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Posts posted by DeeRay

  1. I did not realize Ringo came back for a couple years in the lte 80's...my bad...


    Anyway, take a look at the line in that era. Wolford, Ritcher were #1 picks. Parker was a 1st or 2nd. Hull was the best C in the USFL, John Davis (plan B FA), and Howard Ballard were pretty good talents. They brought in Fina as a number one a couple years later and Ruben Brown three or 4 years later.


    Bills Mgt. haven't placed much weight in drafting linemen high in the last 5 drafts... except for Mike Williams... who has turned out to be average, at best. Jennings was a 3rd rounder, Pucillo a 7th. I think Preston and Geisinger were 3rd and 5th rd. picks. Instead they bring in guys like Villarial, Anderson, Teague, Tucker, Price, Smith, and Gandy... all, except for, perhaps, Villarial are considered below average performers (journymen types) around the league.


    Sure, I think you can certainly find good Olinemen in those rounds, but rarely do they get plugged right in in their 1st or even 2nd year. They sort of "season" and evolve and move in when the frontliners either get injured or contracts expire.


    I think if you say you're going to build a smash mouth offense, you better start up front and invest in the first two rounds. In the past 5 drafts, the Bills have only done that once. On the other side of the ball they've done it thrice in 5 years. This shows me that what the Bills brass says and what the Bills brass do are two different things. If they were serious they'd eaither lay out serious cash for solid free agent olinemen or draft them higher. It does absolutely no good to draft skill players like Evans, Losman, McGahee, Reed, and Parish with high picks and then not provide the horses up front.


    This team won't get over the hump until they start placing a higher value on the Oline and investing in higher picks on the o line.

  2. Dude... JP had a poor game, but the defense gave up 100+ yards to a rookie and ultimately 17 points to an ofense that won't scare too many defenses. I said it once and I'll say it again. By not adequately replacing Pat Williams, Sam Adams is not close to the same player... and this belief that Ron Edwards is gonna step up to the plate is pure fantasy. You can expect teams to gash the Bills with more and more regularity as the season goes on. They are softer in the middle than they've been in the last couple of years.

  3. It's gonna be interesting to see how this matchup pans out. Here you've got Drew's former HC as the guy that has to devise a scheme to stop him. Just atch the tape, Greggo and you'll see all you need to know. That's right, I'm thinking he's gonna put 9 in the box and bring the heat. I'm pulling for Greggo on this one.

  4. allow me to clarify. I am not suggesting that HD is not the future of TV. It absolutely is!! That's a done deal. I'm only saying, that after 5 years, there really isn't a ton of HD programming. It is still overwhelmingly analog 4:3. All I'm saying is that the jump in resolution is not commensurate with the cost. That's why the general public has not embraced it, that's why networks and TV stations haven't gone full hog. The transition to HD is going be take longer than the next 10 years. Yeah, prices will come down as more HD TVs and equipment are manufactured... and over the next 10 years there are going to be many technical advances... Blue ray, 3D, etc.

  5. OK... you're one of those guys that bought this HD thing hook, line, and sinker. Dude... HD hasn't gained acceptance in the marketplace. Sure, it's a great picture. But at 10-20 times the cost of a $250 Sanyo??? Even TV stations haven't taken the plunge. The investment for them is way over the top.... even for big companies like CBS. So, don't expect it. If you happen to get it, consider it a bonus, cuz right now, that's what it is. By 2015 all TV broadcasts are supposed to be in HD.... How much do you wanna bet that happens?

  6. I don't know if this question was asked on a previous thread if so sorry but if Chris V had to come out due to his injury why was he playing on ST? Did anyone else notice that?


    Why not? ST is no less important than playing OL. THat's the difference between good teams and great teams. The great teams place an extremely high premium on ST play.

  7. GOOD –

    • the “W”

    • D played well

    • JP had a remarkable performance for a 1st start

    • Willis chalked up his 1st 100 yard game

    • Lindell: R U serious?


    BAD –

    • You’d expect more points when your D forces 5 turnovers and 5 sacks

    • No sustainable offense, but let’s be real here… rookie QB, re-tooled OL. (It’s going to take time)

    • D giving up a TD drive toward the end of the 2nd Q. If this defense wants to mentioned in the same breath as the the “72 Fins”, “85 Bears”, “03 Ravens”, then it can not allow that to happen against a pathetic offense like the Texans.




    No ugly from the Bills this week, but I’ve got to believe the performances turned in by the Vikes, Jets, and Rams were flukes and those teams just had a very bad day. And can you believe the Fins? Never in my wildest dreams.



