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Everything posted by JP51

  1. Not AZ themed but Ribs on the grill for after and Beef on Weck at Halftime...
  2. and it doesnt touch the ranch....
  3. Fun discussion... if he performs (if) I guess we find out in a year LOL...
  4. Sat with him in the lower end zone in the SB years used to stop by Kenny's (pinto ron) tailgate super fun guy
  5. I agree 100% no 5 yr 4yr deals coming for SD but someone will over pay him for a year or two for sure
  6. I am with you I can't even pretend to know how this plays out... so many Ifs... but it is exciting.. let's roll and see what we land on.
  7. Agree with majority need a new FG before a punter. Hopefully we don't punt much lol
  8. I get the sense that he is trying to be a leader but it is simply not in his DNA he says the right things but they seem so inauthentic to me the message is kinda like whistling by the graveyard. Just my own feeling on it.
  9. I agree with this... I think people are underestimating the effect of losses and injuries on the Dolphins D. I think this comes down to is Rodgers Rodgers or is he like Favre was at the very end and does he stay healthy. If he is Rodgers and stays healthy I say Jets have a 50/50 shot of winning the Division if not then they are gonna be toast and not only that but on the hook for a ton of money and looking for a QB. It will be another 5 years before they sniff playoffs and contention
  10. They are gonna make him a TE? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjGgej_np2IAxWsHkQIHTidJhIQvOMEKAB6BAg-EAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.si.com%2Fnfl%2Fraiders%2Fnews%2Fbreaking-raiders-sign-second-year-te-justin-shorter-01j6feyca78d&usg=AOvVaw0A6RdZJLrTbZD_s3Dn4pK9&opi=89978449
  11. You know that is a good way to phrase it, I like him more now... but after the brutal beatdown he took in the Jets game I respected the heck out of him for refusing to give up.
  12. Love the screen name... but tell me was that name created because of the debacle against Miami when he touched the blocked kick and Miami scored and won the game, or is this a Super Bowl angst... or both... just wondering
  13. I would say 11 but I am a homer... so in recognition of my bias 10 LOL....
  14. Agreed on every point... statistically he has outperformed and its not even like LJ has gotten better playoff results with his performance . I mean hey if he won 2 superbowls or even made 2 superbowls maybe you make that case of results over stats... but that just isnt not even remotely the case. I continue to not understand this fascination with Jackson... Excellent QB not in the Elite class of Mahomes, Allen, even Burrow. MVP sorry I just dont get it.
  15. I think this is probably the fairest point they could make and you said it quite well... and maybe he is a bit undisciplined. I would say that even with being undisciplined he is still out performing LJ statistically and with regards to availability. They still have very similar playoff success or lack there of.... but maybe what you say is very true, perception can create reality.
  16. I think the biggest question after this comparison is how does Jackson win 2 MVPs and Allen none? I will never get that. Edge in yards 26k to 21k.... thats almost a 20% difference and more available/durable with very similar results in the playoffs... and yet the writer of the article is baffled why people think Josh is better.... thats like say geez, I feel in the pool and I just dont have any idea why my clothes are wet... smh
  17. read it... hope its true... but not sure I saw a lot of anything other than conjecture there.
  18. Put me down as a solid.... Maybe LOL If that is good enough to make it. vs Cardinals - W @ Fins - L vs Jags - W @ Ravens - W @ Texans - L @ Jets - L vs Titans - W @ Seahawks - W Vs Fins - W @ Colts - W Vs KC - L Vs 9ers - W @ Rams - L @ Lions - L Vs Pats - W vs Jets - W @ Pats - W
  19. I will say this... 2024 is a necessary year of change. I love that they are making them. A fair part of the core of this team after 5 years didnt get it done and was aging, diminishing in skill and cost of their cap hits was prohibitive. This team I dont believe if it was the same as the 2023 would improve in 2024. I like Beane acknowledged the need to adjust the core, because more cost effective and begin to adjust prohibitive contracts for the future and or bite the bullet. The goal is clear, re tool the overall core of the team while keeping the peak performing core of the team together (Allen, Dawkins, Oliver etc...) and focusing on other players like Cook, Kincaid,Bernard etc.... to be part of the new core. I dont expect an improvement this year. Then again if all the IFs pan out... we just might. Will be an interesting season but to me a necessary one if we are to finally achieve the ultimate goal... I for one will be white knuckled the whole way.
  20. I remember when head coaches would call it all... but there is just too much going on now, that was a simpler time.... I like the decision to let Babich do this
  21. Lots of "IFs" so many... Von does he come back strong, brady is he and the offensive plan for real, is Josh better without the spector of diggs, Kincaid is he our Kelsey, Safety does youth improve production, Shakir, Samuel do they adequately replace Diggs and Davis, McGovern at C and the Guard play at his old position.... right down to is Bass the 2022 kicker or does he continue to be a head case and inconsistent... I just have no idea... ask me game 8.... if you put a gun to my head I would say worse.
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