Doge coin. Looks like it was a pump and dump and not people are hanging on… Leon should not be near any sharp objects. Everyone who likes this guy thinks they are on the ‘inside’ and he won’t dispose of you as soon as you are not useful. But that is who this guy is.
I’ll let free speech reign, will promote extremism on the right and ban the airplane tracking account.
advertisers don’t like free speech “go ***** yourself”
it’s not fair advertisers won’t buy on my platform I’m going to sue them.
Not sure what policies you are interested in? Social security? Freedom from government control? Listeria propagation? Insurrections? Child poverty? More tax cuts for the wealthy? Abandoning allies? Drill baby drill? How about the policy of having an election every four years? Only one party is promoting that.
not know what you want it’s hard to have a discussion about it.
I’ve heard this before but still stumped how this is possible, hell how is it even possible to think this? Maybe you could ‘splane it to a simpleton like me.
Based on your usual rigorous and fact, based comments, this is probably true.
also, I don’t think they’ll appreciate you referring to them by their weight.
Wow, that’s a dumb one even for you.
Nate silver of Polymarket (bookie & chief) that is owned by Peter Teal who hand picked JV as VP for the felon and buddies with Elmo who is giving the felon $45M in make good advertising on twitter? oh cool fantasy world you live in there.
Seems like a lot of Russian smoke for there to not be some fire. You’d think a “truth teller” would notice that rather than literally reciting the same Smokey Russian talking points.
I don’t expect anyone to parrot the Dem positions, my venn diagram overlaps but isn’t a complete circle, but I am surprised how easily the obvious Russian disinformation flows and how pernicious it is.