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Everything posted by Starr-Bills
I know let’s let industry regulate themselves (I mean they know best right) those stupid faa inspectors just slow down business. - Boeing. 1981 the M2 Bradley is dumb and too expensive. - US Media. 2024 The M2 Bradley is the best AFV in the world Can we have more please - Ukraine it’s too expensive to run electrical power to rural Tennessee. Hold my beer have you seen the TVA - US Government or the satellite probes orbiting all the major planets and in interstellar space or JWST taking photos of the beginning of the universe 6000 years ago I mean 13.6 Billion years ago. or the US interstate … the freeway not toll way business is fine but they have short term goal (quarterly reports) the government can invest in long term improvement for the country, and by country I mean its citizens. so please tell me what’s too bloated, and how you can more efficiently help out your fellow citizens. Just like the felon I’m all ears.
So that was your point, wasn’t clear. 1. A baby is not a fetus. 2. A fetus is not a baby. 3. If you don’t like or support abortions then don’t have one, or pay for one. 4. Abortion is a made up issue by the right to try and get enough people to vote against their interests. Since giving all the money to rich people isn’t popular. Don’t believe me believe the priests. 5. Thought you wanted smaller and less intrusive government. Why don’t you stop trying to tell everyone how to live. Note allowing people to make decisions that are right for them is what I’m advocating. In case that wasn’t already quite clear. finally don’t be shy please feel free to put forward some policy proposals you think would improve the country and your fellow Americans lives.
Actually most of the money goes to us companies… like the shell manufacturing in Scranton & Texas. Also the us military sends old ready to be retired equipment to Ukraine and buys new replacements. Making both the military and the us economy stronger. Why are you so against helping Americans? And allies. Are you like this with your neighbors? Sad.
Last I checked the Ukraine aid package being added was the republicans idea, and they back away from it when the dems actually agreed, in the spirt of getting things done. also why do you not want to help an ally who was invaded by another country? Are you on the side of the invader? Talk about not killing babies or women or children or men.
Not sure what you mean about killing babies. Random. Bonus if this is about abortions, don’t get one if you don’t like it. Trying to have the government regulate sex seems rather intrusive and counter to your “less government’ ethos. I mean this bill you are welcome to your opinion, but hard for me to take it seriously if you don’t have any proposals for changing it. Do you want to down size the military? How about the ATF or maybe you want to get rid of the BLM agency or the FBI? Maybe Veteran affairs? Or just the EPA, NOAA, highway and traffic safety or the Fed or securities and exchange or the IRS… you know agencies who try to protect Americans and ensure a fair economy? Or do you really want to replace the existing govt workers with luckiest who will play favorites. He insults are strong in this one. You’re right the government won’t and can’t solve every problem. But let me ask you do you have money in a bank without FDIC backing? Why not?
Let’s go with your false premise for a sec. Okay she didn’t do enough for the boarder is your point. Fine. Do enough is the operative words. meanwhile on the other side you have a candidate who active derailed legislation written mostly by his party to ‘protect the boarder’. And he and this party openly admit they did it not to help Americans but to hurt Biden and help themselves. and just to give you an idea what the alternative could have been. The felon could have said… ‘I pushed Joe to pass the strongest legislation on the boarder, give me 4 more year and I’ll go even further… etc etc..’ that makes it about the American people about policy not actively hurting the country for his ‘benefit’. do I have that right?
I eat daily I’d like to know my food is safe. I breath constantly I’d like to know my air is safe to breath. I work 5 days a week I’d like to know that the work site is safe. Etc etc. the real question is why you would support a government that wants to regulate women’s bodies, or control contraceptives. That seems pretty invasive into people’s daily lives. And don’t think they will stop there. Maybe read ‘the jungle’ or ‘company town’ see how people were exploited before that ‘intrusive’ government got involved. important point as well the government is not some faceless mass, it is you me and everyone. We the people. Maybe try running for office or working for the government.
1. You want to cripple this country, am I reading that right. 2. Bloated is relative. We have 330 million people. What is an appropriate number I’d government officials? You know to protect your air, your water, your food to provide safe transportation on the ground underground in the air and by sea, to defend the country from enemies foreign and domestic to administer the taxes fairly. 3. The only people that wanna cripple or ‘starve’ the United States federal government are people who are being stopped from doing whatever the ***** they want because of the federal government of the United States of America. This is Monsanto. This is AT&T. This is Microsoft, etc. This is Putin this is China, etc. This is Elon and Peter Teale. I really don’t get this Stockholm syndrome or people who are being taken advantage of by the super wealthy on a fight and die and attack other people rather than the people/forces who are taking advantage of the, I don’t get it. blows my mind.
