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Posts posted by DeeRay

  1. So, my co-worker in the office across from mine sez to me this morning, guess what Deeray?


    He procedes to tell me that his UPS driver buddy (Rock), who happens to be the same UPS driver that delivers packages to our facility, got called into his boss' office yesterday. His boss tells him he's been selected to be the UPS rep in the UPS cart that delivers the game ball to the refs at the Ralph this Sunday. He gets two field passes, one of which is gonna be my co-worker cuz they're best friends. Now I hate my co-worker, because he's a Cowboy fan getting a free field pass to a Bills game.


    My only consolation is that he's gonna snap a bunch of digi pix. I, of course, told him to be sure to get some very nice closeups on the jills.

  2. While I rarely stoop to your level of self-congratulatory idiocy, I do post negative things about the Bills when I see them. And oddly enough in the 5-6 years I've been around here and doing that, nobody has ever responded to my criticisms the way they do to yours.

    To quote LABilz, "it's not the message, it's the messenger".


    You know if you hate this place and it's people so much that you constantly feel the need to disparage both, maybe you'd be happier somewhere else.


    Simon, WTF? Are you some sort of paragon of virtue? Stoop to my level? Is that a compliment? I guess you must be one of those warm water, sunshine, milk & honey types. God forbid anyone blast Donahoe or Bledsoe or give an opinion that doesn't meet your criteria. So, when was the last time I got on on your a$$? Why are you getting on mine? If you don't like what I post, don't read it... change the chanel dude... and allow me to introduce you to the "ignore" button.

  3. This is a negative post. Don't you know what happens to folks that post items with negative inferrences? We can't deal with that kind of pain here. Sunshine, warm water, and fantasy only. Koombyah, bro. And, never post anything that could be assumed as an attack on Mr. Donahoe and the 26-38 record during his watch. This is understandable because the Bills were/are still in "cap jail". Plus, his primary focus has been on things like building love between the Bills and the community, updated unis, field turf, night practices and parades at SJF, partnerships with Tops, retro unis, and the sale of new Bills merchandise. He also had to fire a coach and release a highly paid QB because he refused to be a back up. So that also kept him busy replacing those parts. And, don't forget that he lost Van Miller to retirement and had to come up with a replacement for him. So, Mr. D cannot, in good conscience, be held accountable. Sorry... I got off topic a bit, my bad.


    Texans beat the Bills in a home opener? Are you nutz? What could possibly be your basis for thinking this way? Do you not know that you must throw everything you have seen in the preseason out the window? Yes! That's a TSW rule!! I just don't see the need for such concern. I mean, this Bills team is a playoff team according to the TSW brotherhood. A playoff team could not possibly lose to the lowly Texans at home. The Bills have a bunch of cards they have not played. You'll see. Clements is just one part of the equation. If the Bills can't handle a team like Houston sans Clements, then how can they be considered a playoff team? I mean, didn't the Pats win a SB without Law and 3/4 of their secondary? Oh, that's right... that was against an NFC team. I forgot, that doesn't count.

  4. I really understnd all of you and your angst at Deeray. He's not brought forth the love you want to hear. All is not well in this world. It's not all ice cream and mom's apple pie. The sun is not always shining But, at least you're on your way to recovery. First there's the anger, then the denial, the next hoop to pass through is recognizing that there may be some truth to that which Derray hath delivered to you. Once you pass through that phase, I'm confident you have seen the light.


    Trust me bros. I don't have a axe to grind against your beloved Teflon man, aside from the fact that he hath not delivered that which he hath said he was going to deliver in his opening press conference. After 4 years, now he begins to build the offense aftre stop gapping it with Bledsoe, Centers, Shaw, and Gash. Meanwhile , the contracts of Fletcher, Denney, and Clements will be up at season's end, Milloy, Vincent, and Adams are all on the wrong side of 30... and Spikes contract will be up after next season. I see a treadmill that ain't fun to be on. I mean, WTF? are we still in cap jail?

  5. geezuz LA... My aim was not to pi$$ in your corn flakes. I'm sorry if I offended you, but you So. Cal. types really need to get some thicker skin. All I speak is the truth...


    The bottom line is "W"s and Teflon is below .500 after 4 years. He's border line adequate.


    Trust me LA... I'm not the villain here. I'm just a fan that expects better reults than we've been getting. I don't control the moves the Bills organization make. You must not think we deserve better.


    You may not be one of the folks that are becoming impatient with Teflon. Teflon has basically received a free pass. I think that is just about expired unless the fans start seeing results. Teflon has never had to endure the media onslaught he is about to experience... The local media is beginning to get a little testy and with WGR bringing back Dickerson, believe me, if things don't turn around, and rather quickly... it's gonna get ugly.


    So, please don't villify me... I'm just the messenger... and all I brought was reality. I know the sun always shines in So. Cal... but it doesn't here.

  6. * 2 rookie head coaches in 4 years

    * Another rebuild on the O line

    * Rebuilding at QB

    * Where's the depth at wr after Moulds, Evans? Please tell me not Reed & Aiken.

    * DT? after Adams... Sape, Anderson, Edwards, Bannon (is Teflon serious)?


    I must admit... I drank the koolaid the first two years... but I haven't been back to sup from the cup since. No more Teflon communion for me.


    I woulda thunk that most GMs worth a $chitt might have their teams ready for Prime Time by year 5. But, I guess Teflon sees it differently.


    Perhaps I see it differently... There are no visions of sugar plums dancing in my head. What's wrong with me? what is everyone seeing that I'm not. You all seem to see something way different... too much Teflon koolaid?


