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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. I suggest you read a little about the red scare, and communism. America want safe places to educate their kids, affordable healthcare, the ability to work and have a good life. Americans want fairness, so yes the rich should pay more in taxes, and those taxes should be spent by the people to improve the quality of life for all Americans. Seriously.
  2. Seems like democracy is on the ballot and only one side is trying to maintain it. btw you can avoid the lines and not vote this time either
  3. So he said the tyranny of the majority was bad as a response to some complaining about the tyranny of the minority. Sure. Whatever you have to do to get though the day. meanwhile: Seems like democracy is on the ballot and only one side is trying to maintain it.
  4. This is the fear, that you might have to listen too and work with anyone else. ever played the cake cut game? You cut the cake, I’ll pick the first piece. This is how it works. the off hand dismissive nature of these comments. Are telling, no evidence. No self reflection. No room for discussion, my way or the highway. and if it’s “never worked” maybe cite anywhere it was tried. Or what might happen if it was. I mean we have 50 experiments in democracy (states) and they don’t use an electoral college to elect governors. Not one. And apart from some serious gerrymandering (designed for minority rule) in a few states democracy can work just fine.
  5. Because the slave state has Lower population numbers and knew their ideas were unpopular. Don’t believe me ‘The Electoral College was officially selected as the means of electing president towards the end of the Constitutional Convention due to pressure from slave states wanting to increase their voting power (since they could count slaves as 3/5 of a person when allocating electors) and by small states who increased their power due to the minimum of three electors per state.’ So if we translate what you mean by the words you say, you don’t think your vote is important and a few people should make the final decision. You know like the plantation owners want. Who want to remove the mess mob of federal agencies from their important work of making the species a multi planet species, or saving humanity (by subjugation or death) from the sin of not worshiping the god of the month. Maybe you should google “Plutocratic” finally and most Important the founders intended for the constitution to be a living and adaptable document. They even amended it almost immediately after passing it. This idea that we have to live by the experiences of rich white guys born in the early 1700’s is nuts. It’s not the Bible (which is half tora and has been rewritten half a dozen times (king James anyone). The list of things that have changed and the growth of the population is immense. They wanted a document that could change and adapt to the times and needs of the people. Unless you want to take away citizenship from African Americans, the vote from women and white men without property. Is that what you are suggesting, because that is what JD is suggesting (sponsored by the South African founders of PayPal). If so then yes the rest of us are defending democracy. if so that’s undemocratic.
  6. Judicial watch tag line… because no one is above the law. Except the old one ear felon that is. Insane. Maybe instead of playing politics with human beings (citizen and non citizen alike) the gop congress could have passed bi partisan legislation to fix these ‘issues’. Nope, got to bow down to the private citizen old one ear felon and let the problem fester for his own benefit. Do you guys still kiss the ring or the ear stump now?
  7. You misspelled Orwell. In screen writing they say “show, don’t tell”
  8. You mean the fake ad? Oh cool.
  9. God is made up. Elmo stole most of his ideas, and they don’t let him near anything important at any of his companies that are welfare queens with the amount of government subsidies they have received. Free speech baby, and not a lie among them, enjoy.
  10. Basically Elmo’s business strategy.
  11. You know you don’t have to type this all out you could use your inside voice.
  12. You mean your nonsense post right? Such a sour puss, can’t let anyone be, has all the answers and if you don’t agree you should get off his lawn. Sad as the one ear felon likes to say.
