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Everything posted by JP51

  1. Lets hope that there are solid production comparisons... JT was a force.
  2. I am certain they are praying for this.. even if they can get out of it, would they get all that much cap relief since so much was already paid? (not a cap guy and dont pretend to be.)
  3. I think my favorite part was on his last td when he leaped the DB flew thru the air hit the LB and another DB and knocked them both flat.
  4. agreed and with the game on the line at that point... I mean even if you make them drive down the field and take 5 minutes and they score you have done something... you cant leave that one to chance...
  5. Buy - Allen all in on him he needs to be MVP material for us to succeed this year Sell - Bass still not convinced he isnt gonna be a negative difference in several games this year, secondary they did nothing to convince me they are not a weakness Hold - Miller, Groot, Coleman - very nice games, looking for consistency... in other words... please keep it up!
  6. agreed he an Oliver were really non factors. This will need to improve. AJE is a streaky player though... he needs to up his consistency.
  7. Dean Marlowe any one LOL... Rapp is a danger to himself and others.
  8. You know I agree with this and quite honestly, PI and D holding calls have been way over officious lately, so much so that they over dictate the game and are wildly inconsistent, Not an Eagles fan but I hated the Super Bowl effectively being over on a BS holding call. So, if they are gonna back off and let them play a little more, I am honestly good with it. If that is what we witnessed... excellent... lets go... and maybe that is why Beane (and the KC example) wanted bigger receivers to your point. I think the announcers made that point, receiver could have helped himself by stopping or coming back for that ball or at least making it look like he was impaired.
  9. This is a perfect example of how this stuff happens... Quite honestly, I think they were both out of line. Hill simply needs to comply with a reasonable request and leave his window down. He has tinted windows hard to see inside and officers get shot at traffic stops that way. I completely understand why they wanted him out of the vehicle. He was non compliant and being difficult. So to me the order to get out of the car was fine and probably appropriate. As this is going on you can see the police officer become agitated and indignant. Which I get I suppose he is human and it is a confrontational situation. However, in todays world where this is going to end up and where the officer will be criticized is Hill was lifting his leg to comply with the command of getting out of the car. It was apparent at least to me they didnt need to forcibly pull him out and take it to the ground. They could have let him out hands on hood spread legs and cuffed him. They saw his hands, he had no gun. So to me in the end, Hill instigated this whole exchange by committing the violation as well as initially not complying with the request. The officer over reacted in pulling him out of the car and putting him on the ground probably because he was angry. In the end this will be this action that will be the one the public examines and is pointed too. "Look, he is complying and getting out of the car" "Why did you need to pull him out and throw him to the ground?" .... and they wont be wrong. Unfortunately this will be the over all narrative with a subsection of people arguing Hill should have just listened etc... and the argument will continue. In the end I dont think this was about race, or the officer was a Jags fan or anything insidious. I think it was an individual acting like an a$$ and an over authoritative officer who got pissed and was gonna teach him a lesson about listening to COPs. And I am not sure I am good with either of their actions.... So Hill is not wrong, we have to be better... including him. Much better.
  10. See I thought he ran into him maybe it was just the receiver momentum... either way I am glad it was a no call.
  11. Exactly
  12. very possible he doesnt... it would certainly not surprise me if he didnt.
  13. I agree, Bulldog is a nice buffer.. but really not all that knowledgeable and rarely facilitates Schop is just a jacka@$ . I remember back in the day when Sal C used to pod cast dont know if he does anymore, but that was interesting...
  14. I was waiting for a spleen comment LOL 😅😆
  15. That too the one that actually hit him on the backside right?
  16. There was a lot of questionable calls and non calls... at the end I have seen the PI and holding called on two of those plays on their final drive pretty routinely. I think they were good no calls... but I am just sayin if that was us I would be screaming LOL...
  17. I dont disagree with any of this... but if the Gmen are 5 -12 and a tire fire, I think he and Schoen are the sacrificial lambs... But to your point not sure if BD pushed for Jones...
  18. It was great to see Groot as a dominant threat... gonna need that from him all year
  19. Oh the venom I spewed after that....
  20. He really is dangerous to himself and others... It really was good to see him makes some plays we really needed that... It really was good to see him makes some plays we really needed that... Not sure about that, but if it was a bone bruise I would have expected him back.
  21. Right... I remember them trashing Leodis McKelvins grass after he fumbled a KO return against the Pats... I remember thinking what is wrong with people... like seriously. You want to yell at them in the game... thats the game... when its over they are people and thats when I am like get you a$$ out there and do better bit&h. Just cause you paid for a ticket once doesnt mean you get to carry this over to real life.
  22. The grass is not always greener... thats for sure. I get that he took a head coaching job... I mean you work all your life for that if it is your goal... but man, you hook up in the wrong situation it can be a really difficult road. I get they took their shot with Jones, but that was sure a swing and a miss... I think Deshaun Watson is worse, I struggle to think of a worse QB deal on the market other than Clevelands... I mean give the Pats and Jets credit, they cut bait (Jets twice) on high drafted QBs before they got sucked in. But in todays CAP world giving a big contract to the wrong QB is literally doom.
  23. Oh I think there is truth to this as well...
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