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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. There was no press present but then cnn shows the tic tok ad? Still smells like an op and again looks to me like the Trump team is using these families to score political points.
  2. ***** you. You have no idea what I believe. Also I see you guys needed another thread as an echo chamber, “now that team Trump has supplied you with material”. Do you even see how transparent this is? no one cares team Trump showed up to film an ad, was told no, pushed their way in breaking the law and got called out. And what was the ad? Harris ignoring the gold star families. did team Trump (who is hosting these videos) contact these families, did they provide a script or talking points? Sure looks to me like it is team Trump that is playing politics with these families loss. This is team Trump wrapping him in the gold star families. And you guys are lapping it up. but sure I’m a hypocrite
  3. good argument, I’m a dummy. Oh and it’s a lie, what is the lie exactly. Because I think the issue was Trump filming an ad and getting caught? So these video are on “@teamtrump”. Were they contacted by team Trump? Were they given talking point, did team Trump edit these message. Have we seen the “invite” everyone keeps referencing. Were these families there, one of the gentlemen says she was invited but I don’t believe he was there either since his son died at a different time. Are we still ignoring the ad Trump ran, which is the issue at hand? And his team assaulting a DOD member. This smells like an op to me, trying to spin this and an attempt to use gold star families and fallen soldiers as props. Which is also what the ad was doing in the first place, so I see a theme. i’m not commenting on what Harris should or should not have done but this rings very hollow to me coming from the felon. Too many unknowns to know what the right thing to have done was, and beside is there anything she could have done that would satisfy the crew on here doubtful. the Kahn Family would like a word about how gold families are treated. and this, from fox that Harris is politicizing Trump breaking the law (according to the DoD not Biden or Harris) after Trump gets called out by the DoD for making an ad and being called out on it. it’s a fact Trump doesn’t give a ***** about anyone but himself, and he has proven numerous times he could give a ***** about “losers and suckers”. Thinking these videos prove anything other than Trump is willing to use anyone, say anything to smear and degrade, and now they are political pawns, kind of the exact opposite of solemnity and respect. I suggest all of not jump to conclusions since we haven’t seen the video of the pushing of DoD employee(s) (when is team Trump going to release that?) what was the origin of this? Did the Trump team contact the gold star families. I’d like to see those emails.
  4. He is OLD, he got shot in the ear, he is a 34 time convicted felon.
  5. Considering that since the GWB presidency the gop has failed to make or pass any meaningful legislation to fix the boarder I believe you may want to look at who wants open boarders. Having empathy I can’t help but believe that no one wants late term abortions without a serious reason (the fetus has died, serious genetic issues and non violability). This idea that women carrying a fetus want to just kill it after 6 or 7 or 8 months is absurd and cruel. Freedom is trusting people to make decisions for themselves or at least that what all the free speech absolutists and anti-communists tell me here yet they have no problem making sweeping absolute decisions for women. Might want to look at the hypocrisy.
  6. Can’t be worse than then a NYC liberal who flipped to republican, specifically the old one ear felon.
  7. Unprecedented because no other former president acted the way he has. E.g. his actions are unprecedented and required an unprecedented response.
  8. Half a billion dollars in fines and interest (and growing) is not non-sense. Also $500,000,000>$10,000,00 Election interference (a refresher)
  9. Looks like more of the same skilled leadership.
  10. What’s not amusing is your fealty to defend the old one ear felon, rapist, pedo, A fake of fakes who has failed at everything he has ever done, lies (about this event, I mean what story are we on now, 3 or 4 or 5) like water flows, would sell his mother, put his first wife in an unkept plot on his golf course, where over 40 of his cabinet members are against him, imports his wives, cheats on all of them, but somehow I have the derangement syndrome? Excuses always with excuses for a “successful “billionaire””
  11. First. Dems aren’t trying to make hay with the death of 13 (or any service members). Second The felon left a time bomb for Biden. He could have done differently maybe, but he was potus so buck stops with him. Third the felon isn’t concerned about respecting the families it was a photo op made up by a failing campaign to try and fling mud on Harris who they have yet to have an attack work on. No plans, flip flopping on IVF, racism sexism… that’s all they got. So cool, MJ gif eating popcorn about the death of 13 service members, you’re no better than the felon. You cool bro.
