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Everything posted by JP51

  1. They dont really even need to ban it... they just need to say on a run from the line of scrimmage snap the player cannot be pushed from behind... that will limit it significantly.
  2. I agree it is a coaching strategy... for sure... trying to get him to work... and refine in the offseason... as far as reading too much into it... that is where I separate... I think both Beane and McD have come out to the press and euphemistically called him out.. that is really not there modus operandi in that building, I think when it happens it means they are disappointed and serious... just may take on the underlying meaning... that said... it is the offseason and I tend to read into things LOL
  3. Agreed here... what makes me pessimistic about him is that he lacks the raw ability to create separation... but so did Largent, Welker, heck even Andre Reed wasnt a speed merchant... so clearly it can be done, but if you dont possess the raw freak ability you have to use your brain, refine your technique, work your craft, learn to take advantage of those attributes that you have that got you to this place... his seemingly regressive production thru the season combined with his appearing to have his head out of the game is highly concerning to me with any player but especially one that isnt loaded with raw talent... His head and hard work are what will make him successeful... study and refining his routes.. DB tendancies etc... if he isnt going to do that... and run it back like he did at the end of the year he is done... bust. If he learns his lesson, realizes he is a young pro and everyone is super talented and goes to work on his craft and focus... then he may be good... I think ultimately that is what Mc D is saying... "I think he will grow" in coach speak means... dude better grow and grow quick.... "How much is up to him" means... not impressed with his work ethic, he needs to focus on being a professional player in a mature way or find out there are plenty of folks out there that can do what he can and there is a warm seat right next to Kair Elam if he dont...
  4. I am with you Forrest!
  5. I saw Matt the other day hanging out with the hangman Geoff Hangartener and keeping it real with Chris Villareal... just sayin... good dudes... but they can totally put away wings and beer...
  6. Wow thats really digging it up... ok ok... I will see your Jeffcoat with a Marcus Stroud and raise you a Robert Royal... LOL...
  7. Sorry Mike not piling on... everyone has injuries... this can no longer be an excuse... year after year after year... or you need to consider your ownself in the make up of the team and their dexterity, size... scheme whatever... so not buying this... they need to win the games... with whomever is available... win or dont... no refs, no injuries, no jinxes, no Josh and Stefon got in a fight, no snow storm made them tired shoveling, no well it was a long end of the season and they were emotionally tired... the more excuses you hang on the less you do to accept you problem and fix it... we have been trying that for 5 years... There is no try... there is do or do not...
  8. I agree.... I think that this is their way of saying... you want that kinda money... go find it and tell them to call us... cause like he literally just turned 37... who is gonna trade away premium picks to sign a 37 year old QB to an enormous multi year contract... and no Cleveland and the Jets dont count... cause we know they totally will LOL ... Pittsburgh seems smarter than that... at least with Russell it wasnt more than 1mm or something reasonible for 1 year... However, Tomlin is on the hot seat.... he may push for it... but in the end when does Pitt commit to just drafting their guy.. and stop kicking the can... This will be interesting to watch play out... desperation causes interesting decisions...
  9. Anyone remember Kawika Mitchell... LOL
  10. Pay for the game wrecker... do not look to the draft that may be one in 2-3 years.... focus on getting a person like that... but push the chips and go get a difference maker that we know has proven to be a difference maker in the league... Time is now. But but you look so good in white!
  11. I think of 2... 1980 Team that won the division... Fergy sprains an ankle is totally hobbled.... and we go to San Diego... close game... Dan Mannucci is in at QB playing so badly that they bring out Fergy literally on Crutches... to try to win... close game... but in the end Ron Smith takes a Fouts pass past Bill Simpson to put the game away... Fergy isnt hurt... we have a shot... 2001 team with Flutie... Wycheck forward lateral... blown call blown coverage blown season... beat the Titans and you at least make it to the bowl... win, I am not sure... The other piece was benching Flutie for an unproven Johnson... in a playoff game... really questionable move... although, despite a less than stellar career Johnson actually played well in that game... HON Mention... the 66 Team that lost to KC for the first Superbowl... I wasnt alive at this point so I cant rank it... from what I have heard we had a solid team that year as well...
  12. as long as it isnt a home game... I dont care... we are gonna be involved at somepoint.. the best you hope for is they dont take one of your home games away...
  13. Not against this at the right price
  14. I agree the replacement cost actually increases our cap in all likelihood.
  15. I appreciate the sentiment... but i am in the "look, until we win one... no talk... just play" crowd... to me you gotta be the best at somepoint to really open your mouth and go after it... but, if and when that happens I feel like I would want to be gracious and classy about it... thats just me...
