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  1. We share the same greatest concern for sure
  2. 100% Beane culled his core and his payroll... he got as far as he was gonna with those guys and then the performance began to stagnate then diminsh in some... He wasnt going to improve the team with internal performance improvement with those folks and the money that we were spending on them could not be justified. I like he has seen this and addressed it presently. I also agree on Diggs... he hates losing so badly it consumes him.... and then ultimately... he allows it to consume others and that is where the problems start with him.... I always tell my team... Positive traits and characteristics are awesome... unless they are over used and uncontrolled... then they become liabilities... they must be managed in a way that allows you to be effective. Steph cant do that... he will for a bit in Houston... but if he doesnt see immediate success he will try to not let it happen like he tried here... but eventually unless he figures it out it will happen again...
  3. I think every year there is one or the other... not sure this year will bring a trade... but I do think we will probably cut someone that we didnt really expect... most likely a FA signee that we had lots of hope for but just didnt gel...
  4. I would have hoped some of these guys would have moved on from Ta Kill ya and on to some nice Bourbons or Scotch... just sayin...
  5. Physically there is some similarities... but the intangibles arent even close.
  6. Combination of both... JA17 clearly is more capable of extending plays with his legs and avoiding sacks. In fact, his ability to see a coverage and run early when there is a gap is a tool that helps our OL immensely. I do not think Daniel Jones has this... or at least not at Allens level. I also think their OL was a bit lack luster last year and of course had to manage with multiple QBs
  7. I think B he did win 4 DTs in a row... but a lot like Schott in the playoffs... I do think though if he can learn from his past failure that he can bring it home.
  8. This is kinda funny... I liked the Justin Fields stare LOL...
  9. Love they do these things... you cannot help but take a few things away watching your colleagues up close and in person no matter how much of a pro you are...
  10. I agree with this... there are so many ifs right now that it is hard to put your arms around it... if all the ifs playout well... they could win it all... if certain critical ifs do not then they could miss the playoffs... such a cop out to an extent I know... but what I do know is this... I have no idea what we are going to see when this team takes the field and progresses thru the year... and this year Coach McD will need to create a masterpiece we have not seen him create yet... very big year for him.
  11. I think he will struggle synching with his new receivers as will those receivers have to get used to how hard the ball comes in when it is thrown. I think he will struggle with hero ball and trying to do too much because of some depleted continuity in the WR corps... But, for some reason I think he will shine in over coming the above obstacles, it may take a minute.... but for some reason watching him take over in the last half of the season last year I felt like he finally gets it... I think he will revert back to Hero Josh from time to time but I think this will be a year of maturity for him... please sweet baby Jesus dont let this come back to haunt me LOL...
  12. Great writeup...I am agreeing with all you said pretty much... but for fun I would add Baltimore - worse - Lamar breaking down at the end of the season and despite a great regular season record they make an early exit in the playoffs. Miami - worse - Tua contract situation persists and causes mayhem in the first half of the season Dolphins find themselves behind the 8 ball early and never recover to be a threat thanks for the post!
  13. I want badly for these two to be a formidable game wrecking LB Combo... the talent is there, the availability is what concerns me.
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