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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. You don’t say,,, “Rumble's cloud services business hosts Truth Social, and the video platform is popular among American conservative and far-right users. Rumble has been described as "alt-tech".”
  2. 🙃 it must be hard having such strong beliefs…
  3. Holy crap, hell has frozen over, ole Ronnie and I agree. They are people, document them, tax’s and let them earn citizenship.
  4. Just thinking of your retort made me cry already. 🙃 This false bravado, quite something. When you're called out for being a small minded and not very original the caveman response is first up, threaten and try to diminish. Why would I cry? like literally what is your through process (stretch I know, thought & a process at the same time but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt)? Let's see Maybe it's that I'll be so upset by your really great sick burn that I'll cry, or maybe I'll finally be so disappointed in humanity that I'll cry? Oh and even if I cried so what? is that some kind a win for you? That somehow you said something so mean or hateful you made someone cry, wow you are a bigger man than I had imagined. So smart, tough and always right. now I want to be just like you. Hey everyone, Per-Irv is a real smart and tough and right man look on in awe and fear. 🏆 And the 'boy' thing, again with the diminutive, and dehumanizing with a slight undertone of racism, or is it daddy issues, did dad always call you boy and make you feel small and inadequate?. Either way very well played. 👏 The real question is what's all this rage, hate and mocking sitting on top of, what shame or fear are you hiding with these attacks. You can open up to me, I won't tell or kink shame you, I'm just a dumb commie, liberal, socialist, soy boy, cry baby, how could it hurt you to share your shame with me. What is making you feel so inadequate. did you dad not love you did your mom leave you? is it just the 4 super bowls in a row. I mean I don't really care, you do you, but it really is stunning and you might want to seek professional help. Anyway you do you Per-Irv and don't change to try and please me. P.S this was fun, keep up the sick burns.
  5. Another excellent prediction to go along with the dehumanizing name calling. You are on a roll per-Irv. Yep, let’s see. Personally I’m Going to enjoy the old one ear felon melting down into the used hotdog skin he is.
  6. As we have been told by the real American, experts on this board, that the MSM (have to use the code phrases to fit in) are useless hacks at best and a communist/liberal,socilist/democrat propaganda arm at worst. However occasionally they do produce a useful piece of content. Kinda like this super cut illustrating the sublet differences between the two nominees speeches. Enjoy. Said, checks notes, “Wacka”.
  7. She mentioned the old one ear felon several times. Seems like she covered the biggest problem.
  8. Calling her ‘ Pocahontas’ is me playing the race card? Huh. Quite the logic you got there.
  9. Nice racist 5th grader you got there.
  10. Nope, you said she has no accomplishments. Not she fixed everything when she wasn’t even a legislator. Like I said she accomplished getting an $18B settlement. That’s a lot of billions, but I a dumb lib commie so what do I know about billions.
  11. Well you also have to do the job once elected and there are 18 Billion reals she succeed as State AG for example.
  12. You guys, always, they. Fact based and specific as usual…
  13. Seems he got the talking points from Russia. really he could try a little harder to not sound like he is reading them…
  14. 1. It is kinda the nature of “dropped lawsuits” to be quiet, why would you hold a press conference. 2. Without looking I’m going to guess this was dropped because of the similarly timed SCOTUS machine gun ruling. Cutting this suit off at the knees. 3. Really cool burn bro, right up there with the rest of the crap you post without comment.
  15. It’s a microcosm of this board…except they are not ‘Trumpers’.
  16. Proving my point, thanks.
  17. Maybe get a Mac? So this is a perfect example of nearly a decade of propaganda from Russia. (Someone shared the KGB agent talking about on another thread). there is no objective fact or truth, everything is in question or ‘personalized’ without a truth, then anything can be the truth. ‘2+2=5’ i hope this is not fatal to our country but so much damage has been done.
  18. You ALL want a rapist, felon who sold out and then attacked America. Tip: using ALL in your blanket statements eliminates any credibility you might have had. besides we know you’ll sell out your neighbors for tax cuts.
  19. You’re a thoughtful person on this board. But ‘no accomplishments’. Srly?
  20. Or because he is being paid by the same folks.
  21. Look how close we are. I guess I’m soft, have no idea what that means or where it came from, who am I to kink shame? so the driving analogy was expanding on your rule following comments about lines. but taking the analogy further, maybe identify document and provide paper work, I don’t know maybe give them a card, a green one or maybe pink, ask them to check in periodically, set rules around any criminal behavior and enforce hiring of document workers with business and collect taxes on their wages, maybe even add a surcharge on immigrant wages to directly fund all of these measures. this is kinda like Mary-Jane legalize, license and tax it. then increases the staffing at these cross boarder immigration centers and provide a path to naturalized citizenship to incentivize compliance and good behavior and preventing the creation of a sub class. The felon has brought over several immigrant workers maybe we should get his experiences… Seems to me being part of the first non-ethno state is anything but meaningless. even the ‘native Americans’ immigrated from Asia or Europe, and Europeans and Asians from Africa… we are world species and sooner we realize it, and the us is the real experiment, the better for everyone.
  22. Operative word ‘briefing’ some times spelled as ‘lies’
  23. says the don’t spoon feed me your lies, do your own research. Did you look at the link, did you see the chart with the 40-50% drop in childhood poverty? Get back to me when you’re interested in learning. I hate this but the jokes seem to pass over some people’s heads worse than Mitch’s passes… the joke was the answer to your question (where did that number come from) you could literally spend 30 seconds googling (or using your search engine of choice) to find the link I found (and dozens of more so you could compare them) and I suggested use it as if you didn’t know how to do that, yet here we are.
  24. My question is 99 floors seem to be a lot of floors of apathy to climb, how do you explain that?
  25. I haven’t met Walz, but yea, happy, successful and willing to give back.
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