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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. Sigh. in my opinion The bed rock of your democracy is voting. Without voting nothing else is possible. Not sure how this make me extreme, since everyone here screaming ‘free speech about the telegram guy being arrested (note he knew there was a warrant out for his arrest in France and tried but couldn’t meet with Putin so he then went to France and got arrested, seems like that might be a cover for his turning states witness, but I digress) repost all that rightwing garbage, and echos the talking points of all the pedophile billionaires. But let’s go with it. Mr. Free speech absolutist… cutting off a non-right wing citizen publishing publicly available data. YMMV.
  2. No kink shaming here, I’m fine with the GOP VP candidate ***** any type of furniture (couch ottoman, futon, ‘love seat’, etc…) he’d like.
  3. The horror. Random dogs at a dog park like him, and the social media editors don’t know what his dog looks like. Some hard hitting investigative reporting there. 🙃
  4. Rule of law is not bullying. If you weren't a bully you might understand that.
  5. Look how much we have in common, both our mom's are whores, and yet so much we don't share, like the fact that you've done "push ups" with both.
  6. Weird how focused on horse paste and sperm you are.
  7. So your mom still wont talk to you, so sad.
  8. Ask your boyfriend to turn on the lights and find out.
  9. Redirect because you don't have an answer. Cool I'll keep waiting. Actually if we lose the vote it is all over. If anything you should be anti EC (but I know you are not) since it masks the voice of the people. If you have free and open elections then the people can vote to protect anything they find important. Speech, guns, abortion, children, anything really.
  10. So me an example of this speech "the left" hates that is not a lie, misinformation or disinformation? Show me your support for BLM protests, or the Green Party protests, climate change action, protecting the rights of others? anything that is not hate, racism or lies. Take your time.
  11. It’s called having an education, you might want to try it.
  12. Are you saying your Cinderella? Again circumstantial evidence is wrong.
  13. This is the problem you don’t believe the truth because it doesn’t fit your narrative. And the multiple assumptions here that I must be a Billstime or a Billsy shows to go ya that the critical thinking here is marginal at best. Enjoy being wrong. also a little light reading for you.
  14. I don’t think you know what projection means.
  15. This is the same judiciary committee that had 10 months of Biden, impeachment investigation hearings that found absolutely nothing. The same judiciary committee run by Putin stooges that use it to grandstand and spread Russian propaganda. The same judiciary committee that just days after admitting they found nothing on Biden switched to trying to impeach Kamala Harris days after she was announced as the candidate oh and let’s not forget about Trump‘s first impeachment, which was what was that again shaking down our allies what was the famous quote? “Just say there’s an investigation and I’ll do the rest.”
  16. “Put it in your own words” as if that would make any difference. telegram is corrupted, used by the Russian military fsb and mob to spread lies, sex trafficing and drugs. All the things conservatives love so I can see what they are freaking out about. “Free speech”
  17. Well if you’re still dumb enough to think I’m Billsy, then yea your right.
  18. Try reading (I know it’s hard but you are home alone so you can sound out the words and no one will snicker) this thread you might learn something.
  19. Link, oh right you don’t have one outside of your imagination.
  20. Conservatives hunting food.
  21. Tell me again about the rabbits.
  22. So RFK jr is starting with the felon right?
  23. Dude, it’s advertising and corporations you need to worry about… which is why they try to make it look like government. Sigh. Lets look at Epstine’s flight logs again… or all those photos of the felon and Elmo with him and Maxwell to start.
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