    I see an offense that's gonna spit, sputter, and stall more than it's gonna be runnin on all 8. And then when they do, they got a kicker that can't put it tween the pipes.


    I see a defense that's not gonna be as stout against the run w/o PW.


    I see a ST unit that will steal 3-4 games though


    But, I still only see 7 and 9.


    I hate to spoil a good fantasy folks... but jeezuz god....I broke my rose colored glasses. There is just noevidence available other than what we've all been witness to over the past 4 weeks.

  7. Nick,


    Please me remind me again what Aiken has done for this team? I mean aside from being a warm practice body?


    From a receiving perspective, Reed probably doesn't rank up there with Lee, Eric, and Drew Haddad, but when it comes to run blocking, Moulds and Reed are flying at 30,000 feet, and the others at about 5,000 ft. Remind me agiain whether this team wants to be a physical "run first" offense, or a chuck and duck offense ala Rams, Vikings? Somewhere in there lies the answer to whether or not Reed will be cut.

  8. I've been quiet as long as I can be, but when I heard the mayor of NO go off on the Feds, well, that set me off.


    First of all, Mr. Mayor of NO, and Gov. of La.... Where the hell was your disaster preparedness program to begin with? Why do you blame the Feds? Do you expect them to keep a vigil on your stinky, filthy, city every minute of of every day? You expect them to have a disaster plan for you? What the hell is your responsibility? Let me see if I understand this. Your town is on the gulf coast, below sea level and you've got no plan for a disastrous flood occurence? No boats? no choppers? no amphibious vehicles? No plan to house cops, firemen and have them ready to roll? What the F*#k are you thinking? You must be extremely proud of the lawfulness of many of your citizens Mr. Mayor... shooting at rescue teams, helicoptors.... high jacking cars trying to bring aid to them. Oh yeah, I can see why you need the Feds... cuz you and your lazy ass cronies couldn't manage for just a couple of days til the Feds got there. Where was your La. National guard. Where was your Civil Defense teams. As a taxpayer, I'd be real upset at the thought of this city (on the coact and below sea level) being rebuilt, only to have the keys handed over to lazy do nothing, whiney ass folks like you. You could learn a good lesson fronm the folks in Mississippi, who got hit harder than you did. they're not whining... they're tending to their loved ones, picking up the pieces and moving on with their lives... just like the folks in Homestead, Fla and the Tsunami victims. They're not blaming people for doing what you should have been prepared for.

  9. head 50 miles south into Albany... DiCarlos on Central Ave (I think). That's the closest joint unless, unbeknownst to me, a joint has cropped up in Saratoga... but I doubt it.


    You're about 15 minutes to Lake George village and 20 miles to Glens Falls. Other than that, you are in the boonies in Luzerne.

  10. simple... everyone has a VHS VCR, correct?


    That said... by a $200- $250 DVD set top recorder (same as a VHS VCR only DVD)


    play your vhs vcr into your DVD recorder and record whatever you want off the tape.


    THe DVD recorder will alos accept a 75 ohm (coaxial) standard Cable tv signal and you can record off the cable tv signal. THE DVD recorder also accepts an "S" video signal as well. I believe, as long as you have the "S" input on the DVD recorder, you're able to record off Direct TV. I don't have Direct TV, so I don't know how the incoming signal/jack is manifested.

  11. The 3rd preaseason game is usually the benchmark game... the game in which most of the regulars play the first half and bring the full load.


    Offensively the Bills will have a good test from the Bears defense. From this game, you can pretty much expect what the bills offense will deliver... at least for the first half of this season.


    Defensively? If our expectations of the Bills defense is the same as how the bills played over the last half of last season, then I would expect that the Bills hand it to the bears big time.... because, we all know the Bears offense is terrible... and playing against what is supposed to be an upper echelon NFL defense, that is a recipe for serious destruction. However, if the Bears seem to be able to generate a little offense, that will definitely reinforce my belief that letting Pat Williams go also renders Sam Adams play to average, at best. Stay tuned. I've been a tad concerened about the Bills D... perhaps unrightly.


    Thus far this pre season, I can't say that I'm overly impressed with JP. However, nor am I the slightest bit concerened that he can get the job done. The kid will work out... but he is going to make his share of gaffes. it's going to take some time for him to be good. But you can just see and feel that the players around him are excited.


    If there is one player that I think made a quantum leap, it is definitely Jabari Greer. Other than that, nothing rings my chime too much.


    I will say there are at least 4 players that have had their statute of limitations expire. Coy Wire, Sam Aiken, Lavale Sape, Ben Sobieski. Aside from Sape making a contribution on ST last week against the Colts, this quartet has just taken up space on the roster. If this team is to get better, it can't be laden with these "Victor Allotay" types... and that's exactly what these stiffs are.

  12. A question for the longtime denizens of the Wall:


    I know that the Bills trained for many years at SUNY-Fredonia.  I also know that a desire to branch their market to Rochester and beyond resulted in the move to St. John Fisher College.


    If I had been a bigger Bills fan in the mid and late 90s, I would (and should) have made a pilgrimage to Fredonia...it's only three hours from Cleveland.  The move to SJFC puts a camp trip logistically out of reach for me.


    Which place is better?  Did Fredonia have a parade the way Pittsford does?





    Dude... the bills going from fredonia to Fisher was like going from driving a volkswagon beetle to a Lexus. SUNY campuses have basic facilities. private colleges have a lot more ammenities.

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