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Everything posted by Starr-Bills
Uh okay. I thought they were trying to hide her.
Lefties are mentally disturbed and must be stopped.
Starr-Bills replied to Unforgiven's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Says you. which is my point. Stop being so insecure and trying to tell everyone how to live to make you happy. -
Another thoughtful contribution. Thanks.
Let’s see how much hiding is happening during and after the convention.
Lefties are mentally disturbed and must be stopped.
Starr-Bills replied to Unforgiven's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
ctually yes republicans are weird. Why? liberals, lefties, dems etc. are grown enough to let people be. See we are confident in ourselves and don’t need external validation to reinforce our views. You don’t see us try to foist a religion on You, nope we encourage you to follow your spirt. Gay marriage, go for it, straight marriage, we’ll send you flowers. Conservatives it has been my experience are very insecure. I don’t mean this as a knock, it is all of our first time on earth and we are all still learning (well hopefully anyway). But I find that judgement, the striving for uniformity and active means taken to stop people from finding their own truth really is a right / conservative thing. the humor of this the irony is that we all live in a liberal society. People left and right are free to explore what makes them happy and to discuss ideas and participate in their own governance. These are hard fought liberal ideas and are very new and precious on this earth. but with that openness it also required that people have a self confidence in their beliefs since not everyone will share them. It doesn’t mean they are wrong and or that you are wrong it just means you both have come to different conclusions on what is right for each of you. the most amazing thing about the constitution from which this all springs is what a revolutionary liberal document it is is the fact it starts with ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ not the king or queen or what have you, but the people. Truly stunning. They also acknowledged that things change ‘for a more perfect union’ and the goal of government “pursuit of happiness’ not profit, not power, but happiness. think about that happiness this is the goal of government as per the constitution to promote happiness. so with that in mind let’s go back to conservatives being weird. they are weird not because they let their freak flag fly, it’s because they can’t let anyone else to do so if it doesn’t match theirs version of “correct’ but libs keep telling me how to live, to pay taxes that people I don’t like get benefit from, or that I have to learn new words to address people with, or tons of other small challenges to their fragile personal world view. Aren’t they being discriminatory to me, my views are being crushed (families, marriage, welfare etc…) maybe if it was a zero sum game and if a gay couple married and you had to have a gay marriage now. But that is it what libs want? NO. they want to freedom to pursue their happiness and the encourage that you find and follow your happiness. this is one way that conservatives think libs are weak and dumb, they actually listen to what conservatives say. Why do they do this? To understand, to learn and to see if there is a way to help support your pursuit. Why are libs so mad, why are we pushing back so hard, why are. We so upset. Simple We don’t like anyone telling us how to live, sound familiar? That’s because we are all Americans. p.s. freedom stops at your nose. So leave everyone else alone. -
So you telling me to shut up and not answering the question make me a troll, can you explain how that works for us dummies.
Old one ear felon was not “shot in the head”. But sure totally makes sense. also why is the old one ear felon walking away from his association with project 2025? I mean dozens of his WH staff worked on it, his name is in it dozens of times. Agenda 47 is based on it. If he is walking away from it what are his policies exactly?
For us dumb lefties why don’t you enlighten us.
Did cnn settle for $768 million dollars for lying about the election results? I think not. And to think that media should have sides and it’s okay for fox to be on his side is insane, and the problem. p.s. if she backed out and wanted to reschedule the calls of her not being able to stand up to job would never stop. He agreed. I’m not debating that she shouldn’t appear on Fox. I’m debating that Trump should follow through with what he’s agreed to and not change the terms because he doesn’t like them. Not sure what’s so hard to understand about this. Or maybe this is just another example of why we can’t trust Trump. He won’t do what he says. He won’t do what he agrees to if he’s too scared to debate Kamala at the date and time that he already agreed to debate how is he gonna stand up to Putin or xi or Those socialist European countries?
