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Everything posted by DCBongo

  1. Daboll was decent this year; although he also showed he could be too smart for his own good. Allen needs to work on film during the offseason, I would hope they spend time together reviewing and talking. If they both can improve then the 2020 season could be something special,.
  2. Dabol at times is too smart for his own good.
  3. That was purty! When Josh is accurate, he is deadly!
  4. Bill's had a horrible half of football and they go into the half with a tie. It's hard to complain.
  5. If you are believe those in "the know" it might be Brady's last year in NE.
  6. Two class acts! Bruce is still smooth and Tre seems like such a good kid. I hope he stays a Bill for a long time.
  7. Thanks, I have the Sunday Ticket because if you are in Fairfield County, CT you get Jets, Giants, Patsies.
  8. I see a lot of Norwood, but if he made it, would the Bills have gone back the next year? I feel it was losing that brought the team closer and let to the 4 falls of Buffalo. 25 years later for the last SB loss, I feel the team showed more character losing and rising up, than they night of winning one. That being said, I want them to win one.....at least!
  9. Thanks Shaw and happy thanksgiving! This win and this season feels different. We have a coach and GM on the same page with the same vision. This vision has not been obvious over the past 2 seasons to the fan base all the time; we were told to "trust the process". Over the past 3 games it is all beginning to make season. This team reminds me of 1988, and while they are not running away with the East, we are seeing the beginning of something good.
  10. Its Thanksgiving, its my birthday, we hosted Thanksgiving and the food was good, the family was plentiful, the Bills win, the wife is out to shop and I get to have another beer and a cigar! I am thankful for family, for surviving 48 rotations on this big blue marble, for a wife and kids I couldn't have dreamed of and of course, the Buffalo Bills still being the Buffalo Bills!
  11. Allen finally hitting hit receivers in-stride so they can make years after the catch. The was awesome to see!
  12. How the F do you only run Motor 8 times? Dabol did it worng!
  13. I felt dirty too, from the game and from not showering since Friday. Then again I did have a vasectomy and you got to keep the area dry for 24 hrs. Went the no needle route; still was no fun! Why would I do such a thing? I got twin boys (now 2, and living up to terrible) and, I never want to change diapers again! In the past 20 years I knew the team would break my heart and so I did not invest. This year was supposed to be different. It's games like this that make me feel like charlie brown trying to kick the football. Until next week......
  14. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. Teams will always beat individuals.
  15. In this brave new world, I'd move the Bills to the AFC North. The geographic location of Buffalo in regards to Cleveland and Pittsburg could create a fantastic regional rivalry. If the NFL is going to screw around with a permanent team in England, then why not try new things?
  16. Dabol calling a decent game, no need to get cute at the 2.
  17. Best in recent years, but that's a low bar to exceed.
  18. That's fair, on the same note Jim Kelly was not the best of the class of 83 (Marino, Elway) but he lead the most exciting offense in the NFL and is in the HOF. Best is nice, I'd rather see Josh improve and stay a gamer who can shake off the bad choices and get the 4th quarter win. Just like #12
  19. preliminary grade of B+, 4-1 with a solid defensive effort in the loss. If the team finishes over 10 wins, Allen continues to develop, figures out how to avoid the 3rdQ slump and earns a playoff birth I will give him a final grade of A.
  20. He's in his early 20s, her grew up with crap music. So long as he continues to learn to read defenses I couldn't care about his musical choices.
  21. Yard work and whatever the wife wants to do.... With a ?
  22. I look at this year kind of like 1988 was. If we can skip the bickering Bills of 1989 and have 2020 be 1990, I would be happy.
  23. We would be back in the saddle again!
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