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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. I mean you may not like my answer but I did (and do try to answer) so whatever grandstanding makes you feel better, cool. okay so lines, rule of law, you want a medal for driving on the right side of the road and stopping at stop signs as well? 🏅🏅🏅(so socialist of you btw 😉) people are coming, the promise of America is strong. So instead of walls and detention why not welcome them in, document them and let them contribute to society (with work and taxes) as they earn the rights of citizenship. Often the converts are the strongest adherents, what a great way to melting pot the situation. Feeding two birds with one scone.
  2. But you pro free market and against price gouging legislation. Which is it?
  3. A Labor Department report showed an estimate for total payroll employment between April 2023 and March 2024 was lowered by 818,000, a 0.5% drop from what was originally reported for the period, as the central bank gears up to start cutting interest rates in September. Sound terrible. 0.5%. Stock market reacts positively, and fed is still planning on cutting rates. Think of all those jobs created if they boarder bill had passed, thousands of boarder agents and the knock on economic effect, good thing it was killed to give the felon a win. sigh.
  4. Yea it's a 'nightmare', all in your head.
  5. Who is deflecting now. That is not the question or the way to solve it ”immigration”. But yea what a tough guy, see ‘(not) billsy’ won’t answer the question. Why won’t he host all these immigrants in his home, see he is a hypocrite. Sigh. I bet you kick dogs too. again you don’t know anything about me. You don’t know if I have hosted people or not. And even if I have that does not solve the problem, this is some kinda fake sound bite ‘gotta ya’ argument. Get out of your little bubble and realize people are people and are overwhelmingly good. Reminder we are all immigrants or children of immigrants. All of us. I mean 2 impeachments, dozens of his admin convicted of crimes and 34 of his own felonies and 50 more pending… I mean he’s an “overachiever” This is a lie. Unconstitutionally? Eye roll.
  6. Hey if it turns you on cool, I’m don’t kink shame. You do you.
  7. How am I deflecting, question was what is who is an American, the quote I posted says to me the ideal of the American dream. A place for anyone to come and make a home and have opportunity. My grandfather was one of the great unwashed masses and this country is better for him having come here. as General Milli said, we believe in a piece of paper, and set of ideas, the constitution . That to me is an American. Born here or naturalized. And I support anyone who wants to do the same. You know nothing about me and what I have or haven’t done. Lots and lots of assumptions. Also the binary thinking is so simple. Keep them all out or put them in Your house. Like nothing works like that and that is not even the choice. small minds only see problems.
  8. Oh aren’t you a tough guy. You’re mad at the wrong people, the billionaires are shipping jobs over seas, cutting pay and polluting your air water and politics. But sure.
  9. Are you okay? Do you need medical help?
  10. “Bigoted mindset” have you see the insane disinformation that Tommy Callahan is spreading… oh right. Nevermind.
  11. I mean it’s on the statue at the front door… “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” ― Emma Lazarus
  12. Got my costume, scary right
  13. Also this “why all the fear?” From the crowd that screams immigrant murder, fentanyl death, collapsing economy, communism communism communism communism. And importantly offers no solutions just fear.
  14. ‘Cause they think it’s either a popularity contest or a monarchy.
  15. What? supply side, economics. demand side economics
  16. Simple minds are bothered by couch jokes (little close to home maybe, it’s okay I don’t kink shame you can admit it) and say things like “your party”.
  17. Go work one election and see if the talking points stand. the Democrats were all those things 2 generations ago, since then as I said they passed voting rights and civil rights legislation, that is not who they are now. The republicans were the party of Lincoln and passed the 13,14,15th amendments they are now the trump party and want to repeal those, are extremely raciest, sexist and transphobic. let’s talk about the
  18. 1/40th scary. Which is why we want to ensure social security, medicare and Medicaid in single pair healthcare (the VA) are both protected and expanded. Why we want laws against price gouging. Why we support unions and livable wages, and increasing the minimum wage and increasing taxes on corporations to pay for these things. this dementia where you switched gears from the stock market is falling. The economy is a disaster to the stock markets not the economy to oh way a shame poor people cause you invested in your 401(k), which was set up because they keep defunding Social Security so it doesn’t pay a living wage and the investor class actually wanted access to everyone’s paycheck so they could ***** off and make how much money they want. but sure. You’re right. by the way, this just pisses me off still do we all remember in 2005 2006 2007 George W. Bush trying to privatize Social Security right before the housing crash because they needed to stuff more money into the stock market to keep it from crashing these neocon trickle down economics. Do not work for the working people in this idea that I’m happy my 401(k) is going up is elitist. Is complete bull####.
  19. no, we just think demand side is a better more equitable way to run an economy.
  20. Again for the simple ones: we think MAGA's freakout of the couch thing is hilarious, we don't kink shame so if he wants to ***** a couch so be it.
  21. You might want to examine who is rewriting the narrative.
  22. It's the United States of America everyone gets an opinion.
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