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Everything posted by DCBongo

  1. This is truly WTF! Offense should be much better than this. This almost feels like a game during the drought. It's feeling like this week is the season. And I am sober to boot.
  2. Respectfully, Von adds a level of leadership and experience (2 rings) you should not underestimate. He has worked with the young guys and help them get better. Plus he is freak on the field and will make the D even better. Worth the cost!
  3. Who cares at this point? He got his pay day, he is on a terrible team and he is not an impact player. His less lauded replacement is doing the job better than he did. I say addition by subtraction.
  4. This was so cool to watch as it was not shown in the CT area back in the 80s. The Dolphins owned the Bills up to that point. They swept the Bills through the 70s, 20 +/- straight wins. And the announcer said Dolphins won 11 of the last 12. That's why squish the fish is such a big thing. We hate them (in the sports sense) and they hate us. With both teams being good, this should be one hell of a game.
  5. For what it's worth, during the super bowl years the Bills could really lay and egg. Jk12 could make some really dumb throws and had some of his worst games on a Monday night. Yes, Josh was terrible! Based on his body of work I expect a fantastic game from him on Sunday. He has good short term memory. Also, in 1990 Bills got crushed by the 🐟. It was the year after the bickering Bills. They had a team meeting, hashed their crap out and went on to destroy the jets in the famous pumpkin beach ball game. Basically, if you are a long time fan, you know there is no need to panic just yet. Pull that crap on Sunday and watch the wheels fall of this thing.
  6. Love Chris Berman - Should Bills win the SB, he ought to be invited as he has always been a homer for the Bills!
  7. Last year was marred by a less than focused Josh Allen who had 2 "bonehead" pics. Bills Oline is better than last year, the RB's are better and Kincade offers that X factor. Defensively, Poyer, Hyde and White haven't all be on the filed at the same time in too long of a time. Some fresh meat up front should get some pressure on old A-a-ron. Jets are a good defense and an unproven offense. Jets are too high on themselves thinking they are the SB Bears or Ravens. Billls, no longer media darlings have much to prove, and a work ethic to prove it. Bills spoil home opener for thee New Jersey Jets! Bills 33, Jets 19
  8. As always, a solid piece! I think you are on point. The Jets are all hat, no cowboy. The Bills are old school mafia. They don't talk about their greatness (Jets ought not make comparisons to the 85 Bears quite yet), they just will gladly show you.
  9. I don't know if big poppa pump still has enough pump
  10. The NFL commercial for women's football was good if only for #12 "mafia style, nice" to the women crashing through a table
  11. Two treehouse beers, an experimental IPA and a stout that will put hair on you undercarriage! Commercials are okay, I mean see them all tomorrow. Kermit the quarterback is starting to have a rough day.
  12. Two treehouse beers, an experimental IPA and a stout that will put hair on you undercarriage! Commercials are okay, I mean see them all tomorrow. Kermit the quarterback is starting to have a rough day.
  13. Team hopefully is waking up. Need another good defensive series.
  14. OMG, 3 and out. What are they doing?
  15. That was nice, get 'em cowboy
  16. Some marry their 1st cousins Beas is a red neck hick with "conservative views" f politics. He plays his heart out and his teammates love him. No hate allowed
  17. This is why Cole came home
  18. Welcome back Beasley!
  19. McDaniels looks like a hipster weasel.
  20. When I hear wind, I think of the 1990 Bill's Eagles games where Kelly had better numbers throwing against the wind. I think Josh has a strong enough arm to do the same.
  21. That was BS, It look to me as Hamlin lead with his shoulder. Ridiculous
  22. Got my Dad a Kemp Jersey. He was a great player of his era.
  23. Maybe just write these up when the team loses or wins a super bowl. You and Bill From NY were awesome with these and as a fan I found them rather cathatric. Thank you for writing this one!
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