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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. hey guys no need to live in the liberal hell hole any longer. He is also hiring for the army, no experience needed… if anyone needs a ride to the airport happy to drive no charge.
  2. It was never funny, the MAGA melt down over it is hilarious.
  3. They may accuse you of a lot of things, but clever, isn’t one of them.
  4. I mean google am I right Trickel down P.S. Obama is against "trickle down economics" in those quotes.
  5. He thinks his dictator will give a ***** about him on day one. 1. it's hilarious you have to say "serious question" but this board is this board. 2. I support the right of everyone to protest and express their ideas peacefully. Supporting the right to protest however doesn't mean you support the ideas presented. This is how democracy works.
  6. Well a few things actually. 1. Orange man is bad, but his cronies are really bad. They mean to destroy this country worthier personal gain and they will throw their supporters to the wolves once they are useless (i.e after they vote for them). 2. there is no discussion policy on this board. it's all no taxes, remove government too big government but no clear idea on what to do about it. Child tax credit, NO. help people get into new homes (a huge long term drive of economic growth). NO. help Ukraine defend its self, NO. protect SS and MC, NO. Prevent price gouging, NO (communism). So what's the point? oh right communism bad, company town capitalism good.
  7. I mean is there a single example of good judgment by this guy is the las 50 years?
  8. For all these "baby protectors they sure are happy for kids to live in poverty. The child tax credit did cut child poverty by almost half and all republicans voted agains renewing it. But the babies.
  9. You know if you want to be racist who am I to tell you not to be. cool bro.
  10. 1. Sure seems lie it went great until the regulations were rolled back and then in just a couple year oppise the "smartest guys" in the room need another bail out... How is bailing out these huge corps and paying stock broker bonuses and not jail time or fines okay with you? yet you want to deregulate the industry so it can make profits without the meddling government. It's like a 5 year old I want to live free in this house and get and allowance for nothing, and eat all the candy I want. Let's not even get into the farm subsidies, 2. Government give $5T or govt revenue is $5T I'll go with the later. How big is the GDP? Government needs to have enough money to regulate. SS is paid for by the participants so as the population grows so too should the revenue collected. Groth in general should increase spending, both tax revenue increases on increased profits and OG goes up so revenues need to increase to keep up? Note money spent on COG = paying Americans and American companies for products and services. 3. I have no idea what this means? I cited examples of no/de regulation that lead to economic disaster that was paid for by the tax payer. Why is that okay with you? If anything being a low tax man you think you'd want some regulations on potential "bail outs" of bad acting corporations. but th right is full of hiporacy so who knows what you actually want. Additionally private business does need the government, who is going to fund all that R&D then give it away, who is going to ensure an educated workforce, roads that allow products to get to market or fiscal policy and political security to allow companies to operate freely. So the race of that paying their fair share in taxes, and obeying the rules we the people set for air, water, finance etc. don't like it, move to Saudi Arabia or Russia or China etc.
  11. Kroger giant merger would like a word about free markets… what a load of horse crap. arg is not a monopoly, one company makes the seed and fertilizer 3 companies make the machines and most mom and pop farms have been bought out or sell to the one of the three company’s who make grain based products. oh and the huge farm subsidies (you know corporate socialism) but sure go on about free markets. bonus, who hates socialism really means regulation like the stock traders in 29, the saving and loan guys in the 80’s and securitized mortgages in 2008, SV bank in 2023, crypto in 2024… please go on about the best and the brightest. Talk about welfare queens.
  12. Like kid rock and hulk hogan? So fresh (in the 90’s) Sure okay. Or the fact that no former president or candidate endorsed the felon, or spoke at the republic national convention, or that 40 of his 43 cabinet members would endorse him for president and are actively working against his being president. ‘yea cool’
  13. I lived through that *****’s terms violated the Logan act by negotiating with Iran to keep the American hostages till after the election. Iran-contra ignored aids ran up deficits, contrary to the history channel bullet point Attacked unions (scab since he was a union member & President in the past) contributed to the growth in income inequality. cut social programs (lied about the “welfare queen”) Increased defense spending Appointed Scalia & Kennedy to the court.
  14. You never know what you’ll find under the couch cushions…. Not weird at all.
  15. Party of war… Grenada, gulf war I & II, Iraq (20 years), Afghanistan (20 years). All started by which party again? Oh right the one with amnesia.
  16. Musk changes at Twitter. Promoting and spreading disinformation is not the free speech flex you think it is. (Also the 50% stake the Saudis have in twitter is worrisome). He is not an admirable character. Ask his daughter or ex wives, former employees he’s impregnated and anyone who has worked with him for more than 20 minutes. I am not dumb enough to think the government officials tell the truth. Amazing insight thanks for the tip. BUT there are laws on what they have to tell the public. Freedom of information requests, etc. which are not there in the private sector so we all have more ability to get to the truth. How do we find out about Iran contra, or that GWII HAD warning about 9/11 or Regan’s medical report after being shot, etc.
  17. Note those comments describe their actions/belief system. Like calling him ‘the old one ear felon’ - he is old, he had his ear shot off, he is a convicted felon. And you know exactly who I am referencing. calling a black man, the former president “obammy” instead of Obama or tan suit, or ‘healthy mchealthcare for all’ (for example) is an attempt to dehumanize and diminish him as a person. Long history of that in America towards black men. But yea I’m the POS. Cool bro.
  18. Well that is the wrong conclusion. The problem with Elon is he has gone full authoritarian. Anti voting, anti labor, and full on right wing disinformation spreader. There are other EV cars now that are much better and plenty of solar and battery providers better and cheaper.
  19. I’m not the language police, just telling you how the words are landing. obammy, kamabala (or however he is spelling this) or boy. The history of dehumanization of black men (and women) is long and ugly in this county. Considering he was president of the US and she is Vice president illustrates to me the lack of respect for them. So I point it out, just ‘cause you don’t believe it or want to hear it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. and it’s the bottom of your, list but name calling. Is the first step towards dehumanization which can lead to/or justify violence since they aren’t viewed as human or fully human.
  20. Use his name. dehumanization diːhjuːmənʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n noun the process of depriving a person or group of positive human qualities. by not using his name you are attempting to diminish him and not respecting his humanity. the couch jokes are not this. Calling him JV is.
  21. Elmo is literally trying to create the matrix. This is so stupid. How is it possible for this to be so stupid?
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