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Everything posted by ScotSHO

  1. Let's see the data; you're both right. It depends on your time period - 1 year or 4 years. https://www.epi.org?p=283209&view=embed&embed_template=charts_v2013_08_21&embed_date=20241028&onp=283883&utm_source=epi_press&utm_medium=chart_embed&utm_campaign=charts_v2
  2. Did you fly them when they sounded better? As a kid in the takeoff flight path, that was my favorite plane because you could hear the grinding engines coming from miles away!
  3. Interesting take. I've always thought people of any flavor can think for themselves in America, but recognize many may be lacking in the "thinking" department. Our collective fates depend on people get a touch smarter (and a bit more self-reliant), but ultimately it's up to the collective to figure it out. I have my doubts.
  4. Why do you always wrap yourself in the skin of black people? It's creepy, like you're Ed Gein or something.
  5. Or here's an idea Fortune Magazine, maybe don't enable politicians who shut down society for political gain? Nah, that would be too obvious. I can't wait for fake doctor frankinfurter (feelble old guy) to tell us we did it right. Because we didn't do right for anyone under 50 that had an immune system.
  6. How did you find that out? That was really fast! When will they update the community notes?
  7. They are not sending their finest people to PPP.
  8. Baby killing might be unhuman? Not sure what he meant.
  9. They're like the Pittsburg Steelers, they travel well and wave their towels. It's Dover. It's Donver. Am I doing this right?
  10. Loud eyeroll. I think he only wants to get you, personally. He said Andy1 is not #1 and will hunt you down Hans Landa style. "It hasn't been implemented correctly." Now expand that into an epic tome.
  11. That was a 1 on a scale of zero to Hillary passing out.
  12. @Roundybout between this and the no WR separation thread you started - you are officially now @DonQuixote. Please change your screen name at your earliest possible opportunity.
  13. I was more offended about the wet ball talk. Pearls were clutched. But the PC devil on my shoulder did say "you can't say that" when we heard the spaz comment. Yes, I have multiple personalities but mostly depicted by the angel & devil on each shoulder Tom & Jerry style. Shoot - I think I offended someone by referencing T & J now. Darn it - I think I offended someone by saying "shoot".
  14. Where is your Josh for MVP thread? Trying a different tact this year?
  15. At some point the left will run out of people to eat.
  16. I see it now - "non-controlling minority interest". So no worries, everything will be above board.
  17. Still working to mute out the Ravens & Texans passing performance. Hopefully that improves.
  18. Do they still let the owners & team management decide how to run their business, or do they get a vote? Or if they don't get a vote, do they blackmail ownership to get their way?
  19. No coincidence that he's all of a sudden accused of illegal activities. They all do it (Rs & Ds alike), but step out of party line and boom. Legal troubles. For lefties he serves no purpose and is a liability; under the bus he goes.
  20. Actually, they do get away with it. Do you think any president besides Trump in the modern NFL era has talked one on one with a rival leader? It's all handshakes and pictures, the stakes are too high to expose themselves beyond a 30 second clip. The underlings to the Sec. of State do all the policy talks. And the reason they do it is Trump - linger too long and they'll catch you dumping fish food and undermine the entire purpose of the meeting.
  21. If, somehow, the Trump camp gets a lead beyond voting week (it isn't called election day anymore) - the instant roll reversal on this board will be delicious. But I highly doubt the winning Kamala votes won't be manufactured found, sorry, counted by Friday 11/8. It's just the way it has to be. You know, the people have spoken (twice sometimes).
  22. And that is why the left leaning people on here are mostly silent. Harris shouldn't go on Rogan, it would be a misstep for her and her fake image. The silence is telling.
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