  16. Pizza and wings.... and a lot of em... I think he ended up getting to over 400lbs at one point... This is a great one... still Maybin for me... but the Tuttle pick makes you long for Beanes opinion and drafting of WR
  17. I think when i look at the cap hit to get rid of an replace him... he did enough to be the leader in the club house... but I am not gonna lie... his leash with me is pretty short...
  18. Yeah I was going Mitchell Carter Sanders... if we are taking Goff out of the equation
  19. I could totally see Darnold to the Stillers... wouldnt it be ironic if the Jests passed on a QB signed him back and he was terrible again... I keep hearing the water boy in my head... Oh no!!! He sucks again! .... lol
  20. This definitely falls into the IYKYK category.... completely understand the generation gap here... if you didnt see it you wouldnt believe it... 9 men in the box all season long and this guy averages almost 150 yards a game with a rookie 3rd rd QB that threw like 10 times a game... Saban came out and said our offensive game plan is ... OJ left, OJ right, OJ up the middle... stop it...
  21. OJ did something no one else had done, and no one has done since... 2003 yards in 14 games with an offense whose passing attack was as dangerous as a bee bee gun... I remember watching that game... and hearing Rick Azar saying... we don't understand yet what a privilege it has been to watch OJ run for 2000 yards.. Taking none of the shine off of Josh or Thurman, and giving no extra credit to OJ past what he did on a football field...
  22. Myles Garrett
  23. Ok so I am going to go against the obvious... Blame... no I wouldnt necessarily blame anyone for managing their career in a way that makes them happy.... But I am gonna used the catch word that my father used with me... which was the worst word he could have used... worse than mad, pissed, jack@ss etc,,,, I would be disappointed in him... Blame no... he can do what he wants... there is no blame... But if Josh left with full knowledge of what he meant to the area, the fans, the kids, the franchise, the businesses etc... the fact that he is positioned as Mr Buffalo Bill.. much like really only Jim Kelly and maybe Gilbert Perrault for hockey were... I would be very disappointed in him... 99.999% of athletes I would not say this about... but in the very very rare instances (and almost in an unfair way to the person), you become legend... you become identity, you become so beloved that the impact of you leaving is way more negative to the other side than it is positive to you.... they build hospital wings for your grandmother, the pioneer the cause of your sick son, they snow plow your driveway so you dont have to waste energy... they become part of your life outside of "football".... they become family. Now there are plenty of people that I would not expect to live up to the lifelong status... despite how great they were.... Thomas, Smith, Reed, Simpson, McAdoo, etc... that they left, played for other teams etc... I didnt see or feel disappointed in them.... In fact I only really have 3 players in over 50 years of being a fan... Perrault, Kelly and now Josh... that I would be disappointed in them if they left... I am a little disappointed Gilbert didnt stay a resident but he was from another country and spoke another language.. but he stayed here till the end trying to win... I remember feeling disappointed when Kelly was talking about going to Baltimore to play 1 more year and moving to Virginia, but ultimately stayed because of the support of his son and his terrible disease... and of course now Allen... Happy to listen to how this is dumb, unfair or otherwise waaaay too verbose... but in the end its my feeling rational or not.
  24. I think the broad brush approach doesnt work i.e . Dont pay kickers... dont pay RBs... ... we pay for production... or should... but that also entails resource allocation... so just because you let someone walk does not mean you dont get production...(See Tremaine Edmunds leaving...) so you have to do the math... Do you pay cook 15mm for 1100 yards, 16 TDs and 200 receiving yards... or Do you give Ty Johnson 4mm for 900 rushing yards, 10 tds and 400 receiving yards... (just made up numbers for sake of argument) effectively is 11mm worth 200 rushing yards and 6 TDs... ? Then factor the production of who you add... paying 11mm to (pick a person say a WR) and add in their expected production... finish the equation and determine if the money allocation makes sense... I am not claiming one way or the other... I am just saying these are how I am factoring in these asset allocation decisions.... With running backs... production seems to be easier to fill in than in other positions... thus their projected production differences will be relatively small in a lot of instances... so paying RBs seems to have more drag when it coms to asset allocation.... Where as you look at say LT, does paying 4mm for a left tackle and accepting 6 more sacks are year and increasing your risk of blowing up your QB work out, or do you drop the bag on the gatekeeper...
  25. so regarding Cooper... I actually think he tests the market and may find that the prices are not to his liking and actually come back to resign if indeed we want him... but I do not think we go all in on an offer to retain him... thus I think he will test the market...
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