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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. I mean a third of the population and congress don’t seem to even understand these basics.
  2. Weird everyone expected them to cut rates, then they surprisingly didn’t, so the market tanked (less than 1%) and everyone is screaming recession. Actually I worked in advertising and marketing. Managed to retire at 45. But you know you do you. Actually I think Reagan would like a word.
  3. What do you know it’s the smartest guy in the room again…
  4. Good she is being paid, bad she is being paid to spread bad propaganda.
  5. Dehumanizing by using the word it. Doesn't seem like the open minded flex you think it is.
  6. WWIII tropes again. Crypto guys working to take down the market and companies raise prices for record profits. While Russia works behind the scenes with Iran, North Korea and China to destabilize the US & the EU. hummmm.
  7. Trump takes bribes from foreign governments. Cool.
  8. Are we talking past each other? Chevron was about congress empowering agencies to set and review standards, removing it forces expert congress persons (said no one ever) and judges to decide technical rules and for corporation to shop courts to challenge rules. If the house GOP were good faith actors maybe congress could get anything done. Literally anything. When congress works to solve problems and not grandstand for made up points then sure maybe it can do something. but the GOPs breaking congress and then saying it's the only way to do anything seem disingenuous at best. I'm for limiting the power of the POTUS. The president is not a king.
  9. She is president of Bangladesh now, is that legal for her as VP? Another right wing hack PR Firm, given the funding for radical right wing groups in Europe by Putin bet his finger prints are all over this.
  10. So a super pac paid an 'influencer' I thought you guys supported citizens united? What about Elmo using his $44Billion dollar social media platform or his super pac running a voter data mining operation? What's the big deal again? Pot meet kettle
  11. I fundamentally disagree. The states were on the brink of economic disaster; and the central government had little power to settle quarrels between states. Disputes over territory, war pensions, taxation, and trade threatened to tear the country apart. States rights, like the 50 experiments in the highway system? The rulings recently on the Chevron act, citizens united, Dobbs, and presidential immunity are all radical changes in the compact that only seem to benefit corporate interests. It's all ways to reduce the scope and power of the fed so companies can venue shop regulation, have outside influence in elections, bribe the POTUS. divide and Conquer": to make a group of people disagree and fight with one another so that they will not join together against one. His military strategy is to divide and conquer." Here is an example, fracking in PA, corp interest were stymied at the state level so went make deals at individual township, borough and property owner level, orgs that were ill prepared to deal with the consequences and were easily / cheaply paid off. Which is why the state has to step in and create the liquid fuels program to both regulate and collect and redistribute tax funds collected from fracking to the small communities to maintain their roads etc. Unions are the same deal, of course companies want to stop unions, companies only care about profit, unions care about the worker (gross over simplification but the tenant holds). I can't see how anyone but the bosses are against unions. Thing unions have too much power? Get involved in the union leadership. Same with promotion of states right, this is code for localized abuse of power. Why shouldn't there be the same standard for education, or clean water or food safety in Alabama and New York? The federal government is the only thing powerful enough to take on foreign states And multinational corporate interest, which is why they both spend so much time trying to undermine it. IMHO.
  12. Yes it is. Finically my 401k has doubled. My community received grants to improve it. My friends and neighbors all seem to have more work or are busier at work than they have been in years. It’s all anecdotal but the general tenor seems to be positive. Mentally it’s not constant lies and drama and double speak. I’m not embarrassed by the president. Not to say there aren’t issues. The systematic undermining of the constitution by SCOTUS and removal of freedoms. The persistent background noise of dem/libs dehumanization and they all need to die is concerning. The constant attacks on the rule of law is disappointing. The seeming rise of or interest in authoritarian rule is disturbing. Finally as of a couple of weeks ago it feels like a fever has broken over the county. That we might be able to stop talking about the grievances or random words of one man and start talking about how to actually improve things. your mileage may vary.
  13. I stand by my comment, liberals are more depressed because we are watching a third of population blindly destroy the world for their momentary gain and reason, logic and empathy escapes them often willfully. That is depressing. Trust me on this one. In seriousness the world is scary and depressing if you don’t put blinders on and pretend you’re on some 50’s sitcom, it should come as no surprise that the empathetic portion of the population feels that more. name calling is always a good way to win friends and influence people and has the side benefit of helping prove your argument. Nice touch. (Note see above) seems pretty cavalier to experiment on someone else’s kids. But hey you’re the expert with the newsletter. And three years later sure we can Monday morning quarterback. Seems to me by fall of 2020 with the pandemic deaths accelerating I doubt the vast majority doctors  were  in an agreement that it’s safe to send children back. There are also the knock on effects you are not considering. Can’t send them without adults working (bus drivers, teachers janitors and support staff) would all be exposed to the kids and each other and the kids would be bring any exposure home.  How do the kids feel about their teachers or grand parents dying because they went to school? That’s how I remember it anyway. it’s also amusing to make the argument that kids should have gone back to school, AND seem to support a candidate /platform that wants to eliminate the department of education. Go figure this logic. maybe is a bunch of ass hats could have done a lock down and precautions for 2-4 weeks we could have starved the virus out of the population and moved on. Nope got to argue that nothing should be done survive of the fittest etc. horse paste will work or bleach…
  14. I don’t think you know what that word means (facts) And you sure do like to tell be how to be or what to do, so much freedom! No, I did not have it better while the old one ear felon was in office.
  15. Biden was the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party. Harris is now the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party. Hence the word inherit. When the debate schedule was made old one year felon was the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party. He only became the nominee at the convention.
  16. Were we voting on the debate? What are you even talking about.
  17. He agreed to a debate, she inherited this scheduled debate and accepted it. why is he backing out. Why is he changing it. It could be so simple. he could suggest a third debate on fox, I’m guessing she’d accept that.
  18. You’d think everyone would have the good sense by this point to see an op by Putin. conservatives just lost in a landslide, labor just doubled down on supporting Ukraine.
  19. This seems fine, can’t win, can’t console, why not cheat.
  20. Actually I changed my position, from crime is down to there is no way to know if crime is up or down. Both the links shared made that point, as did you. Color me confused by this comment of yours.
  21. Good sources, thanks, I learned something. 😏 I found this interesting When people use this data to back up tough-on-crime approaches, and say, ‘Our approach in this state is working’ — when in reality, that’s not necessarily the truth because you don’t know the full scope of the problem,” said Murdock. as some one else pointed out you can know if crime is up OR down without good data. since it seems we don’t have good or consistent data then crime is neither up or down, maybe we should all be asking that all law enforcement begin using the new system and then see where we stand.
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