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Everything posted by ScotSHO

  1. I don't blame the media. This must be the first time ever that someone has gotten old and feeble. Uncharted territory.
  2. So this is where the rubber hits the road. Just a "cool yes" isn't going to make the fundamental changes necessary, we need a plan of attack. Details. Phases. Strategery.
  3. Stopped using that login. The engagement returns were at an all time low.
  4. What should we do? We are going to be net zero by 2050. Accelerate?
  5. Problem is both sides haven't developed a bench and have nobody to turn to. Personally I like Tulsi, but she's viewed by half the electorate as a Benedict Arnold. The pickle we're in almost feels intentional. Probably just an unintended consequence of the un-social media era, but I wonder if it was intentional.
  6. By a goofball on the internet. Huffpost? Axois? The Bee?
  7. I can venture the quiet answer is this: "It's a national security threat to admit the Pres is goofy, so we have to go along with what we're told by the CIA, NSA, etc. Trust the plan."
  8. Project 2025 is your version of QAnon. You just joined the MAGA nutters in the asylum. Since you've been institutionalized, now I can use your garage too - I think I'll rent it out to some illegal aliens displaced migrants.
  9. But it did get shot down at first, then he slithered by with greaseball tactics.
  10. Have you heard of Joe Joe crowing about college loan forgiveness? I member.
  11. Not my point - my point is this: What gives you the right to argue the opposite of your existence for someone else? Do you not see the conundrum pro-abortion advocates are in? Or do you justify it because you know that your mom & dad wanted you, and never had a second doubt about aborting you? Are you sure about that? I just find it hard to kill a future somebody. I was given the same respect, and so should the next person.
  12. Buffalo is already a 30 min city. Anything less than that and I'd have to live in Roundy's master suite. That's right I kicked you out, you have to live in your garage now - the WEF mandated it.
  13. The Alphabet Team, and not the LGBs either.
  14. Since 1969, the average economic growth under Republican presidents was 8.4 percent and average inflation was 4.75 percent. Under the 23 years of Democratic admins, the economy grew 7.5 percent and inflation 8 percent on average.
  15. Not a true statement, but feel free to spin away good sir.
  16. There it is, the modern day nomenklatura worries about his position in the party. Botym comrade, botym!
  17. Your liberal Love Canal fear mongering is over the top. RELAX. Trust the system.
  18. I like unelected, unaccountable people governing every aspect of my life. - Roundperson
  19. I do. Maybe make a real law like School House Rock instead of doing an Obama end around?
  20. You're unstable.
  21. It is a pretty even split. To take it one step further - we are given a binary choice, but I think you'd find the PPP crowd is all over the map politically.
  22. Rump and his buddies might be on to something. I read they will start with urban planners.
  23. I see this everyday in my industry, and most of the time that tact is the correct way to go about it.
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