No waste or fraud.
Tesla's federal income tax payments over the last few years reveal a striking trend:
In 2024, despite earning $2.3 billion in the United States, Tesla paid no federal income tax. For 2023, Tesla paid $48 million in taxes on $3.1 billion in income, representing a 1.5% tax rate. In 2022, Tesla again paid zero federal income tax on $5.5 billion in income. Over these three years, Tesla reported a total of $10.8 billion in U.S. income but only paid $48 million in federal taxes—a mere 0.4% average tax rate, which is more than 50 times lower than the statutory corporate tax rate of 21%.
Moreover, Tesla has also received significant tax subsidies and grants, totaling $2.8 billion, according to Good Jobs First.
It's truly stunning.