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Everything posted by DaVinci

  1. Tom Brady won 3 championships in his first 5 seasons.
  2. Hope the Eagles Kill them
  3. This is where Allen is Deficient
  4. There was one Bills GM that could take this team over the top
  5. Brady's secret plays
  6. I would like Garrett but that isn't going to help us next year against the Chiefs when we need yet another TD at the end of the game. We either need an offensive threat or a coach that knows what he's doing.
  7. These are the times I'm glad we dont have Mahomes.
  8. He thanked the guy in the mail room.
  9. " I think I can handle the peril"
  10. Nothing worse than a Lawyer slinging sports talk.
  11. BRAVO Josh. So glad we have you !
  12. I don't think this is optimal. You're current DC has lost a vote of confidence. Now you bring in someone with more experience. Who's in charge? Is the new guy going to step all over the current one. This doesn't seem like a great working dynamic.
  13. Pretty soon NFL with androids.
  14. who did Mahomes have when He beat us this time?
  15. This means no Garrett. Why do you need him when you have a pash rush specialist coach. He will coach the old boys up.
  16. I have lost faith in this coaching staff and G.M. Its been a 5 year revolving tour of disappointments and let downs, How can I feel everything will be ok next year? This is my last year as a season ticket holder.
  17. This isn't rocket science. You have the ball the last 2 playoff games at the very end of the 4th quarter. You have "the MVP, The Unicorn" get a touchdown!
  18. All season I was thinking the time was coming like the Tennessee game a few years ago when Josh got stuffed running the play at the goal line. Someone was waiting for him in that left side gap.
  19. jeez why couldnt they be smart eneough to try and run the play to the other side wtf.
  20. And it cost them a challenge that would have gave them the first down.
  21. Hes not saying they didn't cheat Hes saying you have to overcome the cheating.
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