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Everything posted by DCBongo

  1. Mowins and Feely were a solid team. Gave some good insight and with less boring that most.
  2. He is a great team guy and will still have enough to contribute next year. He bought in to the process, he stays.
  3. Always a great review. I agree with your optimistic feelings about this team. This was a game we'd lose in the past, progress is being made.
  4. My goodness Tyrod looked good.
  5. Win the next 3 and miss the playoffs... very Billsian
  6. If you do something stupid and deliberate like Gronk did to Tre, that causes a player to miss games, you should be suspendered for as long as it take for the injured player to be cleared to play.
  7. First time, first year HC. Considering where we thought the team would be, where there are is much better. McD has had a few head scratching moments, but he seems like a stand up guy who knows football. I am more than happy to give him his contract and see what he and Beane can do. I like "the process" so far, if not the results on the field. I am excited to see what he will do with next year and this year is far from over. Granted lose to the Colt or the Fish and its over, but right now, dream the dream.
  8. In a case like Gronk, he should be suspended until Tre is eligible to play again
  9. No, but if he is out injured, he is unavailable which would be his status today.
  10. Peterman because if TT is down, he's the number two and let's see how he grown since SD against a more pedestrian defense. Milano because he has played well and looks like the starter next season. 9-7 could be a playoff birth. I want the team to play for the possible. The Colts and the Fish are winnable games. If or when we lose to Colts/Fish, we can experiment with the practice squad of whatever. But right now as a fan I want to try and win.
  11. Gronk has no class. That was an audition for the WWE.
  12. Nice throw, pics like that should not be placed on the qb.
  13. Okay, why it Tyrod being carted off now? I am watching a must have missed something. Please note I watch the game with 2, 4 month old boys (they are mine)
  14. Should the Bills win on Sunday and/or make the playoffs and play well in said playoff game McD would have to keep Dennison if he wanted to stay. Outside of this, even if the Bills get the 6th seed I feel McD will break up with his offensive coordinator, but they will stay the best of friends.
  15. Oh how that year blew up fast! That was a much more talented defense that the 2017 Bills. But I agree, if they can scheme it right, and people have a good day, I think Brady can be touched. So long as the offense can get some points and return serve I think the Bills should be competitive. This is not the same Pats who won super bowls. Their offense line is good, but not great. Defense has to be play their most disciplined game of the year to make this a win.
  16. One of the lessor known miracles of Teddy Bruschi is that he shared his healing powers with Brady to give him immortality.
  17. I honest don't know why they don't interchange QB's throughout the game. It's not like baseball where once the pitcher is taken out of the game he is done. Tyrod did a good job off the bench. Each guy brings a different skill set. Why limit yourself to one?
  18. I see an upside to this. Start TT, maybe a fire was lit, maybe he will be better on the go forward. Peterman still is salvageable. He did this in his first game at Tenn. He recovered and had a good career at Pitt. That was a heck of a learning experience so I am interested to see what he learned. Meanwhile, hand the reigns back to Tyrod and lets see where we go(or don't go from here). And to those who say Tyrod is gone, let's just see how the season ends. If the Bills want him back, he will be given 16million reasons to stay.
  19. Taylor should get his job back. Treat Peterman with kid gloves as you do not want to ruin him; but I think even he would say he blew it. Tyrod found his mojo coming off the bench... for what that is worth.
  20. This did not ruin Peterman. He will use it to grow like he did from his Tennessee game. And it seems to have lit something within Tyrod. KC is not that good. If (and it is a BIG if) they put TT back in the reigns and Rico wakes up and coaches to the team he has, we might win. 6-5 and headed into a showdown with the Pats. Its a home game so anything is possible. Having said that, blow the next two I will not need to worry about football for the rest of the year.
  21. AT least no picks on the past two drives!
  22. I agree with that and no better 1st round draft for QB's than 1983. Prior to the Jets game I was happy with Tyrod as the QB. The fact is other team found his kryptonite and NP has the tools to make faster, more accurate throws, supposedly. Maybe the Bills finally hit Powerball? I don't think he can do worse than what Tyrod did last week at home.
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