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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. You said it was fake, it’s not. So instead you try to make fun. Don’t worry we won’t put you in a camp, we’ll protect your social Security, and reduce the cost of your healthcare no worries.
  2. let's just think this though. Biden picked Harris to be VP. VP takes the role of president if they can't serve. Biden Harris are the ticket during the primary. Everyone who voted for Biden voted for Harris as the VP and because they trust Biden's judgment. Biden judges he should step aside and endorses his VP (the person he originally chose to replace him if he can't serve) Harris gets the endorsement of the other potential candidates for this "made for TV reality show" the media wanted at the convention, potentially creating "spectacle" (one of the words I saw being used to describe the DNC). at the DNC and the "dems in chaos" narrative sweeping the one ear felon in to the WH. Win for media lots of money and eyeballs, Win for The felon get out of jail free card, Win for the billionaires who want Vance to destroy the dollar for crypto. but that didn't happen. the pledged delegates were released when Biden dropped out and most chose to support his Vp and endorsed candidate Harris per Dem rules. (officially and publicly) Dems will have a DNC without the spectical and people are happy to not have to choose between old and older. but yea not stolen like the felon who calls for the Rep primaries to be canceled, appointed his daughter to run the RNC and funnels all the donation to support his legal claims. Not the same at all. 🙃
  3. She’s from the federalists, so no agenda there. Also cute how this is now trending on twitter. also informative.
  4. Agreed media has been weaponized against the American people. I think your ratios might be reversed. Additionally I think the military industrial complex is just one customer of big oil. (US military runs on oil, nearly everything is wrapped in plastic (oil) in a CVS. Climate crisis doesn’t exist per big oil, and if it does it’s the individual’s responsibility. Food production is tired too oil. oil, too big to fail.
  5. There won’t be a civil war. not at the feet of Flynn (dinner with Putin much? Calling for trumps assimilation much). Bannon, or Stone? Who are actively stoking the fires, and have been involved with overturning an election before. 2000 bush gore, operation in FL lead by stone with help from a future SCOTUS who “likes beer”. i appreciate your staying in this discussion, i hope that you continue to question the media, but you might want to look at who the real, beneficiary of the division and hate that has been sown. (Oil). if you have time you might also want to volunteer to work the election, or run for office. Things that I have found rewarding and restorative.
  6. His WHOLE life.. nothing to see here. You get a crazy link you get a crazy link and you get a crazy link.
  7. Back to the media:
  8. Um I didn’t work on that one, so no. I explained the actual reason (several) why I don’t like him.
  9. I’ve said before a used paper towel is better than the felon. fortunately Kamala is much better than that. p.s. petty insulates generally mean you have no argument.
  10. The one ear felon signing Roe into law?
  11. Elon is a racist, and dumb pos who was born to a racist father in apartheid SA. Came to America and overstayed his visa (illegal immigrant much), got luck with his third base money on PayPal, didn’t found Tesla, but was happy to suck off the government teet with loans and tax credits, then didn’t engineer a rocket at space x (oh and tried to by icbms from Russia and instead was given tech for rocket engines by Putin), also sucking off the government teet, and has to be kept away from the people actually getting work done, buys twitter (with Saudi money) ***** on all the employees and advertisers, they sues them for not advertising on his platform, genius. Oh and then bribes Trump to pick his buddies empty suit as VP so they can dismantle the US dollar for crypto. real winner that Elmo.
  12. So let me ask what is your point. The media is unfair? The media plays favorites? duh. I worked in media for 30 years. At all the companies you guys post links too. You think I don’t understand what they do? Really? how they shape messages. How they keep Trump in the game so they make more money. i worked on a mark Burnett project, I know how reality tv works. Editors. So again what is your point. My point is it has been propping up this fool for decades. I’ve been hearing about this ***** affairs and bankruptcies longer than you’ve been alive. But yea I don’t get it. then someone spouts a off about “but Ukraine’s are dying” or “that hunter laptop” and real issues get buried. Over and over and over again. ignoring the actual evidence of trumps serial failures, obvious criminality, and traitorous behaviors, parties at epstines etc etc etc. because once. Trump has paid for many abortions, raped little girls and full grown women and generally acted like the worst piece of ***** for my whole life. But somehow the media is biased? Against him? my point being that YES I know the media is biased, I just believe it’s biased the opposite that you do, based on the overwhelming evidence. One ***** time they say his plan will cost money but her plan is a good idea. Oh the horror. in the end no taxes on tips helps working class people but might open up a whole range of untended consequences, and a grey market economy. No one is talking about. How convenient.