  13. So it does sound like a funding issue since they can’t pay someone as experienced as you enough to work for them. if you are increasing revenue why are you also cutting? Seems odd. some how it’s the democrats problem shrub wanted to go to war with Iraq. Okay. They vote against it and they’re unAmerican they vote for it and why didn’t they stop him. Cool understood. Oh and it’s Pelosi’s fault because she lied. Not bush, not Cheney, not Powell. Okay. rational human. “Getting sick of horseshit” seems rather an emotional reaction. and let’s Take your last point as logical. Harris is a living and breathing POTENTIAL disaster. book to be written on this, but she seems at least prepared through education, job experience. The felon is a PROVEN disaster. Millions of jobs lost, millions of lives lost, two impeachments dozens of felonies convictions and the accusations of stealing and selling US secrets. Dozens of his officials and lawyers have been convicted or plead guilty to crimes against the US during their time working for him, Promises to be a dictator and end voting, attempting to stay in power by force and defacing the capital. He surrendered to the taliban, exploded the debt, His party is scared of him because of the death threats they receive from his supporters. He sucks up to the worst leaders in the world, is a laughing stock, rude, vulgar and simple and I didn’t mention his entire cabinet is actively speaking out that he should never be president again, he needed a new vote since he tried to have the last one hung because he wouldn’t break his oath to the US, he is on epstines flight logs, he has been sued for raping a 13 year old, convicted of raping other women, he has so many bankruptcies you need two hands to count them, is owned by either the mob or Silicon Valley, russia, Saudi Arabia or China or all of them. Is the most compromised, transactional and shallow person possible, and our enemies drool at the prospect of him being elected again and our friends are worried. (I’m sure I left out things but who has the time) Seems you are for his PROVEN record OF MALICIOUS INCOMPETENCE. i am for a ‘potential’ disaster over a proven one any day. and for the record I am sure she will not be a disaster, just like Biden isn’t a disaster. like you I am worried for my country. Our country. The willingness, no enthusiasm, to throw away hundreds of years or progress for petty grievances and lead us backwards to a plantation/company town future because they can’t stand seeing other people succeed or be happy. We’re a quarter of the way through the 21st century, not the 17th or 13th let’s all start to think and ack like it.
  14. re: FAA. Guess we have to take your word for it. Were you passed over for a promotion? revenue is an issue. Cuts, sequestration have been tried. X$ needs to be spent to perform the duties so revenues need to go up in order to fix the ‘deficit’. note: balanced budgets and deficit reduction did not occurs under Regan, bush 1 &2 and the felon. Note 2: they all claimed cutting taxes would solve the issue. Oh wait no they made no attempt to solve it and instead added to the next potus list. SNAP was meant as an example of how use of tax dollars can be a plus benefit. because as part of my larger point raising revenue is the only thing what that is used for, and then provided SNAP as an example. As I have said apologies for any confusion, seriously who’s mind on this site is going to change, I’m on here for the conversation, maybe tone it down a bit.
  15. 1. If I gave the impression it was $1.79 in tax revenue apologies. I meant and assumed it was clear that meant economic activity which makes it a great way to spend tax dollars as it has a more than 1 to 1 effect. It generated 447 billion in economic activity on an investment of 250 billion (and not lifted millions out of poverty and food insecurity). This seems like an excellent investment of tax dollars for the benefit of our fellow Americans. 2. I also want to complement you on actually reading the article, citing sources and provide into an argument, so much better than all the name calling talking points being thrown around. 3.i believe the rest of your charts were proving wrong the misunderstanding. But they were appreciated. 4. Inflation. Well most of that was from corporations taking extra profits in 2022-23 to bounce back from the costs of 2020-21. Which is odd since most of them received large amounts of cash to keep employees paid. Some was of course from the huge injections of cash by the federal government. But the alternative was creating the Great Depression 2.0. Letting companies fail, millions out of work etc. that said both the ARP and Infrastructure bills added less than half the previous administration’s pile on of the debt and the us economy got something for it (record job and wage growth). You will also note companies reducing prices or increasing the size of goods to the 2020-21 levels. Not all but many. Also of note the do nothing congress refused to pass a bill limiting price inflation by companies. TL:dr - SNAP is one of the programs we should keep. What is so wrong with fairness. Ensuring people have equal and fair opportunity? I mean this is a bills board, equity is Tom Brady not getting the call he got during the drought. Call the game fairly and the bills win more than three games against him.
  16. I mean at least you are making an argument. Could do without the insults. You are not a child and neither am I. I was referencing economic activity generated by each dollar spent on the economy. Food assistance is one of the most effective uses of tax dollars and their add on effect to the economy. the DEI stuff is just bunk it’s ‘24s CRT or affirmative action. If you really want to talk about DEI hires look no further than one Clarance Thomas. maybe if we had a real budget process I stand of grandstanding obstruction maybe if we taxed at rates that were effective then the FAA (or a now to be hired third party) could provide the oversight that Boeing obviously won’t provide themselves. How any of that is related to ‘Dei’ is for your imagination.
