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  1. Great writeup...I am agreeing with all you said pretty much... but for fun I would add Baltimore - worse - Lamar breaking down at the end of the season and despite a great regular season record they make an early exit in the playoffs. Miami - worse - Tua contract situation persists and causes mayhem in the first half of the season Dolphins find themselves behind the 8 ball early and never recover to be a threat thanks for the post!
  2. I want badly for these two to be a formidable game wrecking LB Combo... the talent is there, the availability is what concerns me.
  3. Our relationship with the NFL is clearly a toxic one lol... we hate what they do but yet here we are... because we love the product. He is where I go off the hook.... the NFL has every right to extract as much money as they can from everyone that they can as often as they can.... but that doesn't mean its right or responsible... in fact pushed too far they ultimately risk losing fans. Quite honestly, I hate that they pretend to be for all things good, champions of those that haven't been given a fair shake, or a vehicle for change... when fundamentally they are pricing an entire segment of the population out of viewership In stadium or on TV... Do your thing NFL run your business your way. But please don't think that any of us are fooled with your Branding of the league as one that is fair and interested in inclusion and social justice... because you are only for what makes you money...
  4. I never trust kickers unless that trust is earned. Right now I dont think they should trust him... but should give him a chance to earn that trust... but as the poster above said... they better have a solid plan B.... IMO
  5. Exactly as long as he is one of ours, I hope he comes out pi$$ed and takes no prisoners... we shall see... he has to make it thru training camp first.
  6. I like that Von has a bit of a chip on his shoulder.... lets see how it translates.
  7. I agree... winning is the measuring stick above all... until Allen does that he wont surpass Mahomes ... stats no stats... I get if all things were equal... But if I am honest I dont think Allen on the Chiefs gets them to 4 out of 5 Superbowls and wins 3....
  8. I agree here for sure... it was closer than it needed to be... the thing is if you look at the overall dominance of the Dolphins that has been the Bills over the past while, I am not sure what the fear factor is. I mean that could change, but this game didnt give me cause for concern... The Cinci game... now that was disturbing.
  9. Agreed.... with his predictions I put no stock in anything he says... but that doesnt mean that I think he wont come back stronger than last year and be productive. I actually think he will... but will he reclaim "Closer" status ... fingers crossed.
  10. I was gonna say, right call... lack of execution.
  11. I dont disagree with this unless a surprise steps up, but he does have a bit of cash tied into him so agreed here. It would be huge to me if Collins can come in and prove to be a solid OL just even from a depth standpoint... our lack of injury on OL last year is rarer than rare.
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