You did read the article where it said most of his wealth is held in real estate. Even if he wasn’t mortgaged to the hilt that is not liquid which is what I said. I’ll paste the article here so everyone playing along at home can judge. (Screen shots are too large) In 2022, Forbes pegged his wealth at $3 billion, while in 2016 his worth was estimated at $4.6 billion. How much is Trump worth? As of mid-March 2024, Forbes estimates Trump's net worth at $2.6 billion, putting the real estate developer at No. 1,290 on the magazine's list of the world's richest people. Although his wealth has dropped, the combined $88.3 million awards stemming from the Carroll rulings represents a small fraction of his overall wealth. Even so, the $464 million judgement related to Trump's civil fraud case is straining his ability to find a financial institution that will consider a bond of that size, his attorneys said on Monday. "[A] bond requirement of this enormous magnitude, effectively requiring cash reserves approaching $1 billion ... is unprecedented," the attorneys wrote in a nearly 5,000-page filing on Monday. "Very few bonding companies will consider a bond of anything approaching that magnitude," they added. To be sure, Trump's real estate holdings are far more valuable than the bond amount, but a Trump Organization executive wrote in the Monday filing that surety companies are unwilling to accept real estate as collateral. Where does Trump's wealth come from? Trump's wealth largely stems from real estate, spanning residential buildings in New York City to golf courses and hotels around the world. According to Bloomberg, one of his largest assets is his $500 million stake in 1290 Avenue of the Americas, an office building in Manhattan. Trump also has $600 million in liquid assets, while his Trump National Doral Miami Golf Resort is worth about $300 million, Bloomberg said. Why has Trump's net worth declined? Some of Trump's real estate holdings have been hurt by the pandemic, with Trump's office buildings suffering from weak demand due to the growth in remote work. His office buildings declined in value by $170 million, according to Forbes. On top of that, Trump's stake in Truth Social contributed to his fall from the Forbes 400 list. The social media platform was started as a conservative-leaning alternative to Facebook and other social forums, and the company once predicted it would top 40 million users. But at the end of 2023, Forbes estimated that Truth Social has signed up just 6.5 million users — about 1% of the users on X (previously known as Twitter). Because of Truth Social's growth challenges, Forbes lowered the value of its parent company to $100 million, down from $730 million in 2022. The venture could still prove highly lucrative for the former President now that securities regulators have cleared a long-planned merger between Truth Social's parent, Trump Media & Technology Group, and its funding partner. Trump is in line to receive nearly 79 million shares in the new business to be created by the merger. Based on its funding partner's current stock price, that stake could be worth as much as $4 billion. (Note this is based on old higher price for the stock) Putin sure wants it to be, just ask his neighbors.
A. Last time I checked “a more perfect union” so yea let’s try. 1. instead of creating a single payer healthcare system similar to Medicare, Medicaid and VA in order to get any benefit to the people a compromise was made to involve the insurance companies, though I mentioned in an earlier post that I was on a leadership team of a healthcare startup that was funded by a large insurance company and a large media company we spent a lot of time well. The board spent a lot of time figuring out how to get around ACA protections. And healthcare costs skyrocketed specifically because the way that they are allowed to make more money for themselves, as they are limited by law to I believe 15% for salaries and overhead and 85% for actual healthcare for clients, is to raise the rates because then that 15% becomes bigger. However, the ACA has been a real benefit to almost 30,000,000 Americans allowing them to have access to any healthcare expensive or not and it’s still less expensive and provides a bare minimum standard of coverage. I’ll take that over letting people suffer any day of the week. sidebar people have this idea that they want unfettered capitalism let the market sort it out. here’s a good way to think about that. Would you rather spend one night alone in an Amazon rainforest or in an English garden? The Amazon rainforest is unfettered capitalism the English garden is a socialist capitalist model, the plants in the garden are limited, but they’re provided with the right soil the right sun light, the right pruning etc. to ensure they flourish. And the best part is, it is done in the democracy so instead of having one gardener, who decides who grows where all the plants decide together. Hopefully that metaphor didn’t go too far off the rails. 