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Everything posted by ScotSHO

  1. BILLSTIME - I knew it was you!!! Glad you're back.
  2. Joseph Raymond McCarthy (November 14, 1908 – May 2, 1957) Probably not much living overlap with the gentleman poster, if any. And McCarthy's legacy was always presented negatively, so I doubt the gentleman poster had an opportunity to get his brain melted by the red scare of the early 1950s.
  3. I can't wait for the left to defend big government and tell us it's just wildly incompetent. But don't let this distract from the fact that @TH3 still wants Donald Trump assassinated because, you know, feelings.
  4. There he is: TH3 - ASSASSIN'S CREED
  5. @Scraps(time to denigrate Newsweek, call it Alternative Media Scum)
  6. THERE HE IS, THE PRESIDENT OF THE MAKE-A-WISH ASSASSINATION CLUB! "When you wish upon a star, brain matter will fly real far..."
  7. Did you just wake up from a Ralphie Boy nap? It's been this way since they begrudgingly bought the team.
  8. LBJ still has dibs on the next 40 years.
  9. DO you know how shiity life can be if behind most trees there is someone that might take you out? The Vietcong never took on the US military directly, yet didn't lose. Don't act so brash, it is a legitimate threat.
  10. Only frankie does hollywood reich knows what Alternative media scum is. Let him cook.
  11. I see now. Crapco is the latest to cast aspersions.
  12. I choose to think people will rise above this, but you choose to stir the pot. YOu suck.
  13. @Backintheday544 why do you defend this horsecocky? Do you personally gain from the college grift?
  14. Good point. Both parties spend like drunken sailors. I'd like a focused effort like ol' Billy did in the 90s to bring this down a touch.
  15. Who are the WE here? It's like when a Bills fans says "we didn't play well against the Jets". News flash - they're not an NFL player & you're not a political operative.
  16. Roundball is BillSlime in disguise. Don't let him fool ya.
  17. Financial irresponsibility, love it.
  18. Sounds very Trump-ian to me. Probably time to drop this topic and discuss the pee tapes.
  19. Good luck with that. I pretty sure every F500 CEO is pumping AI at every turn.
  20. Still waiting on your comprehensive plan to save humanity. But in the meantime, continue to use this topic to score political points.
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