‘Gaff’ or blatant raciest remarks your mileage may vary. And let’s look at why they ‘hate him’ is it because his life long hatred of blacks, especially black men. (Central Park 5, birtherism, rental discrimination lawsuits, as examples). and first thing out of the gate you have a reputation, why should we believe you? His response, I’ve never been so rudely treated and slurred the questioner. since she wasn’t planning on running for potus until 2 weeks ago, may be let’s give her the benefit of the doubt that you are giving herr felon and give her till the convention to lay out her agenda. You know like the project 2025 clone, agenda 47, was laid out a the gop convention. Did cnn settle for $768 million dollars for lying about the election results? I think not. And to think that media should have sides and it’s okay for fox to be on his side is insane, and the problem.
Lefties “Looks weird” okay tough guy if you say so.
She said she’d debate him. He first withdrew, then he changed their terms. Not sure how she is scared, then again the false equivalence and goal post moving is strong with a many on this board.
1. So extorting an ally (who was already at war with Russia as they invaded in 2014 not 2022, that was an escalation) So yea that was bad and may and you know lead to his FIRST of two impeachments in ONE term. Slow rolling delivery of weapons is bad but it's not like holding Ukraine hostage to do your personal political bidding. Also he will in his "deal" give away Ukrainian lands dooming those people to torture and death. 2. The old one ear felon (tRump) ALSO forced his GOP house minions to withhold support for Ukraine for 6 months, timed exactly when Russia was making it's all or noting push. So not sure the felon has much of a leg to stand on for protecting Ukrainian lives. Image the difference if instead of holding up congress at the felons bidding but passing the Ukraine aid (and Israel, Taiwan and the boarder deal) back in December of 2023, does Russia make the advances they did, do as many Ukrainians die? 3. Again I would have given Ukraine all our old / expiring equipment day one, but also everyone is worried about WWIII (Putin's talking point) to try and slow aid to Ukraine. Additionally the problem with allies is you don't always get top move at the speed you's want. Biden has done pretty go at getting NATO unified, and expanding it. Note Finland and Sweden resisted joining for 70+ years until this active part of the invasion in 2022. AND having Hungry actively working against NATO interests and Turkey playing both sides agains the middle have complicated things, and the saber rattling in the pacific from China Also bodes caution/conservation of long range weapons, so it's complex. Finally this is not all or nothing. Trumps policies would have been much much worse and his solution is also terrible. Biden could have done more I wish he had and with Harris and Blue congress I hope (with reason) Ukraine will get more of what they need. I bet there would be a boarder. YMMV
It's a "Billstime" !
I'm a Dem and I don't have a problem with Jews, so either you and your broad generalization is wrong or I don't exist. Now if you actually mean that Israel lead by Bibi is the problem, well it is, he is specifically. Weird that a hard right leader who is in legal trouble and will do any thing to stay in power and avoid jail. Where have we heard this before. And oddly where is he drawing his support from Extreme right religious groups. A MINORITY of the population. This should serve as a warning to the US about blurring the lines between religion and the state. I love your ability to just dismiss any one or anything to suit your world view. Must make you feel powerful calling me dishonest and naive. Go strong man you so strong. 😶
I thought it was only the Libs who needed safe spaces
This is the flex, three of my wives hate me? Oh right it’s funny? Or weird. If she is such a DEI hire and can’t complete a sentence why not just keep the debate as it was agreed too. I mean he is a uber mensch. And even hi post, what a whiner “I agreed with fox” who cared what you agreed too that was not with the debate partner. also pretty telling that he thinks ABC would be biased against him, but Fox wouldn’t. I wonder why that is gonna be related to that $768 million judgment against them for promoting lies about the previous election. seems like if he wants to be president in the United States again it’s not a big deal to debate the other candidate at the time and place that you already agreed to debate. You guys can cope all you want but looks pretty chicken to me.
