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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. Ryan is a little glib, but generally pretty thorough in his analysis. This video doesn’t hold up very well for Mr Carlson or the Colonel. Mostly debunking Russian talking points and misinformation.
  2. Or 25th amendment which they have mentioned a few times or another assassination attempt. This is their plan. Steal the US and sell it for crypto parts.
  3. Do we know they were stopping people from getting in line? At Trader Joe’s they have a person hold a sign saying line ends here so people know where to “get in line”. In other news
  4. No one said 100% there are tens and maybe even dozens of cases each election, not counting the over roll purges by republican AGs and SoS. Even the heritage foundation agrees. https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud https://www.npr.org/2024/10/11/nx-s1-5147732/voter-fraud-explainer https://www.brennancenter.org/sites/default/files/analysis/Briefing_Memo_Debunking_Voter_Fraud_Myth.pdf https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-voter-fraud-trump-harris-a3b4c2db17217311770259193c115b80 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_fraud_in_the_United_States https://www.wvtm13.com/article/voter-fraud-reality-niu/62475423 https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/americans-accused-noncitizen-voter-fraud-face-doxxing-intimidation/story?id=115069427
  5. I appreciate my new billionaire overlord and can't wait to do my part suffering so he can remake the economy in his image. Genius.
  6. In my county they have a mail in ballot drop box in the court house, so I could return my ballot without a post mark as long as it was before polls closed on Election Day. May I humbly suggest your fears are misplaced.
  7. One shred of proof pleases and thank you. Founder of the federalist - right wing nut jobs. Good source of made up crap. You need a better media diet bboy
  8. Your post above accuses the Dems of violence if the felon wins, and I’m posting a counter example of the violence and attacks on the vote by right wing nut jobs. (“Three” assassination attempts by right wing nut jobs, burning ballots, actual voting fraud all right wing nut jobs. So again relevant to your false premise.
  9. Oh well it once again is not a democrat who is attacking the election. Seems on point BBoy.
  10. You need to get an education on how elections work. Why are there rolls? Why are there two envelopes? Seriously you are making up *****. They have a list, they mail out against that list, then they check in the ballots agains that list. With the names of the voters on the envelopes. Those rolls are public, they are audited. So how do you randomly add ballots? Serious question.
  11. Didn’t he get fired the first time?
  12. Once again it’s a Democratic illegal immigrant of color. Oh wait no.
  13. You understand there are voter rolls. They know how many voters and how many ballots were mailed. Think it through man.
  14. I mean if you watch the video instead of reading the headline, it takes time. Since the xi part is in the second half… oh wait there is no clip of him saying xi is smart at that link, it’s 10 min of Biden talking about improving infrastructure in the US and creating good jobs and improving life for Americans. but the headline and copy say he did so must be true and to the point of the poster the same (false equivalency) as the felon praising Xi. See all politicians are the same you libs are so dumb to be so “reactionary” the felon is just a cool dude, he is friendly that‘s why he praises dictators. and just to add I watched the video to see if Biden did what I thought the headline misconstrued, saying xi was smart s a way of saying that he is not a competitor to be taken lightly, instead of how the felon refers to him as smart because he wants to be like xi. YMMV. p.s. That fox business site is ass, and the clip doesn’t show this comment at all. “He framed the increased competition between Washington and Beijing as part of a broader battle between democracy and autocracy, saying that Xi "does not have a democratic, with a small D, bone in his body, but he is a smart, smart guy." The U.S., Biden said, has an obligation to prove that democracy works.” seems to bear out the not underestimating your opponent idea I postulated above. typos and capitalization errors left as a nod to BIMF, he needs something to do obviously.
  15. “We all know” usually you’re better than these vast generalizations, not to mention you’re wrong. So maybe this calls into question your summary judgement about how ridiculous Joe is. 🧐 I wonder what color the sky is in your world? Black or white? I mean there is no room in your mind for any shade of gray let alone colors. Sad really to be so fixed in your ‘right-a-tude’. You seem content to let the fire burn.
  16. Nope we’re calling them white trash. You seem to be the model citizen with that nice language. “In the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) by George Orwell, the Two Minutes Hate is the daily period during which members of the Outer and Inner Party of Oceania must watch a film depicting Emmanuel Goldstein, the principal enemy of the state, and his followers, the Brotherhood, and loudly voice their hatred for the enemy and then their love for Big Brother.[1]The political purpose of the Two Minutes Hate is to allow the citizens of Oceania to vent their existential anguish and personal hatred toward politically expedient enemies: Goldstein and the enemy super-state of the moment. In re-directing the members' subconscious feelings away from the Party's governance of Oceania and toward non-existent external enemies, the Party minimises thoughtcrime and the consequent subversive behaviours of thought criminals.”[2] I’ll see your “dem race talk” with right wing DEI chat. 🙄
  17. Equivocating nazi’s doesn’t stop nazis it encourages them. ‘when they dismantle the government, suspend the constitution and put anyone they want in camps for an indeterminate time (because deporting requires a place to send the people) and the “enemy within” is now the lefties you don’t like but could be you on the whim of a crazy person. (See Hitler and Putin’s super rich supporters who found themselves on the losing end of a noose, gun, tea or window). but sure we’re watering down nazi’s brand. Srly?
  18. When caught, blame the victim for calling you out. It’s just social media, it not a real threat. What can you do foreign countries going to foreign. (p.s. RU’s economy is on the edge of total collapse due to sanctions, interest rates are over 20%).
  19. Tell me you’ve never been to NYC without saying you’ve never been to NYC.
  20. Rogan will get to the bottom of this in that amazing interview…
  21. This guy is amazing. I mean he is trying to defend the indefensible (and the felons word salad brain) but seriously. I agree with him when he said we should use the military against people who riot. you mean Americans? no not Americans writ large… so let’s review, people who riot? People who are “radical leftist” democratic leaders are okay but not Americans Which means he just said people who riot, people who protest, people who he deems “the radical left”, and elected democratic officials are not Americans. Good guy you have there. Free speech my ass. Reminds me of the “you don’t need privacy if you’re not doing anything wrong”. Crowd.
  22. I didn’t say it was staged, I said again and again that I haven’t seen the medical records or and photographic evidence of the wound to his ear. I have said he was shot at, but I have seen no evidence that he was actually hit in the ear or anywhere else. It is interesting that several posters here make the assumption that I mean it’s staged. The Queen in "Hamlet" "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
  23. Slightly less than you’ll spend on me.
  24. The ghost of Reagan would like a word. What, did he release his medical records? Photos of the wound that required NO stitches? oh wait no, nothing to see here then. I mean what’s your point. That guy has lied about everything in his life, so trust but verify. Doesn’t seem so tin foil to me. YMMV.
  25. He will figure it out as only he can… banger. 🙄
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