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Everything posted by JP51

  1. Love this thanks for sharing love when he told the ref that looked great lol
  2. Get some guys some reps who don't start vanilla game plan stay healthy get ready for the playoffs. Sounds like Mayo knows he is on a bit of a warm seat
  3. Too soon? LoL 😆
  4. As long as I don't owe you an apology lol all good 😆
  5. Nope I am friend of Kenny's he has two brothers (went to school with Frank) who did come to the tailgate parties from time to time not sure if they ever got into a ketchup fight lol it's certainly possible they are all hysterical. But no ketchup was started like i wrote
  6. Well safe to say your karma superstions and idosynchrasies are safe from judgement with me... lol 😆
  7. First off we must have had many bowling ball shots together... and if you couldn't surmise i was the one on the top of the pinto squirting ketchup lol! Lobster races were epic smashing the TVs were insane... do you remember the potato chip ceremony? Where we opened a bag of chips in a different way each time? Cinder blocks , pullied hammers , m80s to blow them up... the tradition stopped when I procured the Cornell University marching band from their practice to march to the tailgate party playing Louie Louie and march over the chips. I think Kenny said... that one will never be topped let's finish this on a high note lol By the way I talked to Kenny yesterday and led him to this thread he is reading it all and laughing his @ss off remembering these stories 🤣 kinda of a nice celebration for 500 games for him!
  8. Did i coerce you into a bowling ball shot lol 😆
  9. Happy healthy and prosperous new year to all!
  10. Yes early 90s in the lot by where the field house now is back when we had the bubble
  11. Darnold will be interesting does he stay when JJ comes back where does he go ig he leaves. He has certainly developed i will be interested to see what he does in the playoffs and next year
  12. Indeed it's what makes us us... and the more people outside that are like what's wrong with these people the more we like it... all you can say is... if you know you know... lol if not move along 🤣
  13. A bit scared if they don't get turnovers just fine if they do
  14. Well it's really Kenny but I was glad to be a part of it! And Pete the genius he is came up with the filing cabinet Pizza sheer brilliance in my opinion and really very good Pizza as it were ... 😆
  15. Indeed how long have you been going? I moved and stopped somewhere around 2010...
  16. I know I just didnt see them in the same class... now I watch them and I am like damn... maybe its just my own revelation... not sure like I said its an impression I get. I think a lot of it probably had to do with me finally believing Darnold was actually for real... and then really watching him.
  17. His on field and locker room presence is alone worth a roster spot... love this guy.
  18. Well indeed I agree I cant wait for this game like I said a great game... with respect to regressing... I dont know... just an eyeball on it seems like the Vikings are actually starting to peak now... the Lions seem like they are a bit plateaued albiet at a Super Bowl level... I would not have given the Vikings a chance in this game realistically 4 or 5 weeks ago but I am now... thats the best I got for you just my impression. as would I make that swap...
  19. Well I will say this... these things got started during the Super Bowl years so it was less what else do we have to do and more just the crazy... but also... very superstitious people that pushed their superstitious OCD to an increasingly more insane, bazaar, eccentric level... so for me it was really more... the crazier the idea the better chance we had of winning... but thats just me...
  20. I believe he did... he was a fun down to earth guy.. but a real character and you know what it may have been the late 90s but it could have been the early 2000s cause the party moved to the main lot from the side lot when they got rid of the bubble and built the field house...
  21. I know i remember us thinking it would likely be closer to a 1st rounder... not thinking that it would actually be closer to the top of the 3rd round... lol
  22. So way back in the 90s Joe Cahn from Athlon sports magazine came to do a piece on this "Crazy Bills tailgate party" He came to the party and did everything, Bowling Ball shots, Drank the wine from the stomped on grapes from the year before, ate off the hood, witnessed Ketchup all of it... he interviewed Kenny and some of us and got his names wrong... so when the article came out he referred to Kenny as "Pinto Ron" and it just stuck... . and that is how Kenny became Pinto Ron... fun fact, Joe Cahn had so much fun he came back about yearly for a few years..
  23. Quite honestly watching them play I feel like they are getting better by a smidge and Detroit is actually regressing a small amount... this will be a great game between the 2 and i would not at all be surprised to see the Vikings as the 1 seed. I for one in the beginning of the year did not see that one coming... at all...
  24. This is my hope and whether it was one of the reasons to bring Hyde back or not, I think this benefits him... I think he needs to play... I like the coaching staff has high hopes... but clearly he is a rook and not playing at a level that I would say is what they are looking for but sometimes the only way to make that leap is to play... no time like the present.
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