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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. Yea, nothing to see here I’m sure…
  2. So yea, that was a rhetorical tick, suggesting people look up the word, or that their argument was based on a false premise. I will say you are the fastest learner on here. Pulling links to back r position and throwing the definition thing back at me, and persistently. You seem upset tonight, hope everything is okay.
  3. 3 is in his post. ‘Dim’ is more common way to me to call someone dumb. YMMV. Standard rw talking point, talk about how things are said or spelled and not the felon molesting yet another you girl, telling another lie, etc. so my question, how serious are you?
  4. The FBI will end this country. That is really your theory? P.S. wasn’t Wray a felon appointment? All the finest people and so much winning.
  5. Your 10,561 st post this year is a banger, nice job NC you really are doing the thankless work.
  6. Nothing says well educated more than using the third definition of a word. Well played sir.
  7. You're the one paraphrasing Rush and I'm too dull? Maybe you mean dim? I'm not sure you're hitting the absurdity of the absurd note you are intending. You really seem to think you know and or more like to tell people how to feel or act, that my friend is the actual absurdity in this chat.
  8. Shifting the topic or false equivocating so on brand BIMF, so I'm helping you out with repeating yourself. Now with the extra time I saved you maybe start a thread about Whatever the slapping things is and let's keep this one about the allegations that the felon groped an underage girl. P.S. I love the "ANSWER THE QUESTION" in all caps is that your internet "voice of authority"? so cool tough guy.
  9. Oh those were (NOT) the days, just amazing.
  10. Bills - 37 Seahawks - 20
  11. Stick with the I can’t read words it’s working for you. 🥴
  12. Sure, most vetted. And what has that vetting shown? He is incompetent, has no respect for anyone, and would sell his mother (or pence) for his gain. He will sell you out as well, but you like it, what a sad mess.
  13. I said none of what you are asking. It’s not a hard concept. red areas are generally rural, and have a low population density. Additionally they usually have large land owners who both think they should be in charge of everything because they own land and are used to telling people what to do. So they don’t want to count votes from the people the boss around (or worse year from those blue “dots’. This is an aristocrat streak in red states that is being used by authoritarians. Think the OG civil war where rich plantation owners convinced poor white to fight and die so the rich could keep blacks slaves and maintain the poor whites place just above those slaves. So poll results at this point 80% no. I think no for several reasons, Russian and foreign influence is all in for this election if the felon doesn’t get in it will collapse and so will the artificial divisions. additionally people can’t handle putting a mask on their are not going to go into the streets and fight, let alone risk not having access to TP.
  14. Protecting public health is not authoritarian. Your freedom to be sick ends at getting others sick. But the selfishness of your reaction shows your colors. Threatening media companies, to arrest your political opponents (fake Biden impeachment or example), encouraging violence (recent shooting at the democratic office only the most recent example). wanting to use the military to shoot protesters, etc. are all authoritarian. and your last point is important, Dems did protest vote the felons first etc certification, but no one thought it would change anything. In 2021 the gop voted against certification to derail and delay the process and insert fake electors and eventually stormed the capital all in the hope of overcoming the will of the people. That is authoritarian.
  15. It’s a dumb premise to say the big red empty spaces are more important than the small blue dots. The red spaces don’t believe in equality (one person one vote) they think they have right to control things because they have land and never have to interact with anyone else or more likely they just never listen to anyone else. Meanwhile those “small” blue dots generate most of the revenue and economic activity in the country. but yea your comment, as usual, added quite a bit to the discussion, thanks.
  16. Don’t be thick. Trump IS losing it and part of that is he is less willing/able to hide his authoritarian tendencies. Additionally his age and compromising legal and finical situation and ease of manipulation via simple flattery have made him a target for people who are authoritarian. However those (very rich) don’t have enough votes (or are immigrants and ineligible) to win so they need the felons “popularity” to get control of the government. I think you. Ight be missing the point about German generals… it’s not that they were competent, it is that they did what Hitler wanted, which is what the felon wanted. You know to “shoot protesters in the knee” thing.
  17. He is an X. Totally makes sense.
  18. Said without irony. 🥴
  19. Classic abuser behavior, blame the victim/accuser. Sad, what a mess, lame. Uh are you really this dense, or just a very good actor?
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