  17. Let me know when you have an actual argument. Of note if it wasn’t clear the $1.79 is in economic activity for every $1 allocated to the program not tax revenue raised. Point being investing in helping people eat, helps more than just those people. The stores, the employees and employers all use and recirculate the money in the economy. Not only tax rates but the security and stability of the country and the ability to reach the intended market.
  18. It is taxes. Taxes on the wealthy and profitable mega corporations. Was 90% was 60% was 38% is now 21% and loopholes and exceptions take it lower. Note at those higher rates there were still immensely profitable companies and wealthy individuals. You don’t need to change the tax rates for the middle and lower classes (below $400,000 for example) to make a significant impact on the deficit. Just saying spending is out of control is not even an argument.
  19. Scientist explains concept five different levels maybe instead of being dismissive young fellow citizens and board members you could try using simple words and concepts to explain your ideas. Just a thought. Actually, this is wrong. We don’t believe we’re fighting an unfair system. What we believe we’re fighting is the destruction of us trying to make the system more fair. Also buddy, you’re part of the system. You’re the part of the system that’s trying to dismantle the system. I don’t know why but that’s the reality
  20. no but I was wrong it’s not $1.50 it’s more like $1.79 SNAP program effect on the economy We’re told tax cuts will Increase revenue because of the additional business investment the lower taxes will generate. Except this is not what happens. So reducing tax rates reduces revenue and because at the very least normal inflation increases the cost of goods even keeping things static in the government’s budget Causing the debt. (See the felon’s and Bush tax cuts both of which exploded the debt and unbalanced the budget). So no not wrong we are in debt because of reduced revenue. starve the beast fine you know more about the FAA, guess I have to take you word on that. Sure why not. but again this seems to indicate we should spend more money not less as cost cutting and under funding of the FAA as a way to ‘reduce costs’ meant the company was mostly left to it’s own devices. the DEI crack that is pure talking point and not reflective of the reality. We can agree to disagree on how to make the most of the population, shove them into a corner and complain they need assistance vs offer them a hand up and add a contributor to the economy. YMMV.
  21. seems to me that industry (Boeing) asked to self regulate and when the FAA checked in on how it’s going Boeing let down its commitments, leading to the issues. Again profit over people, the point of regulation is to ensure the safety of whatever for the people. “I’d pay a dollar for that” FAA on boeing we are in debt because of tax cuts. If we changed the tax rates to even from the 1980’s we’d have plenty of money to pay for things. And if I remember correctly it was Clinton, Obama and Biden who have reduced the deficit . And this canard of debt is a simplistic concept. its not actually money you or I owe, and doesn’t need to be paid by taxes per person. These are treasury bills, sold on an open market, yes they have to be paid off in 5-10-20 years with interest but the interest is less than the growth of the economy. Additionally the US is such a safe place to park money that people were buying negative value treasury bonds (during Covid - don’t ask me ‘money people thought it was a good idea). So in theory you have the world investing in the growth of the US economy. This has a side benefit of the US being to manage the direction of the world economy. Japan get a little too big for its britches in the 1980’s, the us can use monetary policy and the amount of money Japan made and invested in US securities to cool them off, they are still recovering 20 years later. Same with China, why do you think they want to remove the dollar as a reserve currency, so they are not under the US thumb. How about those tech bros from South America, or yea that’s the same thing they want to do with crypto, replace the dollar. anyway we drifted from the debt, it literally doesn’t matter because we can print more money and less and control everyone’s economy. We are not a household we do not as a country have a salary or fixed income. This is a myth. debt used properly is not bad, you know for long term investments that will generate lots of economic activity. Highways, bridges airports, SNAP program and other assistance (which is especially effective returning $1.50+ for every dollar allocated to the program (people who need assistance spend all the money in the economy unlike tax cuts that usually get saved or invested in non-taxed or Lower taxed vehicles capital gains or stock buy backs for example.
  22. We need more liberals, we live in a liberal society. Rule of law, voting, etc… liberal. The founding fathers, liberal. The constitution is a liberal document. Freedom is a liberal not conservative idea, that people can do what they want within the community decided rule of law and everyone is equal before the court. This is a radical concept in history and still for much of the world. I’m really curious what you are afraid of, children getting free school lunches, affordable electricity, safe roads and transport, social security benefits, a 40 hour work week and employment protections, etc.
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