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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. We’re missing the point he said he doesn’t need the votes that he has all the votes he needs. Does he mean the six Supreme Court justices does he mean the 26 congressional delegations? Does he mean the secretaries of state who don’t want to certify the election if he’s not trying to get popular vote and I agree with you, he probably turned off a lot of people with that Epic 34 minutes, did he really fail? Look at all the red meat he gave the hidden racists to chew on.
  2. Here we go with the false equivalency argument, and the way you didn’t see it for yourself and will you speak for everyone these are these are winning arguments some super rhetorical thought. We’re all lucky to have such genius shared with us. tommy gets ⭐️⭐️
  3. What no billstime crack? Everyone note where you are right now I think he might have actually changed his mind, this is an extremely rare phenomenon, and deserves proper documentation. Al Bundy for Trump derangement syndrome gets ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  4. How thick can you be. I don’t know what a billstime is. You can see my profile right? Are you making a joke or being willfully ignorant? and let’s talk about the right wing media echo sphere… spreading disinformation makes you a patsy and part of the problem. Hence my posting of the “source”
  5. Like 4 seconds of googling…. But records state its developers defaulted on loans. The development has sat empty for the past decade, until this week when neighbors noticed boxes of bunk beds being loaded in. so seems they are using a vacant building And since the gop blocks any effort to house the homeless, or provide low cost housing they make some use of it. gop no meals for kids, not helping the homeless, no checks on corporate real-estate driving out residents and up prices. But sure dems are the problem. Most “unpopular’ candidate in history raise more money than ever in history. sad.
  6. The Federalist “Trusted non-partisan source. Sure okay. Why does old one ear felon have a two diapers on? Maybe to handle all the ***** she spews. Nothing like supporting a South African illegal immigrant. Winning.
  7. Like 4 seconds of googling…. But records state its developers defaulted on loans. The development has sat empty for the past decade, until this week when neighbors noticed boxes of bunk beds being loaded in. so seems they are using a vacant building And since the gop blocks any effort to house the homeless, or provide low cost housing they make some use of it.
  8. The deflection is strong in this one as well. Is this made of iron? Is it shaped like a dome? Do you feel safe?
  9. Is this iron law in the room with you now? Is is shaped like a dome?
  10. The density is strong in this one. no denial, no argument. No answers just a little flip comment. You must be so proud of yourself. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ here are a few gold stars for your collection. Good job.
  11. Oh, you read all those words so fast I’m very proud of you, it didn’t understand any of them
  12. So full of pat answers. The point of my post is it where is the outrage for an American who killed 60 Americans and injured over 400 but because one person was killed by an illegal it suits your narrative. but sure let’s share the unfortunate killing of one person and not do anything about the problem, actually let’s do less than nothing about it. Let’s actively prevent any type of solutions so that we can win political points and scream about it on the internet. the red scare/communists is a made up issue, The boarder is a made up issue, abortion is a made up issue, to distract and enrage. Because there are not enough wealthy people to win a vote. They need all you suckers to vote against your own interests . Scream ‘Rigged’ elections till people ask what is the point of voting, vote for me christians and you won’t have to vote again. elect me and I’ll fix it so you won’t have to vote again. if your vote wasn’t worth so much they would constantly try to steal it. and what is that value. The ability to regulate business for the benefit of the people. You know real things like limiting price gouging, worker protections, affordable health care, clean air and water, promoting American jobs and business in America. it is pure Stockholm syndrome to think the gop and their corp interests and billionares have any interest in protecting you from anything.
  13. Not an illegal alien - “killing 60 people[a] and injuring approximately 867 (at least 413 of whom were wounded by gunfire)” where is the day and night outrage? None. Guns freeeeeddooooommm. and it’s totally OK that the former president, the old, one eared felon under mines the legislature of the United States to create a problem for his own benefit and then you geniuses in your own mind point at Biden because he signed some executive orders trying to do something anything, and somehow it’s his fault? new GOP motto “No accountability no reason no logic shall infringe on your right to post on the Internet.” Maybe they don’t actually like him.
  14. If I remember correctly, the Republican Congress was so scared of the 9/11 terrorists and trying them in New York City that they derailed the whole thing during the Obama administration you know Obama, who ordered seal team six to kill Osama bin Laden, oh, and wasn’t it the Republican Congress that was against benefits for first responders and their families related to the cleanup of the World Trade Center? And weren’t 19of the 20 terrorists on the planes were Saudi Arabian and the old, one year felon, and all those photos of him hanging out with the Saudi princes and all that Saudi money that went to help musk by Twitter and all that Saudi money that went to Trump for the golf championship yeah it really is a shame on how things have turned out I mean, if you wanna talk about facts which we know on this board, none of you guys wanna do
  15. Come on this is a football board. Final score is all that counts. You of all people should know scores counting of votes. It’s not linear sometimes things come in bunches. do you offer any explanation or just assume since you’ve obviously never worked an election you just assume it’s corrupt because you lack any empathy and you can’t imagine that anybody wouldn’t cheat that anybody would take their job and their oath seriously you know like the losers and suckers it’s ***** disgusting Did anyone do any investigation as we re-litigate 2020 again and again. Oh wait in all the court challenges and all the recounts and all the audits he still lost. He loves losing so much he revels in it and loses again and again and again and again.
  16. Oh yea scared of the guy who changed his position more that a weathervane. 🙄
  17. Coming from you, that’s rich. You are such a ‘hero’ Oh wait I misspelled zero. Oh wait I misspelled zero. oh and how stupid do you have to be to not understand I’m not billstime. I mean you are completely impenetrable to facts. What color is the sky in your world?
  18. fundraising seems to be going so so for Kamala…
  19. Hummm more foreign money showing up to help the “billionaire” get elected. Nothing to see here he is totally. Billionaire and totally doesn’t need money and totally won’t sell anybody or anything out to save his own skin. Cool. So much winning.
  20. <sarcasm> So terrible can you believe she met them in the dark, and they had to stand on the tarmac. Shameful… </sarcasm> guess Putin is pissed the old one ear felon sold his VP slot out from under him.
  21. POTUS and VPOTUS meeting the Americans released from being falsely held in RU prison as hostages. Dems put country first.
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