  12. Smells like an ad looks like an ad sounds like an ad. Maybe it’s an ad.
  13. Normal, all the best normals. Oh and words don't mean anything.
  14. 'cause they cut funding (and property taxes, think about it) Okay boomer (sly = seriously not surly, sigh) well how about the felon releasing 5000 Taliban 6 months before the withdrawal date. and them knowing the date of withdrawn ranging for the collapse AND drawing down US numbers and closing bases limiting US function. But sure Biden was POTUS, the buck stops with I'm, no matter the ***** cards he was left.
  15. If we believe the corporate PR firm spin. But it could be a pay-off. Cheap & effective. I read the jungle in HS, watched the news in China as they talked about babies dying because the ‘formula’ was chalk water. Better funding can pay inspectors better, can provide better auditing or buddy systems to avoid the payoff problem. This is the hell of continuing resolutions and budget brinkmanship.
  16. Not weird, just smelly. (Tulsi is pretty smooth adding distance after trying to look the other direction)
  17. That's exactly what they are, Marvel would have sued their ass in a hot minute, DC, thanks for not forgetting we have super heroes as well, and don't worry you can't ruin our IP any worse than we have already. Uh, so is Harris a walking lobotomy or an evil genius who runs the courts? Enquiring minds want to know.
  18. It's not just me, bacon IS in the air today.
  19. Might literally be the coolest thing I've ever seen and not super crazy weird at all. No very normal. They really are the normal ones.
  20. Harris didn't show up to the felons made up wreath laying ceremony? That is your question? Really? The felon wanted a photo op on the third 'anniversary' of the withdraw (note: a withdrawl after he had released 5000 Taliban prisoners, one of whom is now the leader of Taliban / Afganhistan, he drew down US forces below recommended levels and scheduled the withdraw for after his term regardless of the outcome of the election) to try and make Harris look bad. He didn't get his way and so he pushed his way in. Now he will take no responsibility and use the families as a shield agains the "mean' media. What a whiny cry baby that guy is. the ad. (nice of the family to wear a red tie to match) Just the kind of deep insightful fact based commentary I come to PPP for.
  21. Enraged is a strong word. Actually I starred this thread to illustrate a point. the “dems are commie devils” crew ignored this. But it seems like red meat for this crew if Harris or Walz did it. But gets a pass. Instead they are focused on will she do/fail at an interview, the Dems are undemocratic, SOCIALIST’S EVERYWHERE, Walz is a traitor despite serving 24 years, healthcare is not a right, and abortion and IVF are murder, but the government will provide or pay for require insurance companies to pay for IVF and that is not socialism or murder. if I’m enraged by anything it’s the amount of propaganda that has rotted so many brains over the last 20 years. (I know I know you all are going to say pot kettle etc.) but seriously vaccines, climate change, corporate subsidies, labor protections, minimum wage stagnation, support for our allies and democracy world wide, are real issues, with facts, that are just hand waved away so we can task about yet another old one ear felon lie.
  22. Back to the PS discussion. Have to say I like these last three signings, cheap development players with injury or other issues that have masked their potential. The new safety really fits the Beane/McDermott “coach up physically talented raw player” not saying he is a future starter or will even see playing time but if anyone is going to coach up a Safety it’s the Bills.
  23. He could have told the video crew, to hold back so he could spend time with the family. No one here would have any problem with that. The problem is he disrespected the law, the DoD officials and the fallen American soldiers for his campaign because he puts himself above everyone else. he tried to stage an event and make it look like Biden and Harris don’t care about service members, and accomplished exactly the opposite. It show cravenness, bad judgement and bad execution. But billionaire baby needs more excuses more tired and drawn out explanations and accommodating. I really don’t get it.
  24. “I take no responsibility” still applies. Listen to him, I don’t know I just showed up for photos. Is he too old to run the country if he doesn’t know what he is doing there? Are they hiding campaign plans from him?
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