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Everything posted by Starr-Bills

  1. His polling was bad, and as the president of the united states himself said, country over personal ambition, so he passed the torch to his VP. What is so hard to understand? Personally I think he has done a very good job, not perfect by any stretch, but also has passed a ton of legislation and returned respect to this country with our allies (you know not Russia, China, North Korea and Iran). I would be fine with him governing for another 4 years. But he chose not to run. but again why are we talking about Biden, he's not in the race, Harris is and besides have you seen th crazy ***** The old one ear felon has done today?
  2. I have seen no evidence that Obama or pelosi or “high dem leadership” is running things. 🤷‍♂️
  3. Someone call Putin and have him remind the felon Biden dropped out. It doesn’t work like that. Biden is potus, just like he has been for the last 3.75 years. Yes he is running the country as much as any president does. He is not all gone any more than the felon who thinks he is still running agains Biden. Show me one scrap of information that any of them are running anything. Oh and I ‘doubt’ you are very smart, but that doesn’t make it true, just my opinion.
  4. Well this came out months ago as Biden, obviously has now switched to the candidate (someone please remind the felon who he running against) anyway The whole idea is to confuse the issue, so that people believe nothing and become apathetic. in this case “Putin supporting the dem” is meant to attack the Russia/Trump situation making Trump look like he is not in Putin’s pocket and he would stand tough and solve Ukraine in 24 hours… horse ***** etc etc. this is literally how propaganda works, and you lap it up like a starving puppy dog. More Russian talking points promoted by the platform they bought.
  5. So why would you use a Soviet style poster for your accusation of “woke projection” could it have anything to do with how bad the economy is?
  6. Mirror mirror on the wall, why, why, why, he asks. (Seriously watch his rant, he is having some feels, and probably waiting for the fbi to knock on his door next.
  7. 1. On fire this am with the posts, trying to cash in before all the RU money dries up? 2. Exit polling has never been & isn’t a reliable method to call out “election fraud” there is not standard system, how do you know they talked to everyone, are you doing exit polls at all or at least a statistically significant percentage of polling locations. Seriously think a little it about this drivel before posting.
  8. huh, weird this is their pinned tweet… almost like they were paid to spread lies.
  9. Your takes are insane. Paranoid? he did pull support while Ukraine was about to attack the Black Sea fleet. Then he extorted more money out of the US government so Ukraine can access starlink. Note he also lets Russians buy them in Lithuania and use them in Russia/Russian occupied Ukraine. He could he should turn them off, but he doesn’t. and are we sure Mr. musk hasn’t shared Starlink terminal location data with the Russians?
  10. Just what someone in the crosshairs would say. 🙃 and what someone who bought into the lies would post for cover rather than admitting they were mislead. I know I know it’s an old saw I keep going back to by all roads lead to Putin. It’s not old old, it’s true.
  11. Two options. 1. you got bamboozled and don’t want to admit it. 2. you actually think this Russian propaganda is cool and believe in it. So sock puppet or monster, which pill do you choose? These guys (who took the money) went with victims. Sad.
  12. Try reading, might be helpful.
  13. Not sure I would say useless…
  14. Orwell called it. This might be the best example of double speak in the wild ever witnessed.
  15. 1. bought Tesla. Didn’t invent Tesla, major corporate socialism, profit driven by carbon offsets. 2. Went to Russia to buy surplus ICBM’s, left with engine design instead (for no cost), major US government corporate socialism. (Personal opinion: I believe he is supporting Trump first to reduce review of his launch site in TX, and now because Putin has called in His ‘favor’ (the engine design) 3. Interrupted/interfered with several Ukraine operations (the “Russian Pearl Harbor”) by shutting off receivers, despite being a US DoD contractor. 4. Oh Saudi Arabia is the largest investor in twitter (note twitter was key to the Arab spring and other popular movements). But sure he is going to save humanity by making himself emperor of Mars, good luck anyone who follows him there (and I’m a huge space exploration fan). elon is not a good person, and is bad for the public.
  16. As a responsible gun owner I would prefer to see better licensing and training. You know like a car and drivers lic and insurance requirements. But go on tell me what I believe knowing zero about me.
  17. I didn’t say get rid of guns I said gun worship at the cost of common sense. Stolen by a 14 year old. semi-auto military weapon. so parents / owner needs to be held accountable responsible would the damage have been as bad if it was a bolt action hunting rifle? A pump action shot gun, a revolver? The guns matter. Common sense rules matter. ‘shrugging and saying you can’t do anything is a copout and dishonest. p.s. we have well regulated militia, it’s called the National Guard.
  18. It’s not the guns, it’s the worship of the guns over any common sense. 💔
  19. Same crap over and over again you say… and enraged base full of ignorance you say? Oh and isn’t there an Elmo appreciation thread on here some where…
  20. That is not the issue and you know it. But keep trying.
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