As I get older I am more and more with you... I think it was what I lived and died for as a kid... now in my 50s I want it for a Region of people, really good people that hang tough through hard times.... live as a community and struggle to get to experience something just once that brings them joy... for me its not about respect or beating our chests, its more I dont see a community that it would mean more too than ours... kinda like the difference between Bill Gates winning the mega millions and a single mom with 3 kids working 2 jobs to make a go of it... lastly, I would like to see us win it to set an example to others who feel like they are entitled or somehow better than others because they have been fortunate enough to have the experience. I know Bills Mafia would be greatfull, humble and show respect... too little of that these days... I'd like to see us show people how it should be done and what class is...