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Everything posted by ScotSHO

  1. Despite Roundboot's wails, the south will rise again. You may need to gather your men and do another Sherman's March to the Sea to correct this miscarriage of justice. I believe in you.
  2. 7 years later... The majority of stalkers have severe personality disorders. The most common one among stalkers is narcissistic personality disorder, which gives stalkers an exaggerated feeling of self-worth and an obsessive desire for other people to admire and revere them. Extreme dependence, in which a person needs constant help, attention, and acceptance from others, and borderline personality disorder, in which a person has unpredictable emotions and a high sensitivity to rejection and abandonment, are two more personality disorders that experts often see in stalkers. Pick one.
  3. Now replace DEI with the climate cult. I fear the science behind it is corrupted to the core.
  4. Reverting to the oldest anti-semitic trope - "whacha doin Rabbi"??? Odd times we live in.
  5. His point is the deep state GQP planned and executed this with Tom Selleck funded agitators. Duh.
  6. This is where I diverge from Uncle Festerman - as a beneficiary of gender affirming care via synthetic testosterone, I'd be down for some test tube baby cow meat.
  7. That Charlton Heston movie really stuck with the masses, eh?
  8. Culturally middle of the road stances. All I ask for.
  9. I echo Fetterman's last part of his position - "go talk to someone else". It doesn't look like his home, but maybe throw in a "get off my lawn" for fun next time too. I like to see all his positions on the hot topics. Currently, this dude might be the most qualified human for the Presidency of the US&As.
  10. Nothing PG13 or less. Back on topic, drove by last weekend and there is lots of steel taking shape. They'll probably be finished by this Friday.
  11. Was the PSL thread quietly deleted during the draft hubub?
  12. I have a feeling a lot of these so called "fitness influencers" on the Gramtoks are guilty of the same BS.
  13. This Vance may be winning, but it feels like losing. The GOP bullpen is a mess.
  14. It’s a politically poor example of making a hard decision; who advises these people? Self inflicted wound, and a CLM (career limiting move).
  15. The same username as before. I was around in 2010-2020. Covid crazies drove me away from here. Now I'm back like Shady or herpies - take your pick.
  16. The sickle & hammer gets me every time. I wish they'd use the Hippity Hoppity Abolish Private Property frog too.
  17. "Fair share" is the dumbest statement in the history of tax utterances. Give me a hard number - % of income.
  18. "strong SOTU" and "Swifty winning the SB" What kind of groomed house pet wrote this? And those graphs look like ass.
  19. I'm surprised the billSlime media didn't say "Republicans POUNCE".
  20. T minus 8 hours until we get lectured on a certain mid-western US happening from yesterday.
  21. I can see a conviction or two, but sentencing will be lenient so probably a NO on incarceration. You'll still get your time in the sun to dance the trump schadenfreude dance. It's like the macarena but more animated.
  22. The Fed doesn't talk with the current regime today before it makes monetary policy decisions? I find that very hard to believe.
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