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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. I’m starting to question what exactly TDS means
  2. Nate works for polymarket, teal
  3. I’m so deranged… oh wait that’s the other guy.
  4. who cares about crowd size? We should quit now, no one likes her…
  5. No more clear example of old one ear felon derangement syndrome.
  6. Such a ***** winner, when will he get tired of so much winning? @5727-leh-nerd-skin-erd #21 you?
  7. Yet somehow the army issued a statement about only one of these guys. Weird.
  8. I don’t know why he does, but I know his mob boss hates America & its troops.
  9. I mean we have to slog through the 50 weird and lying post topics NC creates but he can’t listen to the replies. SoSAD
  10. This post has the same energy as hulk…
  11. He man woman haters club. What a hero this guy is.
  12. “I really hope they’re not weird…”
  13. Calling me Billy’s just makes you an unserious person who can’t handle reality. ‘let’s just say I’m not recommending anything that I wouldn’t or haven’t done already.
  14. Since you are not a grifter or thief, maybe you should run for office.
  15. Yep, the old one ear felon’s choice for VP, before Capt. Elmo & Teal forced JV on him.
  16. I mean his name is on the thread, where do I make the bitcoin out to?
  17. Seems like it’s the only thing that upsets you.
  18. Share the videos, don’t threaten to share the videos. Maybe you don’t realize but I didn’t make the video, that was made by (the team for) the felon promoting yet another grift. I posted it here with the quixotic. Hope that one more piece of evidence might change one mind. Guess not in your case. SAD. 😢 This might not turn out how you expect Tommy.
  19. Totally normal and not weird at all presidential campaign…
  20. Hummm… so they admitted under oath of raising prices artificially high. You don’t say.
  21. Agree to disagree.
  22. Write a few memos, make a few innuendoes and get everyone to salute the flag is much easier than yellow cake showing up somewhere it shouldn’t be, sure. Outside agencies (un, iaea etc) might start nosing around then it’s a real scandal. This way opps we made a mistake. im not saying the cia lied, I’m saying that getting info to the cia and quashing doubt about it because it fits the narrative the potus wants seems much easier. Cheney was from Nixon White House after all.
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