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Everything posted by ScotSHO

  1. Homeboy has surfaced, but hasn't commented - yet. Like Fox Mulder, I want to believe.
  2. I think we'll be fine, we lived thru 4 years of Biden and his lackeys bumblephuking their way under, around, and thru racist bridges.
  3. I watched 0:44 seconds of that video and you know what, Kamala might just be the president we need. not
  4. "Leans left" - HA! How many steps removed does it take to prevent USA-IDs from being culpable? That is the question that we'll never know.
  5. As a taxpayer, I would rather feed the poor vs. paying rubes to further a certain political viewpoint (or way worse). Even with a 35% inefficiency rate of an organization, at least the majority of the funds would get to the end user. This is just junk spending and you know it.
  6. Courtney Cox called and said at least change your first name, you can get a pass on the last name...
  7. Imagine getting $8 million in tax payer funds to huff your own farts. What a world.
  8. I'm interested if he'll admit the mistake.
  9. It's time to mandate deleting this thread @The Frankish Reich
  10. If there is one thing I know, it is you are not a pilot. PPP demands a photo of a pilot's license to immediately verify if you have the credentials to discuss such matters. I suggest doing a Google search, downloading a generic photo and blur out the John Doe lines. Then and only then can we talk.
  11. Most of the stocks I hold went up today. I call it the Pelosi effect - can't lose. To the moon.
  12. As a mouthpiece for the "obliterate the nuclear family" party, you of all people should know it might take days to notify the next of kin. 0 political points scored today; go suck an egg.
  13. Kelce (like most greats) will overstay their welcome by a year or two. He ain't retiring.
  14. I'll be surprised if he gets another contract in the NFL. His only hope is a June 1st cut and then the Bills bring him back for vet minimum. They would do that too, because the front office won't have to admit total failure. Win win.
  15. That and the Chefs running crossers against man to man. We'd telegraph man to man and never bluff; super frustrating to watch. We used to disguise coverages, I guess we don't have the talent to pull that off anymore.
  16. My opinion - I think they dropped the flag momentarily for Dejon taking off his helmet after the play when he was yucking it up with Chris Jones. Somehow they decided that was too ticky tack at that juncture, as a 15 yarder would have been a big deal there.
  17. I'm just here for more Josh/Peppa Pig commercials. What do we play again?
  18. They had ample time & timeouts, but they played it like it was 3rd down/end of half offense the whole way. They don't trust James Cook in gotta-have-it passing downs. Their conventional offense was getting stuffed too, so I can't argue with the decision. Their pop gun offense Sunday wasn't going to magically turn into the 2000 Rammies. Josh has proven to be a fun player to watch, gets lots of gaudy stats, but with only random bouts of "clutchy-ness" (that's not a word). Most of his signature wins are methodical end of game field goals, many times when they are tied. He has the potential to improve in this area, but I fear his reflex to go improvisational will always fight that.
  19. Allen is not QB Jesus. He left a lot of opportunities on the field. The mental aspects of his game are still lacking in the big moments. Not sure Fat Andy would even fix that. The truth hurts, I don't think you're supposed to say that here.
  20. McVay would cream his pants if they got 17.
  21. Josh was ok, he did fine with the pop gun offense they had this year.
  22. no problemo The unblocked pressure got Josh all frisky. Name of the game since he came into the league. Zero blitz (which this wasn't) him in pressure spots.
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