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Everything posted by DaVinci

  1. yesssss!!!
  2. she closing in
  3. I would say she has a deep connection to Buffalo
  5. Good article in the Athletic concerning the Offensive creative contributions between coach and QB. in KC. Untill proven wrong I believe our offense will be born of Mcd's 3 yards and a cloud of dust ball controll Offene. Can it Work ?. So far the recent past says no.
  6. through him in the water, If he floats......
  7. Looks like playing # 1 unless a miracle
  8. c'mon Jessica ,put the hammer down!
  9. Both are good. Smell the fall air with the game on and drift to sleep knowing football season is here.
  10. This season is a question mark. Many pundints have the AFC at 1) Miami 2) Jets 3) Bills
  11. Just remember what happens when you invite a shark for dinner
  12. Being a Bills fan the season is like having a continuous heart attack with bouts of anger and then then depression after the playoffs. I can relate and find some relief when the season is over.
  13. Cards ranked 29 in power rankings last year. This is gona be the easiest game of the year.
  14. Maddie Glab chased Diggs out of town
  15. 1 half left till real football
  16. If you have to give youre kicker practice kicking 30 yard field goals you're in trouble.
  17. Like to see the new QB Brown do very well
  18. where in the 300's
  19. Could be a trojan horse to a team in the same division. The guy may be a head case.
  20. Just give to Grandmother's charity. Don't need another cause
  21. Roger's won't last 5 games
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