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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. Just the oldest democracy in the history of the world, as should the citizens who enjoy it's freedoms.
  2. Sure like to tell people what to do. I've been outside all day, raining now so no thanks, just shows to go you don't really concern yourself with anyone's actual wants. You could try saying nothing, might make you sound more intelligent.
  3. And Pence did what exactly as VP, besides not getting hanged? or Dan Quayle or Al Gore or even Biden as VP. The only one I can think of off the top of my head was Cheny, but he was racily president anyway. (Bush 1 probably helped ronny out that last couple of years). I believe you misspelled 'Come on' "comon answer the simple question" well I am answering it with and example of the double standard being applied to her VP role. Would it be better if I said that she was running things (Ala Cheny) the last few years? ( I mean I have no proof or even think that but would that make you feel better?) Finally Thank for giving me permission to start with the southern boarder, so generous.
  4. You mispelled Trump.
  5. I mean it's not like Putin trumped up charges on these folks to gain leverage. He would never do that.
  6. Elmo enters the chat...
  7. "...I know a lot of wives who would not say that." At least 3, womp womp.
  8. I have lives in LA and visited SF (where a good friend lives) dozens of times. I have also lived in a half a dozen cities across the country the suburbs and rural. its't not really meaningless since you still have to do the job AND run agains other dems at the very least IMHO. Maybe there is a reason republicans can't win in CA, might have something to do with the ideas they are promoting. I mean "could be"? Pelosi is also a skilled politician, you don't just get to do all of that if you aren't. What qualifies as merit based for you? I mean she was not the only person to run and she has to run every two years, and all the SV money, well they expect results, so seems like merits to me, but eh. not like it's LA or MS or OK you know where only rep can get elected (with a little gerrymandering help). Been there, a beautiful place to get married, congrats. We all have to do what we think is right. Cliff House is also very pretty. CA in general is unreal, and as a motorcyclist a total joy, so got ya there. Note I also left, so I get it, I could pay Half a million for a shack that I wouldn't feel safe bring my mom to, and that was in the early 2000's. decided on other priorities than working myself to death for a montage for a shack. Thanks for sharing. I think it helps everyone here realize we are all actual humans behind these keyboards. Fair take. lots of choices all with plusses and minuses. Should be interesting.
  9. I mean, twice elected as Attorney General for the fifth biggest economy in the world and largest state in the country elected to the Senate of the same nominated and elected to vice president. As Trump said the VP doesn’t really matter so border away he said he didn’t want to fix it either. I appreciate that you’re able to make a decision, not influenced by race or religion. I would hope more of my fellow Americans would be able to do the same. We all get to have an opinion on policy. could she use some training? Could she be better at ad lib, sure, I mean she didn’t have 10 years of mark Burnett coaching her. this guys seems pretty sharp.
  10. 10-12 days since she announced. Usually this takes months. I’m sure there will be by the time of the convention and they will get a full airing.
  11. Lawlessness. (Apologies in advance for any typos, as it’s hard to see the screen since my eyes rolled so hard) Will be honest, the discussion among Democrats is will enough independents and Republicans vote for a Jew. The Democrats don’t have a problem with Jews. Don’t have a problem with Jews on the ticket. it’s a real issue. This election is gonna be tight no matter what and it’s gonna be won on the margins. there’s already a woman of color leading the ticket. And unfortunately, or fortunately people don’t pay that much attention to elections until the last minute. unfortunately, a lot of Americans are very insular in their views and so it’s a real concern that people will vote against the Democratic ticket just because there’s a Jew or a woman of color or both on it. another serious calculation for the Democrats the Democratic president is nearly powerless without control of the house Senate or both so pulling senators, pulling governors may not make the most sense. Yep that’s a though sell.
  12. Or face saving on his part if he wasn’t going to be the pick anyway. Hard to know for sure. I mean the old one ear demands loyalty above all. So how dare anyone “with draw” is another way to read that. Can’t have anything nice.
  13. "tap him on the shoulder to step out of the race" this beta OS is pretty aggressive correcting my typing. Thanks of the check. now that I know everyone is checking my posts I'll spend a sec checking before posting.
  14. Violence doesn't belong in our politics. However someone does need to double-tap him on the shoulder to step out the race and enjoy his retirement with three government provided square meals.