1. You’re not the arbiter of this discussion. 2. Too many Ukrainians. 3. It Russia who is the aggressor and who is destroying Ukraine, like they did in Chechnya and Georgia, stop blaming the victim. 4. Russia had murdered several hundred thousand of their own soldiers. Russia is the problem, Russia attacks hospitals, and schools and malls. Russia should withdraw. Period. how I see it is if someone moved into your house took over a few of your bedrooms and shot your dog, you would not negotiate to keep them from shooting your cat by giving them the kitchen, you would (at least I would) ask your neighbor for help with evicting them from your house. This false concern for how many Ukrainians have been killed and not for stopping Russian aggression is disappointing and seems to miss the point in my opinion. We should be arguing with how can we give Ukraine more tools to not just defend themselves but to push the Russians out of their country. More AD, more long range missiles, more F-16s and more armor. How we can punish Russia for their aggression.
Well June of 22 is before they took back both Kerson and karkiev oblasts (Oct / Nov 2022) and before they were provide with any of the western tanks etc. the 2023 offensive was a bit of a disaster but also under resourced (no local air superiority). Meanwhile Russia has bled themselves white and a fall or spring offensive properly resourced could crack the brittle Russian lines. And we should unlock the use of weapons in Russia as needed. also I don’t think it’s really our decision if people want to fight to get back their land from an aggressor to tell them too many of their own people are dying, I think they are adults and can make that decision for themselves and we should aid them in defending their democracy as much as we can. Beside there is no negotiation with Putin, he’ll stop for now and buildup to attack again. He must be decisively defeated on the battle field. this can happen one the Ukrainians regain control of their air space, you can see their progress in the moving of the ru fleet from Crimea, and the campaign to remove all the AD with atacms. With the additional patriots and a build up the f-16 fleet they will be able to gain local air superiority which would allow success on the ground previously impossible. p.s. I think they have more reserves than they are letting people know of for just this kind of attack. We’ll see.
One party self owns leaking the VP pick the other side said all that raciest *****. I mean mistake happen right 🤷♂️
Sigh, rambling, thanks for the feedback. so I read this because the boarder is not an issue for me. Seems like a mixed bag. Trump cruel and ineffective and Biden less cruel and ineffective. the ICE agents are bib man they can rough up people as much. maybe dial up enforcement some and work on improved policies? Ukraine is also a mixed bag. Just enough to muddle though, not enough to win. Very disappointing to me to be honest. But also encouraging that bloated defense budget in the 1990's is really paying dividends as 30+ year old ATACAM's destroy S-400 complexes almost daily). I think you meant June 2023, but I get your point. and sadly it's the best of Ukraine vs Ru worst. it really is despicable what Putin is doing/. Russia is the one who is wasting lives. They invaded another country and murdered its citizens. They can leave and then we can negotiate how much they pay in reparations. If it was me as POTUS I'd send them 1000 Bradlys 300 M1's 100 F-16s and empty the stocks of ATACMS (the better to buy new systems) and put potion out of business. however you are correct man power issues for Ukraine are serious. Sorry Ukraine is a soft spot for me.
Recession is upon us - disastrous economic data
Starr-Bills replied to Big Blitz's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You guys understand how media works to shape opinions right? Just like advertising they will repeat repeat repeat (7x is the old saw) so that you will have the word or brand in you mind when you actually need to make a decision to buy. good example what so many insurance ads? Why are they so weird and not actually about insurance. They want to make an impression on you, hell if I mention cavemen you all know what company that is for. same as the gecko. So they (who own the large media companies) what to sell an narrative they give their highly paid (and that is important if their are not highly paid they don't have as much to lose and so are less controllable) talking heads to repeat it. don't believe me. (btw this was the first link in my google search "sinclair media" so they will repeat "recession" a million times because noting else is working for trump right now and everyone will say session is bad, must do different so we'll go back to trump. sigh. Note how yes there was a dip today, and back in 2022, but eventually the money guys need this to go up for their own stock option compensation to be valuable. Don't be played. (that said the FED should have lowered rates today like they were going to)