has absolutely, positively nothing to do with TD's W/L record. Not to mention that judging TD strictly on his W/L record is a terrible way to judge a football GM.


    Dude... the earth is round. That's fact. Donahoe as Bills GM is <.500. That's fact. What's to judge and what's to argue???? FACT??? The bottom line is two rookie coaches and two rebuliding cycles... and no playoffs under Donahoe. No one knows what the circumstances were contractually between Pat Williams and the Bills... and we don't know if there was even an offer or if Pat would have stayed for considerably less than what he signed for with the Vikes... So, Pat has a general opinion of the Bills management based on his first hand experience. Tom Donahoe has done a great job of filling the stadium and creating a lovey dovey/touchy feely job of reaching out to the fans and community. But that's it. If you're happy with that, that's fine... I'm not. That's the difference between you and me... you accept losing, I don't.


    I'm neither a pessimist nor an optimist... I'm a "realist". I don't drink Donahoe Koolaid and I'm not a lemming like 95% of the posters on this board.

  15. Fairly certain he's talking about overall record, because what happened years ago is what helps his argument.


    So what's the argument dude??? Was Pat Williams talking about management "last year" or during his service under this regime? If his talking about management and the initial post was that he slammed Donahoe, so he was, then let's take a look at Donahoe's record with the Bills... I did the math and it's under .500. So, again, what's to argue?

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