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Everything posted by JP51

  1. I am with you here... I am hopeful he can recover and become the game wrecker he was. But each injury takes a toll not sure how many more he can sustain. But we sure could use his dominance at LB this year.
  2. You wanna see someone fail as a leader... make them change into something that they are not... these are grown men and professionals and can smell bs a mile away. People lead with many different styles. But the most effective lead by example in within their own authentic personality. That being said, I would say I would like to see Josh naturally mature so that his leadership is well a bit more focused and driving... But no I dont want him to lose his youthful enthusiasm for the game... that to me is fun to watch...
  3. With Ralph as the owner lol... 20mm a year
  4. I think he may have but I would love a John Madden tell all... those Raiders teams in the 70s were nuts only to be out done by Al Davis Player Bruce Smith I think he would be pretty Candid with the inside scoop of the Bills SB years
  5. I agree here I think he at minimum finds his way to the practice squad Don't disagree here....
  6. Seems like that doesn't it but I hear he got like a 1550 in his SAT I think the dumb jock thing is an act
  7. These numbers are insane I don't envy Beane in making the decision to hang on or lock it down.
  8. That was faaaaaaast....
  9. I agree on paper that there is no true 1 on this team currently. I do have hope that what is currently on the roster can produce and hopefully find a breakout guy that takes the one spot much like Stevie Johnson did way back. But there is a lot of ifs and probably alot of growing pains imo
  10. Not a Dr but i do have experience with this type of thing. Improving can happen but it happens slowly and in baby steps. I would say that she got up an walked and did the Bills 123 is significant improvement over last year when she was just in the SUV. Like I said I am not a Dr and none of us know what exactly the issue is. I think all we can do is pray she continues to improve but brain injuries can be tough. But she seems determined to be the best she can be. God Bless her.
  11. I agree I would follow it
  12. Post of the day lol 😆 I agree here and I think he was fortunate last year not getting hurt. I Won't believe he isn't injury prone until I see him rattle off a couple years of staying healthy. I think he got rid of the ball much quicker last year. Now teams will adjust to that. How will he respond
  13. Dear Mr/Ms Exec... put your name on it or it didn't happen. Buh bye now...
  14. Oh this has the makings of an epic fail ... one can only hope
  15. Love this topic tbh I have always been a proponent of finding your next starter early. I was calling for the Bills to start finding Kelly's successor in 93. But Josh isn't 3 or 4 years away from fading out and we have too many other needs. As far as a backup goes... I think Trubisky has starting experience in the league and will have to manage a game if he has to go in. But let's face it 17 goes down for the season there isn't anyone out there as a back up gonna lead us to the promise land IMO nor do we have the open cap space to allocate a significant upgrade to that position. If we did it would be better spent on WR or Edge etc...
  16. Excellent! I am hoping he grows up and breaks out
  17. Thanks and I get it I honestly questioned myself when I said should we take it down... probably cause it was near and dear to me and If it was fake I dunno, it just didnt seem right to leave it... since it was more than football, it was a person and their real life struggles. Lesson learned. really hard.
  18. totally agree. I think he tried hard to keep Diggs happy until he tried so hard it negatively effected his play
  19. Kickers always make me nervous Yeah and its early, I am just keeping an eye out, especially Claypool...
  20. Look guys I wasnt trying to tell the board what to do, I just hadnt seen anything and someone said it was fake news and wondered if it was should we not stop it. I took the post down and quite honestly after seeing the updates after my post I am thrilled that she was there and actually out there. I just thought it peculiar that I didnt see anything about it on the news. I certainly didnt mean to offend anyone.
  21. This is exactly on... something I think the Phins gonna find out... the sooner you do this the better... if you dont its gonna cost you.
  22. Waiting to hear initial impressions of Coleman and Claypool.... its early yet... so lets see
  23. He makes me nervous, I would like to see several days strung in a row if not more.
  24. I havent seen any updates on this, I thought it might be on the news etc...
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