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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. Just like everyone else here who has said the SAME thing. I am not. look at my profile, look at when I joined? way before I showed up in this cesspool. But no fixing stupid, as you have illustrated again and again.
  2. Weird, almost like Americans actually like freedom of choice. Who would have thunk?
  3. He seems smarter than that, would be kinda cramped and moist. P.S. I see you are still in the dummy camp. Good for you.
  4. Where is Sherpa to correct a misstatement when you need him?
  5. You mean like the KKK, you know hoods and all, are you upset about them, should they be Whatever you want done to "Antifa"? Yea you can have a victory lap, good for you. I'm confident enough to admit a mistake. Like I said in another post there does not seem to me to be the big nationwide, group of Antifa, as opposed to the three presenters, oath keepers, etc... but there does see to be a group that adopted that title (and ethos I might add) and there does seem like a loose affiliated orgs. And again I didn't say there were not protesters and that they didn't attacked the federal courthouse. I said there isn't a big scary org of "Antifa" (see above). I mean only dumb people think I'm BillsTime or Billys. Which group are you in?
  6. Eh, It's not unreasonable to think Beane Might have shopped Knox as part of a draft day trade to move up, especially with the new team friendly contract. nothing came of it obviously.
  7. No they ***** on the walls, tore up the fencing, climbed the walls, broke windows, tore up offices and assaulted cops in the tunnel, but sure no one fire a shot. NOT what you said you said "there were no weapons" there AND there were stockpiles just across the river in VA, stored there since DC has strict limits on firearms in the city limit, but you knew all of that. And there is an org that adopted Antifa (thanks for the link) but there is not some nationwide coordinated Antifa trying to over throw an election. Same can't be said of the GOP/Felon campaign.
  8. Wow a link! Learn something new every day, I'll stand corrected there is an 'Antifa' org. "While anti-fascist activism in the United States dates back to the 1980s, Rose City Antifa is the first to adopt the abbreviated[5] moniker antifa."
  9. Key word “prepared”. release the footage.
  10. The cover up is how most criminals get caught, they had enough cover, besides the work was done, country invaded, why cry over spilled milk. (Opps we invaded for no reason sorry) which was/is their response. Link one link two
  11. Antifa isn’t a thing. Savages nice dehumanizing. Savages protesting police violence against them because of their skin color. The police killed a man, kill many black men. To keep the savages inline. Police violence - I mean 40 second on google provides dozens of hits. Here is one. J6 Weapons - another 40 seconds on google and 3 minutes perusing the links always minimize the actions I approve of maximize the action of the people I don’t. So my guess you are fine with J6 because like they “didn’t’ have any weapons and eventually they were removed. Just a little ***** on the wall, no big deal. For a bunch of free speech absolutists you sure are agains speech you don’t like. And there is a long history violence against protestors and union members by paid thugs be them private or public. Enjoy your labor protections. and this “did you see” (foreign county) or what so you think of this non-related scenario, proves nothing and distracts. everyone here loves their opinions (that they get to decide on) sure would be nice if people here provided link to their source material so everyone one could benefit and judge the quality of the source for them selves. But eh let’s scream at the clouds past each other.
  12. Election denier? Huh?
  13. There were many protests. also there was a lot of pressure to support the president (no matter how unpleasant) Because we had just been attacked and we put country over party. A president who also stole the election (brooks brothers). this you think you re right so that makes you right to spout off is tiring.
  14. Good for the rule of law.
  15. 5 grand jury’s (two for this evidence) disagree.
  16. The wins keep stacking…
  17. I didn’t actually watch the video before what’s wrong with his right eye?
  18. So you think that’s how government should work. Cool bro.
  19. I misspoke when I said disarmed I mean the WMD inspection program. Going from memory, been awhile since I’ve been through this time line, it’s a good refresher. “Despite Baghdad’s subsequent cooperation with UN weapons inspectors, who found no evidence of ongoing prohibited weapons programs, the United States led an invasion of Iraq in March 2003 without council approval. The world subsequently learned that Baghdad had destroyed its nonconventional weapons and related programs following the 1991 war.”
  20. Ladies and gentlemen NOT your next potus.
  21. You might want to do some reading They used them on their own citizens (in Basra (with out looking it up) and the Kurds (which pedantically you could call their own citizens as well because of where the British drew lines ) in the north. I never said they didn’t. But they lost gulf war I AND WE DISARMED THEM, monitored them and maintained a no fly zone for a decade. of course they may have tried to build it back up but actually didn’t. WMD’S were a canard, to access the oil and change the dynamic in the Middle East. Both Obama and Nixon could have canceled the programs prior to success.
  22. Not the same thing at all. Not at all. They were protesting police violence. Most of the time the police would attack them. Example J6 was an insurrection, masked at a rally to cover their operation. Plan, coordination, weapons, and attack, and at a time to over throw an election. Why? So some fake narcissist, “billionaire” con man could stay in power. Not the same at all.
  23. I would suggest working the election, see how many people care and are honest about our elections.
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