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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. I mean do you know how the VP position works? Look at pence, when did he ever do what the felon told him to?
  2. Love this thread. Here is another link.   working several elections was one of the best things I’ve done, highly recommend
  3. Counter argument
  4. Hey I found another billstime clone on twitter, we must all be bots. I comment bot this but not bot that…
  5. Sadly, this is closer to the truth than to satire.
  6. Free speech absolutist. Some on here may want to reflect on their hero worship. But but but free markets???
  7. Not sure my opinion matters, but… bush/Cheney criminals no doubt, unfortunately that ship has sailed not sure Kamala has much control over who endorses her and an endorsement would be of her not his policies, but if Bush’s endorsement help garner a few more votes fine, just like Cheney (daughter) not a fan of hers in any stretch, but I appreciate she doesn’t want to (and recognizes the threat) destroy/sell out the country.
  8. They did, on their own people and the Iranians. I’m still pissed we abandoned the Kurds. But they also lost a war and those programs thanks to Bush I (I mean general Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.)
  9. All, of Tim Walz 30,000 lies.
  10. So is the CIA a shadow government or do they roll up to the president? If the ***** up (bay of pigs for one example) do they or the President bear the brunt of the fall out? of ***** course they (cia) were running the operation, AT the direction of the president. Bush appoints the head, so did Obama. (Maybe tora borra could have been handled differently and we’d be having a different conversation) i realize you are pilot, and checklists & precision is import, but I’m not high school kid, and I do understand how things work. I am already very long winded so forgive my not speaking out every step or detail. And if you read the article from Pew (also not high school kids) they said much what I said, there was no evidence of WMD and it is debated if it was bad intel (CIA running things) or the administration knowing there were no weapons. I have read the latter, that the intelligence about the yellow cake was questionable at best, but it fit the narrative that Cheney/bush wanted to act on. Invading Iraq, that was NOT involved in the 9/11 attack. like I said everyone gets an opinion. What I have read and experienced leads me to believe, they saw an opportunity and went for it with disastrous results (and big profits for Halliburton). p.s. I watched the Powell presentation live, I watched the invasion, I watched the mission accomplished and it was almost 17 years before we were “done”. Oh and the “nation building” was all the bush admin “as a way to remake the Middle East” etc.
  11. Eh, semantics, Bush’s CIA had 7 years, no Bueno, guess you could argue it’s a fair trade for the ***** economy he left for Obama, I wouldn’t but you could. “Bush and senior members of his administration then spent more than a year outlining the dangers that they claimed Iraq posed to the United States and its allies. Two of the administration’s arguments proved especially powerful, given the public’s mood: first, that Hussein’s regime possessed “weapons of mass destruction” (WMD), a shorthand for nuclear, biological or chemical weapons; and second, that it supported terrorism and had close ties to terrorist groups, including al-Qaida, which had attacked the U.S. on 9/11.As numerous investigations by independent and governmental commissions subsequently found, there was no factual basis for either of these assertions. Two decades later, debate continues about whether the administration was the victim of flawed intelligence, or whether Bush and his senior advisers deliberately misled the public about its WMD capabilities, in particular.” “Debate” is doing a lot of heaving lifting.
  12. Whine, whine, whine, you some cheese for that?
  13. Numbers? These ass hats say <1600 in an undefined time frame. Out of 330M (150M votes cast) again 1600 vs 150,000,000.
  14. Bush/Cheney made up WMD to go into Iraq. Congress authorized it based on that lie. US military answered the call. Still in the end thousands of Americans died, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Because of that lie. They also neatly kneecapped any political aspirations Powell may have had. They (Cheney) are not dumb just mean and greedy. Afghanistan was the base of operations for the attack by the Saudi nationals, including Osama bin Laden against the United States on 9/11 (and the Cole, etc) and seems quite justified. If the US hadn’t been distracted by the lie, that was the invasion of Iraq, maybe Afghanistan could have gone differently, though it did take till Obama to get Osama. The problem in both was not the military. It was the leadership. And Bush/Cheney initiated and was leader for 7 years for both. so not sure how that a dem problem. Iran is a bad actor theocracy (this should give everyone here pause for all this god/Christianity in government nonsense talk lately), as is, and as I continue to state, Russia. the fact stands that the felon, let 5000 Taliban go. He set the date, he wanted to meet with them at camp David on 9/11. He does not care about this country, the military or anything that does not benefit him.
  15. Given Clarence Thomas hearings, kinda hard to argue.
  16. No one here is concerned about Bush II & Cheney needlessly getting thousands of US service members killed in Iraq. And not concerned that the massive lost of life and treasure and prestige for the US in a useless and falsely instigated attack on that country could have led to the failures in Afghanistan (taking the eye off the ball so to speak, and diverting resources). and look we don’t know how the felon would have done the withdraw, because he scheduled it for after his term, to either be a trap for Biden or a can to be kicked down the road if he had won (or stolen the office). ‘and Big Biden was the POTUS so the buck stops with him, could have been executed better, even with the cards he was dealt. but sure it’s Kamala’s fault.
  17. Everyone gets an opinion.
  18. Did Trump release 5000 Taliban? Did Trump set a date for evacuating Afghanistan? No I’m Billsy, or is it BillStime I forget who you told me I was last, and non-cents is my round up to the nearest dollar cousin.
  19. Liberal media free speech, let’s have a guest write a bat ***** crazy essay.
  20. The US caved in – or, as former US ambassador to Afghanistan Ryan Crocker called it – surrendered. For a year and a half, it engaged in talks with the Taliban in Doha. It pushed them forward even after US President Donald Trump called them off temporarily after the death of a US soldier in a suicide bombing in September last year. ymmv
  21. Sounds like you learned to duck hunt from dick Cheney.
  22. GOP votes agains caps on drug prices. But then Dems are pro big pharma. The GOP surrenders to the taliban, and wants to let allies being conquered and destroyed and stop the suffering in Gaza, but the Dems are pro war. The gop wants to allow dis and mis information unchecked, but wants to arrest peaceful blm, and climate protestors which of course makes Dems for censorship Texas throws out millions of voter registrations, fight for gerrymandered districts and loves the EC, but that makes Dems “authoritarian’ cool link bro.
  23. No worries he’ll win on, checks notes, ‘character’. Yea the liberal media is agains the felon.
  24. Interesting coming from the party of repealing the 19th amendment, bringing back poll taxes, rolling back voter protections, keeping non property owners from voting, giving men more votes if they have kids and a wife, etc. but yea. Someone promoting (and who has worked multiple elections) voting as the foundation of our democracy.
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