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Everything posted by ScotSHO

  1. In the bag!!! But don’t certify the results until 13-17 days after just to be super safe!
  2. What does this “on the record” entail? It sounds ominous.
  3. I now suspect this is Diddy, and he's trying to weasel out of the charges. I'm hip to this game, no answer.
  4. That's a leading question, counselor. But I'll allow it.
  5. At what age will you finish cranking your hog and leave this board alone? Answer the question.
  6. Nailed it, but maybe flip the ticket.
  7. Typical.
  8. Is it Chili Dog? Or is it Chilly Dog? Those are 2 different things, as libtoid John The Cougar reminds me almost daily.
  9. Some days I wake up feeling like I did. Joints a bit creaky if you know what I mean.
  10. Wait, is Rex is off and running with this story as well?
  11. Somebody once told me not to believe everything I read on the internet. Famous guy, Lincoln Benjamin or something like that. Odd time to dismiss the head coach (game week Friday).
  12. To me his demeanor seems very laid back, almost nonchalant in interviews and on the sideline. But in my experience I have worked with people like this that are very high performers. I like it, but I suspect this doesn't play well in a traditional football environment, and he probably and unfairly gets lumped in with the guys that are not bought into the "process" or whatever they were selling in Cleveland & Oakland at the time.
  13. Not a cop out, you're just not worth the bytes. Go suck an egg.
  14. It's always feelings with this guy. Don't get too peeved, something bad might happen.
  15. So eloquent. Tell us how you really feel. A Libtoid at a loss for words, I never thought I'd see the day.
  16. I'm going to need a citation on this claim. If your supposition is true, shouldn't the FDA & USDA be working at the optimal levels under the current spend happy house & senate? What is the excuse for E.Coli sneaking thru on Kamala's watch? Maybe it's the pet liberal project stealing reallocating funds (Ukraine)? Never.
  17. She seems to portray the right tenor for a potential first woman president. People respect a leader that is principled but open to change & listening to opposing viewpoints. The previous and current examples do not have a spine, which was and will be their downfall.
  18. Don't care, still voting for Rump (cackling in Kamala).
  19. Insulated liberal in far off land tells others going thru a hardship to chill out. Stay classy @The Frankish Reich.
  20. Phenomenal - up and coming candidate with the appropriate flavors of protected class is worse than a dude barely able to exist. What a party!🎉
  21. Just like every CEO town hall meeting I’ve sat thru. The crowd gets 2-3 “plants” asking precanned questions. So authentic.
  22. I saw 3 signs.
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