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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. The part of winners whiners. GOP is having some feelings. Here is a hankie go ahead and cry harder.
  2. Your just pissed that the Dems played you again, floated Shapiro, let the rightwing media echo sphere (FSB) do the oppo research over the weekend and then went with a candidate who doesn't have his baggage. Thanks for playing.
  3. You are confused with the billionaires and Putin. this guy gave kids school lunches, really sounds like HELL??
  4. they really got nothing, on him or to offer. All the felon party has to offer is a used hotdog skin on a corduroy couch sitting in the sun. 100% better than the older orange guy.
  5. isn't the loon the official bird of Minnesota? Seems appropriate.
  6. They wonder why no one takes them seriously. She picks a pretty mild mannered guy, very Midwestern who thinks feeding kids is better than starving kids as a far left radical and then they start talking about tampons and genitalia. I can’t see why anybody is tired of this crap. Corporate funded Marxists. I’m not sure you understand what these words mean
  7. Well I wasn’t making any of those points. I talking about the tweet. “About how artificial her support is” yet I don’t believe it actually is, or I just haven’t gotten my support Harris check from Soros yet. 🙃 also I think you are doing a disservice to the rest of your American neighbors, they are not dumb they can see a chance to end the noise and chaos and try to move forward, the Harris campaign is just smart enough to latch onto what the people are feeling.
  8. Venezuela State owned oil company (yes yes yes the us affiliate of said) donated to the felon. Venezuelan state owned oil in debt to Russian oil company. Are we seeing a pattern here? Always seems to come back to Russia. seriously wake up.
  9. Just what the people that brought you the “grass roots” tea party want you to think.
  10. So you don’t care about helping Americans (or trickle down economics) or supporting the troops. Noted. no I don’t a third of the country is under sway of foreign propaganda. And the billion are class has thrown in with these foreign agents because they think they can steal all the wealth of this country for themselves. They have pushed extreme limits on personal freedoms gerrymandered the political landscape to support minority rule while people suffer with poor or expensive health care, they don’t want to feed kids in school, they want to arrest everyone and have no problem supporting the prison industrial complex. And back to Ukraine are willing to tarnish the us standing in the world by abandoning our allies who only want to defend themselves from an invading neighbor. (The one spreading the corrosive propaganda btw).
  11. Wow, just wow, wonder why he isn’t on the ticket this time, oh right the one thing actually accomplished opening envelopes. (And not getting hung by the president’s mob). Worked when it was about Biden.
  12. You are being willfully ignorant. Most of that money goes to us defense contractors and us troops get new systems while Ukraine gets used and about to expire (which we would have to pay to destroy) like the 30+ year old ATACMS for example that are utterly destroying Russian AD and airfields. We were going to pay to throw them away. so unless you are against corporate socialism / job program, providing our troops with modern and better equipment you are on Putin’s side. And judging my the talking point you occasionally manage to bang out on that damaged keyboard, you are.
  13. And pence did what again, or Quayle or Biden or Mondale etc… (when vp). Note I didn’t say she was. But there is more to the job than being a great orator or joke teller.
  14. Exactly what I was suggesting nice to see you on board.
  15. Well, if the GOP would get on board with supporting Ukraine, and helping to eliminate Putin rather than regurgitating all his talking points, maybe we wouldn’t be discussing the flow of migrants and terrorist.
  16. Journal entry August 6th 2024, the second day of the great recession and the belt tightening is getting severe, will only be able to afford one Americano from Starbucks today. When will this suffering end?
  17. Trump whisper. My point is not that Kamala is some super great orator (we know that doesn’t really matter to you, see Obama) it’s that this guy is off/on his meds and can’t hold a coherent point. You can see it in his repetition and trying to sound cool, did you her zuck called HIM, like three times and he miss have said it 5/6 times.
  18. I mean she is no Donald Trump am I right…
  19. Obviously no, but who is paying/supporting them? also terrorism works by forcing you to change your behavior just by the threat… hence terror - ism. so if you stop the guys paying for this, the threats of terrorism go away and so do the terrorists. You know cut off the head, Problem solved.
  20. Oh look I made a poo… don’t look at the 10 million from Egypt, the muller report (oh right Barr killed it) the Wikileaks, Helsinki, the private meeting with RU in the oval with no notes, Ukraine shake down and impeachment, his Russian campaign advisors, the dozens of his administration that have been convicted, etc etc. doesn’t matter how long the list is, you make up Marxist connection to her dad and bam you are right again. Must be nice to live in such a white on white world. (P.S. somehow it is (Marxism) hereditary, Just like you believe everything your dad told you). I mean you are a self professed anti-communist, you should be on the good guy side, not the Russian mob side. Really don’t get it. The gop actively don’t want people to vote the billionaires want to make a plantation out of this country. How do you justify supporting that? Oh and that Raskin video, well he is disqualified but the constitution. But but you’ll say SCOTUS ruled, which only makes you sound like a Pats fan during the Brady era. I remind you coequal branches of government.
  21. You misspelled Putin/flynn. Must be that keyboard you have. No y and o keys and can’t spell these guys names. Weird. Dude you really are a maniac. You might need to up the meds. Or get a new prescription because you either can’t read the words or don’t understand them.
  22. I think maybe Shapiro leak (which got next to no traction) was to see what the blowback would be, and seems like it’s been bad, unforced error bad. Walz has the Biden with Obama feel, a safe middle of the road white guy. personally I think he’s great, folksy, smart and progressive in a practical way. gavin threw in with Biden & from CA, whitmer needs to raise her national profile, Pete is an attack dog but might be a bridge too far in 2024. The other governors are not a national / have their own plans. With the timing so short before the election there is risk for them if they have other / higher ambitions.
  23. It’s a sad little hole you live in. I’m sorry for you. For all the people ruined by that monster pos.
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