  15. Oops typo, nice catch, you get 5 stars... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  16. it's spelling actually. which is the letters in a word, Grammar is the order of the words. Your welcome. you get some more stars for being such a good student ⭐⭐⭐
  17. Are you missing the 'y' and 'o' keys on your keyboard?
  18. Clever abbreviation, way to save ink. 😶
  19. Okay so let's say they did nothing for 3 1/2 years fine. When a bill lead, by a very conservative republican was hammered out with democrats it was killed. first because it was bundled with Ukraine aid (since the GOP was holding that hostage to help their buddy Putin). it was then broken out from that, and senate Does votes to move it forward, when speaker Johnson too direction from one non-elected person (the felon) to kill the bill because he didn't want to give the POTUS, the United States a win. So then Biden to the step of passing some executive orders that enacted many but not all the provisions of the bill. note he tried to pass legislation first, which represents the people rather than an edict from one person. these executive orders have slowed down the boarder crossings but not as much as the bill would have. So let's see Biden Harris tried to use legislations and were stopped by the felon and then compromised by writing some executive orders. now I can't cite any direct influence by Putin to push boarder crossing and create a crisis in the southwest, but he did do exactly that at the polish, finish, and batting states boarders as a well to try and topple liberal domoracy's, so we could also infer he was involved in that. and I know you guys love the game of asking a question, getting an intelligent and at least partial researched answer, dismissing it and pivoting to some other shiny object. I know this but there might be a few on there who will learn something and maybe do a little bit of their own questioning of the sources of their media. enjoy.
  20. Wow a full sentence. nice job ⭐⭐⭐
  21. You're off your meds. Where to even start? And on top of that your small mindedness wont let you see that my supporting Dems isn't because I have some cult mentality, it's because they support most of the direction I believe the country should go in. Safe food clean air and water, regulated business, fair taxes, protections for children and good education. Are they perfect, far from it, but they are willing to listen to the people and be swayed to move in the direction we want instead of top down authoritarian power grabs. Example. Biden stepping down. Sure he was pressured but he was POTUS with NEW immunity protections, he could have told them all to STFU, declared martial law suspended elections had T killed and stayed in power till he died. INSTEAD he listened to the feedback and made a choice for the good of the party and the country. I am sure you can not understand that if you think J6, the fact electors and no need to vote ever again is a good thing. So why am I posting here to closed eye and minds? because as one of you said you wont see these things, you wont see that America care about this country and it's people, even you'll. Someone who has lived all over the country, someone who has been all-around the world and has sat at the conference table on the 52nd floor of the Comcast building and seen how these decision are made. These people do not have your best interests at heart, and once they get your vote and secure power you will no longer be important. you will be treated just like the people you are disparaging here, women blacks, immigrants. but by then it will be too late. When he says he will suspend the constitution you think he means all of it but 2A, 'cause he'll want you to keep your guns. (read that one outlaid again slowly). So keep up the insults, keep up spreading the propaganda. Or maybe volunteer to work an election and see how dedicated and honest and serious everyone involved is. maybe run for office and share your good ideas with the rest of us in legislation. the future is up to all of us. I guess there are no rules about you promoting your own twitter account.
  22. Typo should have been "Old One Ear Felon" you know he is: OLD, He Lost an ear bravely taking a bullet for democracy and he is a convicted felon. So is Biden too sleepy to get anything done, or demented to stay POTUS for 6 months OR she lied about how diminished he is and she has been running things behind the scenes or she is too incompetent to run things. Super hard to keep up with all these talking points. And in no way should we be happy Americas are freed, and not held hostage for political gain by a candidate for president, instead let's make fun of how the lady sounds. Have you heard the alternative? Taken hostage by Trumps buddy Putin. Who he bragged would not release them to anyone but him. please try and keep up.
  23. You mean meeting freed American hostages on the tarmac at midnight, instead of calling the families of those wounded at the old one hard felons rally. Have to say I agree with you on this.
  24. Oh look at that matt posts on rumble…. what are the odds of bias? ”Rumble received investment from venture capitalists Peter Thiel, Vivek Ramaswamy and J. D. Vance in May 2021, with that round of funding valuing Rumble at around $500 million.[17] In October 2021, Rumble acquired Locals.[18]On December 14, 2021, Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) announced that it entered a "wide-ranging technozlogy and cloud services agreement" with Rumble in a statement that also stated that Rumble would operate part of Truth Social as well as TMTG.[19] Also in December 2021, Rumble challenged a New York law prohibiting hate speech on social media.[20]”
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