2. That is like saying someone moves into house, kills your dog and then you should have a phone call about you giving them an extra bedroom and the kitchen. This is in effect what Putin has done to Ukraine. I’m seriously old enough to remember when the Soviet Union was an enemy of the United States, that whole communism thing that everybody keeps talking about and Putin’s Russia which he’s trying to turn back into the Soviet Union because he’s never gotten over getting his ass kicked. Who is also an international criminal the enemy of the United States and the opposite of freedom and democracy so I’m not really sure why you’re supporting them. They really haven’t changed. Putin has killed over half a million of his own citizens. Why would anybody support that? Honestly confused how anyone not -aid or brainwashed by Putin could support him. 3. So let me get this straight Republicans impeach Clinton and then force him to sign NAFTA which exports jobs meanwhile also killing the tax base by reducing taxes on wealthy corporations and individuals with this vague idea that they will out of the goodness of their billionaire hearts allow the little people to make a trickle so far so good. We keep hearing about make America great again. Take us back to the 60s take us back to the 50s the tax rate at the time when America was ““ so great was between 60 and 80% so yeah I think high taxes will help build the infrastructure, train the workforce and provide healthcare For the people of the country which is more more than lower tax rates for a few really rich people. Let’s talk about your point where jobs would flee businesses would flee where would they go? Assuming the United States can maintain a democracy and the rule of law there is no country on the planet better to have a business in even if if the tax rates were twice what they currently are. agree to disagree 4. Great let’s just get into a scientific discussion about how the greenhouse effect in CO2 and methane enhance that and that the burning of fossil fuels fills the atmosphere with these two chemicals which causes the temperature to rise because solar energy doesn’t escape and look you and I hear are not going to decide that, but everything we can do to limit the amount of carbon dioxide, and the amount of heating that the planet experiences is a good thing so sure EV cars runoff of nuclear power plants windmills solar power, power plants, LP gas, power pants oil, power plants hell even coal however in all of those cases, those are regulated and limited and it’s much easier to patrol or police a few hundred power plants and ensure that they’re complying with emissions and regulations than it is with millions and millions hundreds of millions of cars and trucks and generators and lawn mowers and Leaf blowers, etc. etc. etc. also this point about happening naturally if the oil companies have so much money and so much leverage over the government how is anyone to compete? That’s the whole point of the government to level the playing field last time I checked corporations operate at the pleasure of the government they pay taxes and our regulated to ensure the safety and protection of the population. This is why we all get business licenses for our businesses Tea pot dome. 5. Yeah, well isn’t the teamsters owned by the mob? Jokes aside Even if it isn’t, great one union organization came out for Donald Trump, dozens with millions of members have come out for Harris so obviously just going by the numbers, union workers Trust Democrats more than they trust Republicans. 6. He is a convicted felon, somehow you knew who I was referencing, and as point of fact important as we discuss who we are electing. She is not a DEI hire. Dei, crt, affirmative action, are all code for race or gender. The attacks on her laughing or being shrill are old school attacks on women being annoying to men, this is sexism. So how about we stick to the merits of the case being made. He’s a felon, she is Vice President of the United States. To me, calling a woman a ‘DEI hire’ and ‘shrill and I hate her voice and why does she laugh like that’ which is the real problem? so my remarks are not snide, and I am happy to have a deep discussion about how we transition from an oil, dominated fossil fuel dominated economy to more sustainable and less less environmentally destructive economy, and what the appropriate tax rates would be for that.
I suggest you do a minimal amount of googling about tic tok. says here that the felon (not name calling just what he is) owes over 500 million and has maybe 600 million in liquid assets. So not broke but close. Also the real estate value inflation was exactly what he owes the fines for so not sure we can really trust those values. Trump value ‘finally the ‘lost cause’ is the 50 year project to convince people that the civil war was fought for states rights without discussing what ‘right’ that was, which was to allow some people to own other people. The lost cause. p.s. I’m posting this because I’m not giving up on my fellow American citizens.
