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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. We should be really glad that all those immigrants didn’t steal her job…go USA!
  2. Child tax credit. Right in the title. Allows families with children to pay less taxes so they have more spending money to ensure their children have food and clothes, etc.. I mean is this a joke or are you being willfully, ignorant?
  3. This is peak republicans voting against a tax break that helps children. Sad (in a weird way).
  4. And don’t seem to give a ***** about babies, women or American prisoners. Weird they claim to love America, wondering what part?
  5. Yea, good ‘news’ source there “managed by team Trump and the RNC. 🧐 talk about echo chamber
  6. When exactly did he transition to orange?
  7. ‘Anti-communist ’ who supports beating women at home.
  8. Show this. Where is this happening that drag shows are letting kids in to corrupt them? maybe we should focus on the actual problem ”However, according to the nonprofit organization Bishop Accountability, the church has paid out more than $3 billion in major settlements and awards in the United States. Some groups believe this number underestimates by nearly $1 billion the actual cost to the U.S. church for covering up clergy abuse for nearly a half-century.” Man talk about weird it’s like to have a hearing problem but with the written word. Maybe you should have that looked at.
  9. ‘conservatives’ oh the horror of a ‘man’ beating a woman during the Olympic boxing match they both signed up for. also women should take the beating at home “for the children” “This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, “Well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that’s going to make people happier in the long term.” And maybe it worked out for the moms and dads, though I’m skeptical. But it really didn’t work out for the kids of those marriages“ maybe the quick to judge might want to come down from their high horses and actually you know let women make their own choices, like actual people. Just a thought.
  10. Thanks for the link. That’s insane, I was skeptical of the new kick off rules but maybe it’s going to really interesting lots of new strategies.
  11. 1. Up to the woman. 2. I doubt anyone who makes it to that stage with a viable fetus would make that choice. 3. See number 1 but okay let’s play this game. Do you agree with this? This is what your candidate wants to do. (And yes the felon is tied to this so don’t play that game, just tell me with your words what you think yes or no (ha ha kidding about the yes no part).
  12. What what, Knox kicking off, that would be wild having his size and speed in place of a dedicated kicker. Do you remember where you saw this?
  13. 1. Women should be able to control and make medical choices about their bodies. 2. Not all medical situations happen neatly in the first trimester. Conclusions The inherent limits of medical knowledge and the infeasibility of ensuring early pregnancy recognition in all cases illustrate the impossibility of eliminating the need for third‐trimester abortion. The similarities between respondents' experiences and that of people seeking abortion at other gestations, particularly regarding the impact of barriers to abortion, point to the value of a social conceptualization of need for abortion that eschews a trimester or gestation‐based framework and instead conceptualizes abortion as an option throughout pregnancy.
  14. I’m sure she’ll be glad to know you approve. Maybe we should all send her+ a card.
  15. You know that article directly answers your question of how a man fighting a woman is fair. By people, more versed and sensitive to the issue than you and I combined. Like I said you think this is some kind of moral superiority on your part and a failing on my part. I get it. This makes you I to a hero, hey everybody this guys is a hero. check out this (again the blue underlined text is a link tot he full article, you might learn something). Abstract Most people strongly believe they are just, virtuous, and moral; yet regard the average person as distinctly less so. This invites accusations of irrationality in moral judgment and perception—but direct evidence of irrationality is absent. Here, we quantify this irrationality and compare it against the irrationality in other domains of positive self-evaluation. Participants (N = 270) judged themselves and the average person on traits reflecting the core dimensions of social perception: morality, agency, and sociability. Adapting new methods, we reveal that virtually all individuals irrationally inflated their moral qualities, and the absolute and relative magnitude of this irrationality was greater than that in the other domains of positive self-evaluation. Inconsistent with prevailing theories of overly positive self-belief, irrational moral superiority was not associated with self-esteem. Taken together, these findings suggest that moral superiority is a uniquely strong and prevalent form of “positive illusion,” but the underlying function remains unknown.
  16. Conclusion The debate over transgender women competing against cisgender women in athletic competition is both complex and polarizing. The overarching question concerns what constitutes fair competition in individual sports. This analysis reveals that the salient issue is less about transgender women competing against cisgender women than the competitive advantage that nature confers upon the former as a result of their birth sex that is not completely offset through hormonal therapies. It is conceivable that the strong opposition to this type of competition would be tempered significantly if the advantage conferred by nature on transgender women were significantly reduced or eliminated. It may then be possible for transgender women to compete against cisgender women without violating society's sense of what constitutes fair competition. If this is not possible because of a combination of biological, institutional, and scientific constraints, fairness may demand a further partitioning of athletic competition in which transgender women compete only against one another rather than against cisgender women. Regardless of how this issue is ultimately resolved in the courts and legislatures, it would be wise to buckle up and hold on tight because it promises to be a very bumpy ride. note the blue text with a line under it is a link, you can click on it to read the full article.
  17. I get it you would write the rule a different way. Good for you, maybe do something and join the rule committee. I think sports should be fair, (I am a bills fan, the pats and Brady got way too many calls) if people who know more say it’s fair, and people sign up to compete end of story. It’s call an ring agency, you might want to try it some time. but you guys all think there is blood in the water, the guy (billstime - who I repeat is not me not that you’ll believe that either) ‘finally slipped up and we got him” Got me how? ‘Cause you think you logic trapped me in to admitting that I am okay with men beating up women and you have some high moral ground to stand on. This is your moral high ground, adults agreeing to rules? mean what a joke man. you’ll also note keep answering the question of what I believe which you won’t accept and try to bully me into changing my answer. And I don’t ’change the subject and get into some moral failing completion. Because I’m not in a cult.
  18. I’ll leave these here. July 4th was the hottest day in 100,000 How do they know what the temps were 100,000 years ago?
  19. admit what I don’t understand your question I answered it’s up to the adults, competing in an organized sport with rules created by adults. I believe Everybody can make their own decisions. Which by the way if you’re playing along at home is internally consistent with a woman making decisions about their healthcare. Some will chose to have an abortion and some won’t. Up to them. I get it you believe men shouldn’t beat up women in sports fine. Write the IOC log a complaint with the US Olympic Committee That’s a weird question.
  20. I support the right of women to choose to play by the rules and if that includes a man beating them up well that’s her choice not yours, not mine. So again this is what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to find some extreme example and then pointed at me as if it’s some failing of mine. I have nothing to do with it. I literally have nothing to do with it and neither do you, and if you’re mad about it, let the people who run the organization know you’re mad about it. but you won’t do that because you don’t really have any beliefs and if you did, you would make an effort to do something about them as opposed to trying to use these things to beat people over the head with, but your mileage may vary
  21. I’ve answered directly twice grow up. You don’t like my answer grow up.
  22. What is a ‘billstime’?
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