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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. Or maybe, just maybe it’s not okay to sell out your country no matter what party you belong to.
  2. Master business man. Looking out for the little guy.
  3. Didn’t they also do that Dem Mendez? Maybe crimes are crimes, hard for a partisan hack to understand what rule of law means when you twist yourself in knots explaining away the felons myriad (that means many) crimes.
  4. Oh sick burn, you must be the cool kid. so posting about DOJ charges is ‘hate filled’? Huh? last thread I started was 15 pages long in less than 2 weeks. So the ignoring me is going swimmingly, do you have this much success in everything you do? How do you have time to be on here?
  5. You are doing. Very good job, gold stars for you… ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  6. Hadn’t seen that, but no I wouldn’t be. I’m not a traitor. I also understand the US position and that Russia, China and Saudi Arabia are not friends of the US. Feel free to make a thread about that and we can discuss.
  7. This is brutal The grocery store video. What a way to be remembered (legally). In the 80’s when the Russians talked about how much nicer their subways were… didn’t he do that as well. That’s a kgb/fsb tell. I’m really looking toward to hearing the cope on this one.
  8. Well you must be nobody then. Maybe smart guy they are slimy because ‘no one cares’
  9. Let me guess, he’ll be first among equals. Loser.
  10. Okay how about we talk about what lying piece of trash this guys is…
  11. Just another dum lib… oh
  12. Isn't Elmo giving $45M a month... oh wait that's right re reneged on that 2 days latter (like so many things) and instead has been going $45M of "in kind" advertising on his cesspool site. The felon is big mad too because those legal bills aren't going to pay themselves.
  13. I mean how intellectually dishonest. Conserve - to protect or maintain. Progress to move forward. Conservatives are much more "intellectually diverse" / ordered liberty / traditions (you know like slavery, women unable to vote or hold property) e.g. you are free to agree with us or you are dumb commie libtard soy boy. Cool keep telling yourself that. Straight up, the big conservative fear, "seizing the wealth created by hard working Americans" the old "redistribution of wealth" this really means I have mine because the system favored me, and I must protect the rules that led to this otherwise I might have to compete with others if they have fair shot. so tired, so small minded, so selfish. pathetic really.
  14. Yea' let's keep digging. Where is the video the felon team was going to release to show their innocence? The DoD filed a complaint and the official who was pushed was a woman. What were the discussions with the felon team and the gold star families. Did the felon team provide talking points to the families after this blew up? Again it is not an issue with supporting the families or with paying respects to the fallen. the issue is trying to make a campaign ad out of it. he can take photos with the family, they can take photos etc. but the filming of a political ad during this solemn event is a no no. pretty simple. @B-man you got something useful to add?
  15. TC, you've obviously not seen any of the recent NYT headlines. also interesting, playing for over time vibes.
  16. Must be that you guys are the DC (comics) crowd. If you were marvel fans you'd know the quote "with great power comes great responsibility" - Peter Parker Which this clip shows, she realizes that her job as a prosecutor comes with great responsibility as it can seriously effect peoples lives. So how is it evil to take the powers of her position seriously? you guys seem to lack any kind of rational thinking skills. It seem to be all fear fear fear. and before you jump on "but what about all your dissing on King Trump?" That is Easy, The old one ear felon has NEVER shown any regard for anyone else or HOW his actions might affect them. from not paying contractors to grabbing women to separating kids from their mothers and abandoning Europe to Putin's thugs. So not even close.
  17. Didn’t 200,000 Venezuelan people come in during the felons time in office? Weird.
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