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Everything posted by Starr-Bills
She is not running on being a black woman, that is not her only position or why people are excited about her. When she won the VP she was introduced as a black/south Asian woman. here are some of her policy positions, I’m sure once she gets her campaign team in Planck and picks a VP and going into the convention she will post her platform on her i\site and talk about it at the campaign. lest we forget Mr old one ear felon ran on nothing last time. Literally the GOP had no platform. And now he is running away from the wildly unpopular project 2025 Seems once again every accusation is admission.
We have learned (should have) that appeasement is not peace. Simple lesson. i am motivated by what is right, Russia has no claim on Ukraine, they signed papers to that effect. We should have done more in 2014, or the 8 years in between. you have fair points on how to procure the war, and the struggles Ukraine is working under. But there is no reasoning with Putin. He is brutal mobster. Look at what he did in Chechnya. Signed a deal the. Four years later after rebuilding his forces attacked again. how about the constant attacks on this country. Taking hostages. The murders in Europe and his own country. I am no hitler and it’s an asinine statement to make. I’m not motivated by power. I am not motivated by some weird race superiority bull#### if you’ve seen any of my posts, you realize that I want diversity equity and inclusion I want people to have a fair shot. I want people to be able to pursue happiness, I don’t see how you can pursue happiness when you have a international mobster monster, who has no regard for anyone who is destroying a country that he has no claim to, attacking other democracy, and trying to overthrow them with his migrant games, dividing this country with active measures. It’s exactly what Chamberlain said. ‘Peace for our time’ and the peace you’re talking about now would lead to more and more death. Better to finish the fight now better to finish it quickly, mercifully and save many more lives in the future. and as far as revenge goes, yes I want everyone of these criminals held to account by justice. How can you not?
I don’t think this post is quite the burn you think it is. Since we are not being told to vote for an old, lying, felon, rapist drug addict who wants to be a dictator (just on day one). to be honest I’d vote for a used napkin before I’d vote for that MAGA traitor.
Damn right look at what this country (RU) promotes. What about the millions displaced, what about the 100,000’s killed the cities destroyed and the murder torture and rape that is current on going in the occupied territories. you can negotiate with Putin. He will break every deal when he has the chance. He attacks this country and you all eat it up and regurgitate his talking points. so yea I want to punish Russia for attacking the us and for attacking Ukraine and being a generally malignant force in the world.
This year, last year every year? Context matters. So if they don’t normally report to the fbi then showing crime down would be consistent if incomplete. I mean you can’t say crime is up and deny all the data showing it is a down and not provide any counter data to support your claim besides “I don’t like it” . reading this seems like yes, data is incomplete but also that the general trend is crime is down Cite one source for your claims, besides your opinion. Otherwise your not worth listening to.
1. Everything is not a lie. Period. You need to be more specific and maybe cite a legitimate source for once. 2. That NATO press conference was pretty solid, for an old guy. Inflation is down, but also the gop canned a bill to stop price gouging and turns out most of the inflation was actually corporate greed-flation, and the economy by most measures is doing much better than the rest of the world.
Nice candidate ya got there.
can’t wait to see these examples. Please share.
OK, give me a couple examples of this intolerance you believe. (Note disagreements and discussion is not intolerance) this from the party that hates women, LGBQ people, Black people, immigrants and Democrats but sure the Democratic Party is the intolerant party. OK crazy person. and I said no such thing I said that the Democratic Party has an Israel problem specifically Israel’s policy towards the Palestinians as directed by Bibi.
1. Maybe, we don’t know Shapiro is the vp pick (the “leak” could be a trial balloon floated to see what the backlash would be) 2. Not my party, but I get your point. 3. Will be important to watch how this unfolds, both Shapiro and the US Israeli relations. Biden gets a peace deal done and could be a big win for the Democratic Party. 4. Regardless the Democratic Party is a big tent party and we welcome divergent voices and opinions. This is a strength, not a weakness.
Or maybe he just didn’t wanna hang out with a felon
Actually the post said “democrats had a problem with Jews”. maybe the poster could have written the Democratic Party has a problem with Israel and it would have been more clear what his point was. Or even better with bibi. as written I’m a dem I don’t have a problem with Jews, hence the previous statement is factually wrong. Funny right. 🤣
Helped Biden win = following the law & not cheating.
The two dem senators who won three election (one run off) would like word. Georgia is purple. Oh and the felon suppressed rep turn out.
So America is a fake image? Do I have that right?
I said the convention. my guess we’ll start to get all this before then.