You are an expert on tic tok & the Chinese government right? (This is more sarcasm btw) the issue (as I understand it is that tic tok gathers meta data (data about data, time, location, keywords etc. ) of users. The problem is this data (of us citizens) is passed on to elements of the Chinese government. This can be used for marketing and influence campaigns). The important difference is this is going to a foreign government unlike twitter which is going to a naturalized citizen before it’s shared with the highest /most aligned bidder. so no the Chinese govt isn’t inventing Kamala Harris memes is my point. The real security issue is the fact that one party is running a convicted felon who is broke and will literally sell anything He can get his hands on including the United States to the highest bidder is it Russia is it China? Is it Saudi Arabia? Is it India? is it Elon Musk is it Peter Thiel? Is it all of them? This should concern you this should concern.All Americans. It is an incredible security risk to have someone so compromised. He owes almost half $1 billion in fines he has dozens of venues that he hasn’t paid hundreds and hundreds of vendors that he’s never paid or that he cheated. But sure some tic tok videos are the problem.
Exactly, we need to change the tax law to reflect the policies of the new administration. Just like it has been changed in the past. That is how elections and government work in the us. Works both ways my dude. Put on earphones and some classic rock and let the people interested in a better future for this country get to work.
‘Righteous Americans’ You know the pilgrims were kicked out of two countries for being crazy and extreme before ending up here, and needed the help of the locals to survive before they killed them all right? Not a great record. this attacking her for being a woman, of color and having the audacity to even speak must really be melting your brain. I’m sorry for your loss. your fear. It’s crazy. Have you never tried any food without ketchup on it? I really don’t get it. If government is so ineffective what are you scared of and if it is so effective why don’t you want it to actually work for the governed? I’m honesty confused by this rant you posted.
She was elected to VP. She was elected twice as AG for CA. ‘also I added ymmv and my opinion, but you seem to struggle with comprehension. ‘I’m not new but I am new to posting here. Discussion and dialog is important. sit it out is exactly what Elmo is going to do now that he sees what a dud JD is. naive. Ha good one so I was on the leadership team of a healthcare start up, so I know that first hand. The industry is ripe for reform. you don’t want your fellow citizens to have access to affordable healthcare? Seems like a sad place to be. the DEI crack is the racist trope. All I did was call that out. we already spend $900,000,000 a year on defense (which doesn’t include the VA spend, and is also a great model to start with to improve healthcare access) so using 5% of that to help an allied demoracy protect its self from an aggressor nation (who is also antagonistic to us) seems like a good to. Oh and almost all of that money goes to corporate welfare (high paying defense job). I’m guess your against that as well since it might help someone who is not you. I would love to hear some ideas that don’t include name calling or racism. What have you got?
Um no. Staged? Try the felon paying for people to attend his rallies. People are excited, it’s sour pusses like you who keep shouting get off may lawn at kids just having fun. people are excited to be excited. She is the VP so makes sense. But people don’t want ‘American carnage’ they don’t want billionaire tax cuts they want freedom, which is not project 2025, and let’s be honest about things you would do badly under P25. EVERYONE would. That is literally the plan. So faced with that and the slog that would have been two old men people are excited. let some joy into your life.
Tone deaf and real 1860’s vibes. I love the insults you try to add to her name, where did you learn that trick, fifth grade, to think a woman laughing (or sounding ‘shrill’) is some how so offensive you your delicate man ears. Name calling. Grow up. You want to actually have a conversation about her potential first term, start there. I expect she will improve health care for millions of Americans (there is a racket you might want to be mad about, health insurance, that affects and ruins so many lives), she will support our allies like Ukraine (assuming Biden doesn’t end it in the next six months with a RU defeat), the tone if not policy will change towards Israel, maybe the bipartisan boarder deal could get signed once the convicted felon is done, support for unions, taxes on the very wealthy (I’m sure you don’t have to worry about that), continued investment in manufacturing job growth, reduction in dependence on fossil fuels (and look fossil fuels are useful, and pack a dense amount of energy, a chain saw is a good example of proper use, but using carbon emissions for EVERYTHING is just a bad idea) which would have the side effect of strengthening our supply - reduced used means the stock pile and drilling will last longer, secure SS and Medicare, and finally let’s not forget bringing some sanity to SCOTUS. The other thing she will do, no doubt, is energize this country, especially the young, that this country has unlimited potential when the government of the people works for the people. That a bright future not ruled by hate and insults is possible in the country. i expect also that the prosecutions for the felon will resume once his billionaire buddies bow out of the sinking ship. But I don’t expect she will use the insane ruling by SCOTUS to act like a queen above the law and Take out a political rival, as her whole career has been enforcing the rule of law. just my opinion, and hope, ymmv.