    A win is a win is a win!!! And, if the bills are to be considered a playoff contender, they had to beat Houston soundly. They did. Now it’s on to Tampa to face a team that clocked the Vikes on the road. Tampa is a better team than Houston and now they play at home. This shapes up as a very important contest and another game to gauge and validate that the defense is indeed a damn good one or maybe even a great one. It’s also going to give us another game to measure the progress of JP and the offense and how they deal with a road game. Personally, I think this team is headed for 9-7 and perhaps a season away from becoming a real contender. I do not see this team in the class of Philly, Pats, Colts, Pitt, just yet. However, after those 4 teams, I really think it is wide open and whether or not the Bills make the playoffs is going to be just as much dependent on how those other teams perform.

  8. Tom Brady is an unassuming leader and a great teammate who doesn't feel he needs the spotlight (and isn't comfortable with the spotlight either). He was this way at Michigan as well. He plays the role you ask him to and doesn't argue or complain about it. At the same time, he's confident in his ability. I don't see that as a lack of personality, I see it as his personality. Perhaps in the modern era of athletes with dominant personalities and high powered agents, this comes across as odd. I like it and wish more were that way.


    dude... these folks here would sooner tout The bills GM as the greatest GM of all time before they would admit that Brady is a great QB. For christ's sake.... Jason Peters is a better QB than Brady according to these guys. However, if Brady were wearing a Bills uni, he is obviously not just the greatest QB of all time, he is the greatest athlete of all time.

  9. There are plenty of people in the league who leave themselves open to criticism for the way they behave on the field, Brady is not one of them. The guy is a solid QB, a solid teammate, and does a lot of good things for the community. It just makes you guys look like bush-league fans and bitter losers to talk this way about him. And that's coming from a diehard Bills fan. I guess some people have no respect for anything that doesn't wear a buffalo on the helmet.


    Regarding Dillon - the guy has never taken leadership from anyone, so why would you expect anything different now?


    Thank you... well stated.

  10. Pretty long once the season starts. He is making almost 900K in salary and since he is a vet the Bills will be on the hook and against the cap for all of it once he plays Sunday. It is unlikely that they would cut and sign someone else and waste that cap. Unless it happens before Sunday.


    Let me see... cut him and absorb the rest of his amortized bonus on next year's cap, OR lose 3-5 games because of his unreliability? Yeah, that's a tough decision.

  11. You know what the worst thing about Buffalo really is? The negative attitude a lot of the people in Buffalo have. I grew up there. I live down South now. I promise you if the economy was better, I'd move right back.


    Every time I try and show my wife (who is from GA) around and make a comment to local about how we're "thinking of moving back", they give me this long winded speech, something such as...


    "You don't want to move here. This place sucks. This place will always suck. Nothing we do will ever make it not suck. We're doomed. Politicians suck. Laws suck. Taxes suck. Weather sucks. Hockey sucks. Bethlehem has closed. The waterfront sucks. The parks suck. Erie county sucks. Property taxes suck. We'll never dig out. They're killing us all slowly. Run. If I could get out I would. Go Bills!"


    That defeated attitude *really* doesn't help anything. You need people moving back into the area!


    /rant off.





    Jeff... you need a dose of reality. All those things you stated that others say are true. Yeah, the weather ain't perfect, but if the economical and politcal climate were even avarage, the weather wouldn't be much of a factor. There is no fix... unless someone can figure out how to dismantle the political machine in this state. It is the most corrupt and disfunctional on the planet. It would take an act of God to change that. Yeah, folks would like to move back here. That's their heart talking, not their brain. You can't live well, where you can't earn (and keep most of what you earn) well. No business with big aspirations wants to come into this state? Why? High costs!!! Taxes, energy, EPA regs. Taxes are the highest in the country... the other two are in the top 3. Even though Niagara Falls provides about 1/4 of the nation's energy, plus we have 3 nuclear facilities (one of which isn't even used), and we sell power to other states for less than we sell it to the state in which it's generated (NYS). All of this directly controlled by the NYS political machine... they make the laws, they invoke the taxes, they set the rules. So, please don't take it as "negative" or a "slam"when someone tells you why they don't want to move NYS. They're just telling the truth. teust me, they wouldn't have ever left if it was peaches and cream. If you want to move back up here, do so. We'll welcome you back, but I guarantee you, it won't take you longer than 5 years of being here realize that you made a big mistake, and, it really does suck from a financial/economic/political perspective.

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