  13. How very self reflective of you. Quite a surprise.
  14. Yea I’ve seen this one years ago. This might be part of why I’m pro Ukraine and anti Russia and anti felon. You obviously don’t realize this video is about you
  15. I have answers it a few times. I have said I don’t see the issue that one time they write a headline that is “bad” for the felon, vs as I have provided, the thousands of times they have been in the pocket of the felon, the text messages where they say get Maggie to write an article for us she is friendly. Where Obama, Hilary, and Biden are constantly slagged and nothing like that for his majesty the felon, The NY Times won’t even admit he lies. So not sure what your point is. Maybe try treading multiple sources. Maybe for profit news is bad, maybe for profit health care is bad, maybe for profit electricity is bad (we fixed that one).
  16. It’s not, it was bought by a right wing billionaire. Google Maggie Haberman.
  17. As I said in another post about this. This is how politics works. Good ideas should rise to the top, and she has stated (watch a stump speech) she support working and middle class people. i assume you are okay with the crimes, theft, insurrection, no medical records from his ear, no tax returns, his being a rapist, racist, authoritarian who is proud to strip rights from half the population, wants to throw out the constitution and gives away the country to business special interests, lied over 30,000 times in 4 years, lied 167 times in one hour, can’t even answer softball questions from Elmo, and I could go ***** on and on and on. But your butt hurt about those headlines. seriously. obama wore a brown suit (how do we all know about that the ***** media) Hilary’s email severs a nothing burger but we all know about that. Biden is dead, Biden had a bad debate, and The NY Times commissioned 90+ articles about it. But seriously the media is biased against the one ear felon and you are just fine with him. Gross.
  18. And this is how politics is done, best ideas should win. One small idea that helps working class people and she adopts it since her mission is to help working and middle class people. what about his opposition to child tax credit or extending his huge tax cuts for corporations? Funny you don’t see her “copying” those horrible policy decisions. even a broken clock is right twice a day. p.s. when I say this is how politics should work, l mean (for the peanut gallery) that it should be a completion of ideas that benefit the people.
  19. Yea yea yea he did all those crimes and other shady *****, but cbs headline, am I right? 🙃
  20. Meanwhile a candidate calls out by name Georgia elections officials for 1 not growing the election for him and 2. Changing the rules illegally to try and throw and election. But yea, the talking head on tv are the problem. Sigh.
  21. The one ear (would live to see that medical report) felon (34 convictions and counting) gets negative press. Really surprise surprise surprise. he should pay his fines (since he is a real billionaire) he should not be running for president (since he lead an insurrection (see 14th amendment) & how many lawyers of his have pled guilty at this point?) he drained the gop coffers for his own legal defense, and when are those cheap gold sneakers showing up? The Russians are involved with him, Hunter is ‘trumped up’, tax cuts for the wealth ballooned the deficit, his family made millions from the US government, he profits off the USSS, a woman was run over and dozens were injured in Charlottesville by the far right .”peaceful protestors” So much “made up” negative press, where do they get this Soros? Oh wait the mainstream media is owned by right wing self interested billionaires (musk, Sinclair, etc…) and what was the presser and that interview. And the debate, obviously the felon is not fit, and is failing, so just like the 92 option pieces agains Biden the week after the debate, there are 92 against Trump… oh wait there are none. homers like you keep thinking there is some conspiracy against this *****. When in fact He is all the bad calls the patriots got under Brady put into one game and wrapped up in a used hotdog skin. so unfair. To this country.
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